honeysuckle vines

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Does anyone have any of these? Would love to find someone who has been growing one of these, as the one I have seems to have problems, and I would love some input. Thanks!

Which Lonicera (honeysuckle) are you referring to and what type of problems are you experiencing?

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Gosh, I have no idea what variety it is. I also have the bush type, and it does fine, but the one that is supposed to be a vine, does not bloom. It grows great every spring, and then when the plant acts like it is going to bloom, the ends of the vines just wilt and start dieing off. I end up with a bunch of wilted branches and it looks awful. I can take a picture tomorrow and post. This plant did the same thing last year, so don't know what I am doing wrong.

Yes, please apply a picture when you can. I honestly do not know what other type of Lonicera may grow in your area other than Lonicera japonica.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

All the nursery said was that it was a honeysuckle vine, and it was a freebie, as they were trying to close for the season. So of course I said I would have one. That was 3 years ago, and the first year, it grew very little and no blooms, then last year it grew a couple of feet, and then we had a late hard frost, so I thought maybe the wilt was frost damage. But this year we had a very wet and chilly spring, so it started late along with every thing else. But then when it did warm up, it did the same thing with the wilt.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Here are some pix of what it is doing.

Thumbnail by skellogg
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

And a couple of closer shots

Thumbnail by skellogg
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

and another

Thumbnail by skellogg
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I would love some input, as I hate to have it not happy! I will probably move it this fall when the weather cools off some, but don't know where to move it too, since I don't know what is making it so unhappy. I can move it just about anywhere, more sun, more shade, etc. Maybe I should just move it so it doesn't need anchoring to a trellis? Any help and advice would be great! Thanks!!

Thumbnail by skellogg


Being that your plant has acted the same way for two years now it does show that it is not real happy. There are several reasons that can cause "wilt" but I sure can not diagnose the problem. It could be that the plant is located in an area that stays hot and dry or stays too wet as well (the soil is not draining properly) or even perhaps a fungus has set in the root system.

I also have to add that I am just not sure exactly what type of honeysuckle you have there but I would definitely move the plant to a different location. As to where, if the plant is a honeysuckle then it should be fine in a sunny location or even in partial shade. Also, when you can, supply a good picture of a bloom.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

It never has bloomed, but it is supposed to have orange blossoms, according to the nursery. Don't know how reliable the info is, as it's not a commercial nursery, but one thru the VA and most of the plants are provided by vets. I'm sure the vets know what they provide, just not sure that info works down thru all the nursery help correctly. Should I cut the wilted branches off now? I did last year, as I just didn't like looking at them after a week or so, lol! The wilted parts actually look a lot like wilted blossoms on some of them, but it has never bloomed and no open flowers ever.

I would leave the wilted branches attached and let them die off/fall of on their own as they still can serve a purpose in the natural production of a plant.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks Rachel, will do. Hopefully my roses will continue blooming so I don't notice the wilted ends as much, lol!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Coral honeysuckle? never got it to grow well north of Oklahoma City, does better, like soybeans, when the suns rays are full, sun afternoon shade, well drained soil, but watered, grows wild here, but not profusely even so, fairly well mannered for a lonicera

Vieques, PR

I think your honeysuckle has some sort of virus or vicious mite.

Try spraying it with an industrial strength insecticide/miticide now, pull or clip off all the odd growth you can, directly into a container and throw every scrap of it away, see if it gets to normal growth --it's late this season already, but the plant should continue growing for some months, so this is worth trying.

If it keeps growing so oddly, I'd dig it up and throw it away. Buy a nice, blossoming honeysuckle and enjoy it immediately. With honeysuckle, select the right spot for it and the only effort you should have to exert is to keep it from intruding on its neighbors.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks JP for the info. I did not remove the wilted branch ends, and now it is starting to put new leaf growth on where the wilted parts were. Very odd. I do plan on digging it up this fall when the weather cools some and moving it to a different spot. It's getting too big for my rose bed now anyway, lol! And if it doesn't do better elsewhere, it will definately come out for good.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I had coral honeysuckle growing on an old windmill tower in full sun in Southeastern Kansas. I planted it, watered it a little the first year, then never had to mess with it again, except to trim it when it got to falling off the tower too much. It did great!

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I have some coral honeysuckle in my backyard. It is up against the house and I trained it through a trellis - that is one crazy growing plant! It would bloom all spring/summer/fall long if it got enough water and afternoon shade - as it is, it's blossoming again now. I don't touch it except to water when we go longer periods of no rain. It is exceptionally happy where it is. I should probably take some cuttings and root them over the winter.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

One of the reasons I wanted one was because they are "supposed" to be so easy, and they smell so wonderful when they are blooming, but it kinda ruins it if the darn thing never blooms, lol! I will be moving mine this weekend, so we will see if it does better next year. BUT, Caeryana, if you do take cuttings and get them to root, please keep me in mind! I am planning on putting in a different one come spring anyway, just in case, lol!

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

skellog - I sure will! If I don't manage to kill them. :)
The coral I have are unscented - VERY pretty but no smell. They do get a lot of bees!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Wonderful! I might get out today and move mine. It's foggy, a little rainy, and cool and overcast, so perfect weather for moving plants! Was going to try to split mine, but have decided against it now. Have 3 places I want one, so will leave mine intact and put 2 new ones in the other places, teehee! Especially since I'm not sure I'm going to keep mine yet. I'll get rid of it if it doesn't improve after moving it.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I was looking at my coral today - they're still putting out new growth. I may want to take a cutting in about a week after the rainfall in the next few days. I need to pick up some of the root compound and pearlite too. Red Barn here I come!

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