Dany's MGs 2010 part 3

szarvas, Hungary

Here a new from today.
Interesting color; foliage is yaguruma type so low is the fertility.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Mauve Splash from Becky.
If I remember correctly, Becky had said last year that the flowers of this culitvar change of aspect gradually as the plant get older.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Another new of this morning.
This is the very first flower may be small but I'm sure the next will be larger.
Onder the daylight my camera always gave the flash because of the deep velvet of the flower.

Thumbnail by dany12
Pretoria, South Africa


All three are beautiful!


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I agree!

Dany - You should see a shift in bloom pattern about half way through the plant's life cycle. And then you will get all kinds of patterns on different blooms. It's a really nice cultivar and reminds me a little of Sazanami's bloom changes. I wish the blooms were a little bigger on the Mauve Splash like the size of the Sazanami blooms! Yours is stunning!

I hear ya about low fertility on the yaguruma types. I have the same problem with them here, too.

Happy to see more bloom photos from you! Keep em coming! :-)

Toss some fertilizer in the pot and see if it changes the gene expression for the flowers, Dany.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey! Why not? It'd be an interesting experiment! I wonder if that is how the Japanese get such interesting blooms? I've read that they use fertilizer.

Here is what the pattern change of my Mauve Splash looked like last year.

It went from a "snowy" blizzard to stripes! Love it!

This message was edited Jul 30, 2010 12:42 PM

Thumbnail by beckygardener

Yes hose it good, Dany.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

I am so thrilled to see that so many folks are enjoying my 'Mauve Splash' Cross.
One of my very favorites

This message was edited Jul 30, 2010 5:51 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Sorry, but I didn't get my Mauve Splash seeds from either one of you. But I did send some seeds to Dany.

szarvas, Hungary

I have 2 containers with Mauve Splash.
This one has variegated foliage :
And the otherone has green foliage (see photo).

The true MF is which?

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - Did you get both seeds from me?

szarvas, Hungary

Becky, I received more than one seed of MF from you, I probably put a 3 seeds germinate.
I can find information, in theory everything is on paper but it will cost me time. The ideal would be to put everything on computer and to locate the plants with the GPS. LOL
I found a new button on my camera: brightness.
Now I can take picture of "velvet". WOW

This flower opens one eye.....I wake up or not?

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - Your sunflower photo is amazing! What a shot of it half-open! Absolutely fantastic shot!!!

Here is my Mauve Splash showing leaves. Leaves are solid color.

Thumbnail by beckygardener
szarvas, Hungary

Becky, ENIGMA !
Preparation for hybridization.
emasculate = remove the stamens as soon as possible.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

A photo from closer.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

New from today.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Full Moon , but not the same strain of your Becky.
Hand pollination should be done very soon because the stamen stain brown one hour later.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

An other new for today.

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - Love the close-up shot of the stigma minus anthers! ;-)

You said, "emasculate = remove the stamens as soon as possible"
Agreed ... unless of course you have partial sterile blooms like I do and have no pollen on the anthers! :-)

Love your new blooms! Gorgeous colors and patterns on them, too!

Do you suppose this one: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=8006039 could be a cross with Sazanami? The seeds definitely came from Mauve Splash.

This is a photo of Sazanami showing the variegated leaves. I DID try to do some crosses between those two vines because I wanted larger blooms on Mauve Splash.

This message was edited Jul 31, 2010 1:11 AM

Thumbnail by beckygardener
szarvas, Hungary

Bad news !

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

A picture from Japan, it does remind you anything?

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Strange meeting, I am not sure of what I shot!
Red, is it Red ???

Thumbnail by dany12
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful blooms Dany.

Becky, thanks for sending us a pic of your lovely Mauve Splash.
It is a beauty.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Awsome blooms as usual, Dany. My Mauve splash is blooming as well. And my chianti red sunflowers have all bloomed and now I have seedheads for next year. I love the way you shoot your pictures. What kind of bug eggs were those? I found some too. ugh.

(Zone 7a)

Debra and Dany, I just squashed a golden beetle on my Ipomoea indica vine this afternoon that looks like it might be a parent of Dany's patch of eggs here - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/p.php?pid=8008124 .

And I just added an entry in the MG sticky index for the Gold Bug and beetle remedies under: Foes / Insects / Beetles

Hope this helps


ps - Dany, as always your morning glory images and text are so much fun - thank you

szarvas, Hungary

Karen,Debra and Karen the second (LOL): thank you,
From these eggs will get thousands of small caterpillars that eat morning, noon and evening the stamens of flowers.
I will not let me do,it is WAR!

Here a new cultivar, ipomoea Nil Split.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

In profile we can see that the petals are cut.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

An Hamaginga type.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Become rare on this forum, Emma's China Doll.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Two cultivars on the same support.
Those one are married for a lifetime.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Also near the blue flower is beautiful!
"Blue velvet" ♫ like the song ♫.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Perhaps Heian no Izumi.

Thumbnail by dany12
Pretoria, South Africa


Emma's China Doll is a real beauty.


(Zone 7a)

Dany - this morning glory is well named, 'Blue Velvet' - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/p.php?pid=8010284

What kind of music would you put on for squishing those Gold Bugs? Was it Tschaikowsky that did something with cannons going off?


Virginia Beach, VA(Zone 7b)

Danny, those eggs on MG. Is it a little green caterpillar? I found a lot
of little caterpillars eating the MG I put in the sunroom. I have all
kinds of wasps in my back yard so I put it on the deck. In no time came
a little black and white wasp. I was doing something with it's abdomen
right where the caterpillar was rolled up in leaf. The worm then dropped
out of the leaf. The wasp was not eating them. Maybe laying eggs on
them. Pretty cool, I have lots of little helpers in the garden.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Dany,Gorgeous split Ip nil and China Doll. I started a China Doll this spring which
did not germinate. I loved mine last yr. Even with the petals split and torn,
it was beautiful.

Thumbnail by patootie
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Dany I love your two married flowers alot. Good Job on match making.

szarvas, Hungary

If it does not spray against caterpillars, that is what happens sooner or later with flowers.

Thumbnail by dany12

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