where did I leave my shovel ?

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

I am so mad at myself for loosing my favorite shovel . it is just gone where could it be ? have the squirrels absconded with it ? maybe they sense my hostility towards them and thought it best to remove all sharp objects from the area . I have no proof but they watch every move I make ....

Southeast, MA(Zone 6b)

LOL I would not put it past them to take it and hide it in the woods or use to bury acorns. They took five suet cages from here. Found them in the winter over the stone wall in the woods. They are crafty little rodents. Need all tools with neon handles so they are easier to trace.

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

ngam, they are crafty! I bet I will find my favorite shovel because I went out and bought another one ! lol It is the little spade that was sort of laughed at by my co workers when I was working proffesionaly as a gardener, but I noticed that they asked to borrow it many times : ) . it is not heavy and it fits in small places . I have other shovels but they are clumsy this one is like and extention of my arm . my squirrels think I planted my garden for them they are always out there and when I walk out they look at me as if to say " who invited you? "

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Don't ya just HATE that???!!!!

Thomaston, CT

Last week I couldn't find my favorite hand fork...wooden handle, fit me like a glove. Went to Lowes and bought one that wasn't half as nice. The day after, I went to dump my large garbage can filled with weeds onto the compost pile....out fell the fork!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'm missing 1 of my good gloves.

Thomaston, CT

Have a dog?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Yeah I was thinking Wall-e might have stolen it but I usually find the shredded evidence

I am missing my clippers! This is the 2nd set in 7 years.

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

I am sure that my glasses are at my local gardencenter somewhere ! I lost them when I went to replace the shovel ! lol
I had a pair of hand clippers once that went missing , they were my favorite ones, two years later when I was spreading some compost that was finally ready to use there they were rusted shut ! Once after missing my glasses for about a week , my neighbor came over to me with my glasses in hand asking if they were mine , she found them in the bushes out side her bedroom window ! I am not a peeping tomasina but I vaugely remember the dog lost her tennis ball under the bushes and I went in for it ! my neighbor looked scepitcal and walked away wondering about me I am sure lol

Thomaston, CT

Great story...I can see her face!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

My local Ace thinks in a little touched, if I go in to buy a tool some of the guys will tease me and ask if I lost mine and not to lose my receipt. The surest way to find a tool is to buy a replacement, then you get to return the replacement if unused, and if you lose your receipt you only get store credit. I guess that's my punishment for misplacing things or Holly putting them away. LOL Ric

central, NJ(Zone 6b)


Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Lol the story of the glasses in the bushes is so funny! I hate when things happen in a way that makes people think the worst! Maybe someday you could explain that one to her. :) I am always losing tools! I haven't been able to find my new hand shears I got last year since fall. I had this great pointy hand shovel that I got thinking it would be perfect for planting bulbs... well I lost it before I planted them last fall and guess what. I was cleaning out an area I keep all my old pots and my husband moved something and said it fell! It's all rusty but at least it isn't rusted shut shears and I can still get away with using it! I definitely agree the best way to find lost tools is to buy a replacement.

Marshfield, MA

What a funny thread.. I have so many hand loppers out there that I would never buy a decent pair again.. Fiskers are just a big ticket item for me to lose. I am currently looking for a 7 foot heavy steel pry bar. I'm breaking out the metal detector "soon" to see if I can locate.

I will say that "most" of my long handles stuff is actually spray painted blaze orange. so if I put it down I can find it. Also having multiples of stuff bails me out. I can usually find at least one of them..

I really like good tools but if you don't put those nice littles fiskers back in their pouch your DONE.. Anyone need a pouch for a Fiskers...

Thomaston, CT

I have 2 plastic buckets where all the small tools are supposed to go....I think the garage mice are gardening.

Found my clippers. They were with the dirt scratcher and gloves. In the weeds, in the tomatoes :-/

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

I still haven't found that shovel but the replacement insures that I will . when I was working as a gardener I worked with a young man one summer who was such a "kid" ( I have 3 boys so I know the type) he wasn't really into it and he had the privilage of doing all the grunt work for a bunch of old ladies so I can understand why . He had lost so many tools that belonged to the company and a several pairs of felco's that belonged to him. he had bought a brand new pair one day and we were leaving one job and moving on to another , I was in my van behind him as we left the first job and I saw his new felco's fly off the roof of his car into the bushes . I pulled over and retreived them then I went to the gardencenter to pick up some plants for the next job. by the time I got to the second job he was sitting on his cooler/lunchbox with his head in his hands contemplating having to cough up another $70 for yet another pair of clippers for a job he didn't really like . He was so happy when I asked him if he lost something and produced his clippers from my bucket ! He said I saved his weekend because if he had to buy another pair of clippers he would have no money for beer !

Well NO 70 bucks for a pair of clippers here as that would buy cases!

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

I know ! its crazy but thats what he had bought . I told him that they are very good cippers that will last you a lifetime if you don't lose them !

Oviedo, FL(Zone 9b)

I had to get a new shovel cause my old one broke. But I know where it is at the moment.

South Hamilton, MA

The handle broke on our garden fork & DH has left it staring us both in the face until he gets a new handle.

Marshfield, MA

You mean you actually replace handles... Got a shed full of tools just waiting on new wooden handles. I have a BAD habit of leaving tools outside all year. Just about anywhere I am standing there is something within close reach! The downside is they rot as quickly as a plant stake if you leave them out. Oops! I have been searching for a handle for my grub/grape hoe with NO success but I do remain hopeful.

PS.. Unbreakable fiberglass shovel handles are breakable!! Especially if you use them as pry bar for 200lb stones. Does Sear's still have a lifetime warranty on hand tools?? Poor fools..

I am thinking of a way to get all the handles in florescent colors now.

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

I know! I keep thinking I should go to the hardware store and get some florecent paint to dip the handles of my tools in. To get to the paint department you have to walk through the garden center and I forget what I came for : )

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL Love this thread. This is all so much like my house. Things are always missing and as soon as I buy a replacement they turn up. Right now RIc's digging knife can't be found, I was using his because I couldn't find mine. LOL Mine turned up down at Josh's house I took it down there when I was working and left it. Last Fall I lost a rather expensive pair of hand clippers I was sure they were under the Wisteria in the leaves but no matter how much I dug around I couldn't find them. This spring they turned up when I was cleaning the leaves out of that area. A bit rusty but still good.
Things can lay in a pile for years or stand in a corner but as soon as I decide that they should be put away properly they will never be seen again. One of RIc's much used lines is "We can't find it, your Mother put it away!" Holly

Wayland, MA(Zone 6a)

thats funny because at my house we say " lets blame dad"

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Love this thread, especially about the peeping tom glasses. Lost shovel is a good one too. That would be confusing.

I lost, as posted on another thread this spring, a gold bangle bracelet. I garden in style. Heart broken, as it was a gift from my DH many years ago. I noticed it missing one day when I had been doing heavy pruning and planting all over the garden which was full of spring flowering bulbs. No bare ground. I went back to all the spots I had worked in that day and through all the stuff that I had hauled to the compost heap. No Luck. I have looked constantly for it any time I worked in the yard. I also have been looking for my favorite bright green handled trowel that went missing in the very early spring. No luck with that either. Then my DH called me when he was off Island last week driving our Vt car and said he had found it in the rear cargo area wedged between the back seat. Going backwards in my mind, I remember loading that space up with tons of luggage and plants, naturally, to bring back to the Island the day before I missed my bracelet, so the garden goblins didn't steal it after all. I must have caught it on something and pulled it off. But where is my favorite bright green handled trowel? Don't ask me how many pruners that I have lost. That is an expense loss, always.

Good luck all with the lost items. Patti

Warners, NY

Next to losing tools, (my magic weeders are forever getting themselves lost, and I'm convinced they do it on purpose) there is the problem at my age of forgetting exactly what you were going to do. It's a variation of What did I come down to the living room for anyway and seems to happen when I find a weed patch and start weeding and forget what I started out to do---or find a daylily in bloom that really has to be crossed---now---and nothing I intended to do gets done. Oh well-gardens are for pleasure as the lady wrote many years ago, not for increasing your ability to organize yourself. But I do need to stake the monarda and line out all those Orchid Corsage seedlings and transplant some forget-me-nots and weed-weed-weed---------------------------------------Weedy On the other hand I lost the bow saw so now I can't cut some brush----can I?????

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL on that one Weedy, I always say that I know just how an ADD person feels when I get out into the garden. I hardly ever finish just one thing. I was cutting brush the other day and stopped to weed an entirely different area. I was walking by with a load of cut brush headed for the burn pit when I noticed a small bed had some good sized weeds. Always hopping from one job to another when I'm out in the garden. Holly

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