Jerry Colbey-Williams on Sustainability

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Went to a fabulous open garden scheme event hosted by Jerry,very inspiring ,yet very scary,talked about the oil peak crisis,you know, life after OIL.........

Have just finished a book,the best read I've had in a very long time.....

"Choosing Eden" by Adrienne Langman....all about sustainability and the looming peak oil crisis.

BTW, I'm wearing the sunglasses....

Thumbnail by MyaC
Brisbane, Australia

Hi Mya, nice to see you!!
Yes we won't know what's hit us if oil really does run out. It should be good for the planet though - but not so good for humans...
I really enjoy his segment on Gardening Aust on the ABC. In the last episode, he dug up 15kg of yams he's grown in 60cm square patch, & he said it would take 4 sq metres to grow the same weight of English potato. His home garden is so productive!! He'd be a good man to live close too if oil really did run out. He eats all kinds of leaves that most of us wouldn't even consider.
I've got Choosing Eden on my book shelf & had passed it over a few time - I must give it a read!!
Thanks for the thread - it's a topic we should spend some time on!

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Leisa hi,a fellow sustainable thinker ,great!!!!!!

Please,please ,please read Choosing Eden and we can discuss it.

I'm looking into doing a permaculture course and also researching Bees so I can get a hive (my husband said he'll have to see it first to believe it about the bees) Anyway both Jerry and Adrienne have made me aware of the Peak oil crisis,so there's no point in trying to convince myself it may not happen in the future and just prepare,no harm.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Mya your mixing with V.I.P's.

This won't change you will it? *G*

Brisbane, Australia

On the broader issue of sustainability in Aust or globally - did you see Disk Smith's Population Puzzle on the ABC last night? Surely fundamental to overall sustainability is population stability, if the world's population stops increasing surely we would be better off and it would be easier to manage our limited resources - water, food production, viable land, infrastructure etc.
But this idea hasn't yet soaked into people's psyches.
Dick's intro is worth a read - see:

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

I watched it also Leisa and I can tell you, that light switch was also turned on for me. My husband has always maintained that the peak population crisis (in conjunction with peak oil crisis) is going to be the worlds biggest challenge in the next 10 years.

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