R U starting any perennial seeds now (late July)??

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, all~~

Just want to get some ideas of some perennial seeds I can start now so they get a head start on bloom for next year??

Was thinking of digitalis, hollyhocks~~not really a perennial, but, oh, well,....what else??

Any ideas for seed starting in late summer?? (Zone 6a)

Thanks. t.

Thumbnail by tabasco
Lake Charles, LA

I am glad you started this thread, because I need ideas too. I need advice on how to start all of my seeds.
I want to plant Foxglove, Delphinium, Hollyhock, Shasta Daisy, various Poppy, Columbine, Pansy, Viola, Texas Bluebonnet, Red Hot Poker, and I will have to dig through my seeds box to see what else I have and need to start.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

me too.

i just bought some seeds from t&m and plan to sow many of them as soon as they get here. i am finding that summer sowing in texas is pretty good.

already had good luck with hollyhocks.

Upper Saint Clair, PA(Zone 6a)

I, too, am happy you started this. I started poppy seeds a few weeks ago and they have been super slow to start, but are getting going now. I start foxglove seeds each year so I have blooms every year. I just ordered New Millenium Delphinium seed and am starting them this weekend for planting next spring. I am going to overwinter them indoors.

Anyone else doing something like this?


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i never thought of poppies. tomorrow. i will sow some tomorrow. i thought they needed a period of cold to germinate.

Hendersonville, NC(Zone 7a)

I recently started seeds of Gaillardia, Echinacea 'Magnus', and Eupatorium rugosum indoors for planting out when they're big enough. We're having a dry summer, aside from occasional blasting thunderstorms, so outdoor sowing seemed unlikely to succeed right now. I've done this before with these and other perennials, and they've been a great success the following year.

Upper Saint Clair, PA(Zone 6a)

Mamajack, I started the poppies indoors for planting this fall. This could be a flop! I saved seeds to sew in the spring if this doesn't work. I had just moved all of the little plants outside from my grow lights and decided to try something instead of packing them away. And... I am not a zone 8. Wow, I cannot image gardening in a zone 8. My backyard tends toward a zone 4 in the winter. :(


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

if you are going to have zone envy then have it for zone 9 and not 8. lol.

the hollyhocks i am sowing are germinating in just days in this heat. tomtom sent me some white double hollys. i sowed them in a pot of dirt that i have sitting in a pan of water. 2 days later i have seedlings.

i need to get out there today and sow some different things just to see what happens. lazlo sent me some moy grande hibiscus. soaked 'em overnight a few days ago and sowed them. those are not up yet.

Calgary, Canada

This week is lupins and maybe some biennials like Sweet William.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Whenever I collect seeds from my plants, I always scatter some around the plant, and often get some germination, at least by spring if they need stratification.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i have robinson's red mum to germinate in pots this week.

also hib. moy grande.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Does anyone know when the seeds sales start??

Or maybe they've already started....?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

t & m is having one now that's a pretty good sale. i am going to be buying also from a pnw group of gardeners that save their seeds.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Are you direct sowing these or starting them in nursery pots and then transplanting them?

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i am killing 2 birds with one stone. when i get new plants i always pot them until fall when i plant in the ground. since i have to water them in the pots i just sow my seeds in the pots with these new plants. sometimes i sit the pots in a pan of water just to keep them hydrated. this is a no fuss method for sure.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I am starting mine in flats.

Can't really direct sow here because the birds will make a feast of them.

Thanks. Will check out T&M sale.

I noticed Select Seeds has a sale on many summer annuals like zinnias and cosmos.

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