Cardinal Flower question

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

I have 3 Queen Victoria Lobelia plants (Cardinal Flowers) in half whiskey barrels. I know they are getting enough sun & water, but as they get ready to bloom, they are drooping over. I have had other flowers in the pots, and they didn't droop. Any suggestions? I have staked them up, but the tops just keep leaning. They feel limp, but the moisture meter shows medium moistness. It also is not the one sided light, because the light reflects from the windows brightly.

Thumbnail by JoParrott
Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

Jo, I'm just guessing here, but maybe the windows are the problem. Perhaps with them being placed so close to the windows they are not really drooping but rather trying to grow away from the excess heat that is reflected off of the windows during the day. It's kind of like sunlight reflecting off water-the heat becomes magnified. It looks from the pic like they grow strait until they reach window level. Just a guess though. Hope you figure it out ;)

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

It looks like it's getting dry at the end of the day. I may be mistaken, but Lobelia Cardinalis grows at stream banks, so it needs to be consistently moist.

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

They are on a drip system that runs twice daily, and are quite moist. The window isn't a problem, either. I have had Delphiniums there and they were perfect. The air circulates well- morning sun until noonish-

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Could they be stretching for sun? If there's a roof overhang over that area, it could just be stretching for the light.

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

Thanks, all- after reading all the links I think it wants more water than it is getting.

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

I can't tell from your picture how far they are into bloom. The tips of mine are bending in a similar way, but it feels familiar. I'm waiting to see if they straighten up when the blossoms open fully. Let us know your experience, OK? I'll let you know mine.

Also, my dropping ones are in my perennial garden. We've had lots of rain, but it's well drained. Those that I have beside a stream are too far behind to have buds yet, so I don't know if they behave differently. I'll let you know that also. (Should have paid more attention in earlier years.)


Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I hope that works - they're such a pretty plant. I've grown them as annuals in part shade over here.

Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

The cardinal flowers in my perennial garden have been blooming for almost two weeks. They started out with bent bud tips, but all are now standing straight. It can't be water, I don't think, as their bed isn't particularly moist and we were away for 10 days. The soil seems dry everywhere. The phlox, for instance, are wilting.


Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)


Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

Mine did the same thing until it bloomed.....I have mine right under the water spigot (sp) that drips on it when i water the other plants...


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