Iris and Daylilies are Different.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Besides those daylily crazies that I am afflicted with I also have a really bad case of the Tall Bearded Iris Crazies. Has to be TB, not any of the shorter or smaller flowered bearded iris for me.

Now as far as daylilies my tastes vary. I don’t like spiders and especially not if they are shinny. My preferred form is round but there are many UFOs that I really like. Round sepals, pointed sepals, makes no difference to me. I like them both. I don’t feel like there is a perfect form, I like lots of different looks.

Not so when I look at Tall Bearded iris. There is only a certain look I really care for. I can accept a very small variation from that look as it’s hard to find perfection. At least not enough perfection to fill up the iris beds. No extra horns or flounces. No space agers, I feel like I should take a scissors and cut off the extra parts. When I first had gotten some iris I didn't even know what space agers, horns or flounces were LOL!

They need to be big and tall, yuck on small flowered blooming in the foliage. I hate it in daylilies and I hate it in iris. I like the flowers to be big. Big has lots of impact. Tall has lots of impact. I want ruffled. Lots of ruffles. The historic type iris that have no or minium ruffles are not for me. Don’t like them skinny either. Skinny long falls with little width look unfinished to me. If they are not too skinny and have lots of ruffles than maybe. I am pretty picky in my ideas about the standards too. Not too skinny, not too fat. Perfection is always ruffled and curving in at the top. If they are too open and flare out too much, I consider it a fault. Too smushed looking and no flare, again a fault.

But there are so many that are not my idea of perfection here that I have to overlook some degrees of flaws. Now they are not real flaws I guess, just my idea of flaws. I knew from first looking at iris flowers that I rejected many that just didn’t ‘look right’. I just didn’t know why at first until learning more about form.

Then the falls need to head down, not out. Again, I didn't know there were any iris that had flared falls until I saw them for myself. I already kicked out some iris from my garden for flared falls. Maybe the flared falls will grow on me, who knows? Humm, what will they think of next?

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