Question on blue silk

Aschaffenburg, Germany

I bought my original blue silk on ebay from dark horse, a Christian guy who promotes the Lord Jesus with every packet of seeds he sells. I quite liked the idea, it reminds me of a verse in the bible that says that His glory is new every morning. So true, for the morning glories, they just gave me so much joy when I lived in Morocco, and, every morning, I was looking forward to the new flowers just before the sun would strike again. The variety blue silk I got from him just had a little blue silver line but not quite as regular as a picotee edge, more like a line of light blue ink being absorbed on white blotting paper. The ones Onalee sells seems to have quite a bit of blue. Anyone else experience with blue silk? I wish I had my old strain back.


I have seen quite a bit of variability of the blue color band that encircles the outer edge of the flower, ranging what you had with a narrow band to almost solid to the tube. It is a treat to see this variability.


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