Eucalypts Dying ????

Merino, Australia

I just thought I'd see if anyone else around has noticed the eucalypts turning brown and shedding all their leaves. We have about 25 bluegums, plus about 12 platypus gums along with several other types. They are all planted around the house and paddock and are mostly around 12 years old. I first noticed that the leaves on a couple of the trees were turning brown , while there seemed to be a lot more shedding of leaves than is normal . Over a period of months, some have lost all their leaves and are now dropping lots of small branches . A few weeks ago , the leaves on the line of platypus gums seemed to go totally brown overnight. . Looking around at all our trees , one can now see that all the gums will be bare and dead looking in a few months.
I can see this happening to lots of trees as we drive around. It is not just localised to my garden.
I put it down at first to stress from the long drought. The water table would have dropped drastically so the trees were not getting the water they needed.
A neighbor farmer says it is because of the very cold temperatures we have had over the past month or so , but I saw the signs a lot earlier than that, going back to the last months of last year. I wonder if anyone has the same thing going on near them ?
Can't find much on the internet so maybe I'll query the agriculture people.
Be interesting to see if they do recover and sprout new leaves in spring.
If they are all dying, we are going to have a large problem getting them down and cleaned up.

Clifton Springs, Australia

It isn't happening around here, Jean. For them all to be in the same condition is a big worry...
I don't think that it is the cold weather.
Hope that they recover.

Barmera, Australia

I think you are in the right area for "Mundulla Yellows" so you might check that out.
Last Summer I had a E. leucoxylon "Rosea" totally defoliate and I thought that it had died because of the low water table but it just went ahead and resprouted and now looks quite normal. I also wondered if it had its roots into the Council effluent drains and some chemical had been used to get rid of them.

Merino, Australia

Thanks Brian. I don't think it is that as the trees seemed to go brown almost overnight. It looked exactly like trees do when you have had a bonfire too close and the leaves get scorched.
We will just have to wait and see what happens later in the year.

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