Has Anyone else noticed an abundance of spiders this season?

Clyde, NC

Or, is it just in the mountains?

Spider webs spanning everything in the yard, and in the garage, and on the porch. Even had a daddy long legs visit me in bed - twice!!

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

they are everywhere here in Sumter MB!!! I've been having fun (well if you can call it that cause they still give me the creeps) watching a family of writing spiders grow on my Gingers and Grasses - they weave such pretty webs...from afar! lol

The only thing I hate is going out on the back deck in the mornings and walking thru webs out on the deck from other spiders ...ick!

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

Y'all must have gotten all of my spiders. Come to think of it, I don't even have any of those big 'writing spiders'-as my grandma always called them-this year. I haven't used any strange chemicals so wonder what's off?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i dont have a spider problem i have ant over abundance its crazy

Clyde, NC

Well, my husband has a "cure" for overabundance of ants near the house. It's a spray bug barrier that he puts all around the base of our basement block and porch foundation.

In the yard, we leave the ants to themselves. As long as they stay out of our living areas.

As far as the spiders are concerned, we walk through webs every day!!
Ugh! They're spanning the porch supports. They're spanning the car antenna in the basement/garage. Just go outside......pleeeeeeez....
Hate hate hate that! (Shudder) I feel like I need to scratch all over. LOL Just paranoid.

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