Wanted: Soaps, Birdhouses, Other for lots of seeds

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

I have a real ton of seeds to trade out -- from 2009 & 2008, and amounts are generous (many packs may be equal to 5+ trades).

I am looking to trade 30-100 seed packs of your choice for "other things". Things of interest for me:
Handmade soaps & salves
Metal plant markers (the zinc writable or copper engraveable kind), even the mini-blind type
Commercial or homemade Teas
Interesting kitchen "hot pads" (not mitten type) or teatowels
Handmade candlesticks (holders or candles)
Milk glass, salt & pepper shakers especially
boxes of Sharpie markers
...or make offers.

Ideally, it would be good to see a photo of the thing you're offering if possible, for knowing the styles, thanks! (For larger or higher value things, I will also consider trading a med or lg priority box full of a variety of cuttings or rooted plants.)

I can do several of these trades, so if there are posts already, don't let that deter you from offering.

Most of my 2009 seeds are listed here at DW, but most of my 2008 seeds are still only posted at "that other place":


This message was edited Jul 29, 2010 7:13 PM

Danville, IN(Zone 5b)

I wish I had been a member back when this was posted....LOL....I have been growing my own medicinals and using them in tea, salves and soaps for almost three decades!

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Julia,

The offer still stands, and I am so pleased that you posted on this crazy ol' thread!

I have plenty of seeds to trade for something like this. (I always harvest more than I can trade. I've slowed down the harvesting this year, but still have gobs of '09 and '10 seeds, as well as lots of grab bag extras from group trades and the like.) So, what might you have in terms of teas, salves and soaps (or other)?

...and what things from my list might interest you?

Danville, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh goodness...this year I made up batches of Jewelweed salve as well as Comfrey salve....last year I ran out and everyone seem to be in need of it so I played it safe this year. I have Arnica salve as well since I had some requests for it....my daughter inlaw is expecting a baby and they are stationed in KS so I have been making up a lot of soaps and lotions for her with cocoa butter, shea butter and sugar scrubs...she likes anything in vanilla so I made up and finished some organic Vanilla and I have to tell you this is just so wonderful in everything from cooking to crafts! It takes such a long time to make but it oh so worth it.
As far as teas...I have an abundance of peppermint and am afraid I may have too much. If anyone wants a bag, let me know.
Tina if you send me your address I can just put a "Happy Box" (what I call them lol) together for you. A bit of this and a bit of that if you would like?

West Palm Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

what's jewelweed and comfrey salves used for?

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I am going to try and post pics of the birdhouses I dmailed you about. I also have some perfume that I cannot wear anymore. I'll get pics of those too. This is such a great idea. Robyn

Bulverde, TX

Hi Tina!

This sounds really fun! I really have let up on my hand crafted stuff for the past few years...but my husband works with granite and I have a plethera of candle holders, plant stands and plaques, a couple of bird baths, and cutting boards for the kitchen. At present I am making gem stone necklaces /bracelets for presents for some of my more quirky friends, and I just picked up the cutest 1970's mushroom salt and pepper shaker from the second hand store (of which I have no immediate use..just felt I needed to buy something..lol). If any of these sound good for a trade, just let me know! Thanks!


Danville, IN(Zone 5b)

Jewelweed is used mostly for poison ivy..oak and other skin ailments....in general it is really good for the skin.
Comfrey heals. Good for cuts, scrapes, abrasions and the like. I also like to take the plant and make a poultice from it...freeze it and use it on sore muscles, sprains and so forth. You can google both...wonderful stuff!

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