Hello Everyone !

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Looks like I need to catch up with everyone. I did not know Pat had moved or that Judy had passed away until I read the bottom of an old thread of mine. (what happened to Judy?)

Yes, I did move to north Mississippi and built behind my mom. She is 82 this year but still living independently for now. I can see a big difference in her these last 2 years however. She rarely tries to drive,which is GOOD, since I am now available to take her where she needs to go. Sometimes I am not "in the mood" and she has to drive herself and then I feel so guilty and worry that she won't make it home so I might as well have taken her.

I am on the poppy forum and the daylily forum but haven't been on here in a good while. Just ( fat and) lazy, I guess. I am getting old,myself, and don't do much. Work in the yard in the early mornings when I can and stay in the rest of the day. I do have daylily beds but will never have the amount that I had at my last home. These are hard enough to keep up with ! Ya'll come see me. I live on highway 15 in Pontotoc, not too hard to find if you know where Pontotoc is (half way between Tupelo and Oxford).

Our house is not finished and boxes are still unpacked. My DH just has too much to do to work on the house and ,since I got it full, I stopped unpacking boxes. What in the world could be in all those boxes still in storage??? This house is larger than our last yet it is full and we have enough left over to fill another one ! ( My mother-in-law did die a few months before we moved in so we do have some of her furniture, but still......)

Guess that is more than enough for now. Just wanted ya'll to know I am still living and still on here every now and then.


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

How nice to see you again ;-)

Notice I am no longer in Wisconsin ? Yaaaaaay !

Will look for you on the DayLily and Poppy Forums.

shirley in TP

Willow says ' HI' from Tennessee

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

You should go to the Fall RU at Terrye's! You're so close Libby!!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Hi Libby I hope you are enjoying your new home. Hope to see you at Terrye's in Oct.
One of your beauties

Thumbnail by Riverland
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hello Libby!!! It is so good to hear from you!!! I'm glad that your mom is doing so well!!! Really would be nice to see you at Terrye's!!! Are you doing MG up there? We'd love to see pictures of your new yard.

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

no, they have tried to get me to continue my MG here but this county doesn't have a group. I would have to drive to Tupelo (about 40 minutes) to get to the closest one so I just decided to try to maintain my own little garden and I'm not doing a great job of that ! I do go over when they offer a program to the public. They are a nice group - and even have men !!!!

I would need directions to Terrye's and my hubby would need to be available to drive me. I would love to see her place and all of you again !!

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

Hey Shirley, glad you are closer !!! Say Hi back to willow from my 3 babies. Guess they are the only grandchildren I will ever have :(

Cindy, how are you doing??? I miss having contact with you. I will try to do better.Pat was the one that called me when I needed to know something. Even came by my mom's once to return something I had left at a roundup. I will miss her.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

How fun! We mentioned missing you and here you are. You must be "psycho" or is that psychic? LOL Glad to hear all is well with you. I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with not working as hard as we get older. After all, that work will still be there when we get a "round tuit".

FlowrLady ~ I think that is the Pat you mentioned just posted too. Over here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/639581/ Guess you are both psycho...

Glad to see you both and hope to see you posting more often... pod

Booneville, MS

Libby, I'll be starting a thread for the October RU at my place soon. I'll have directions and everything on there. Hope you can come!


Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Libby and everyone. Trying hard to get back on here. Mother has had a lot of health problems but still hanging in there at almost 90. I took her to the beauty shop today.
Been a busy summer but ready to get back to the garden. I just posted a picture of my new chicken house over on the Poultry and Livestock forum. Trying to get back to painting full time.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hey Betty I have truly missed you!!! Glad to hear that you are blessed with still enjoying your mom!!! How is Lyn doing?

Larry is locked up!!! He attacked me and instead of cooking him, he went into a 10' pen. He is not a happy camper but still alive!!!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Poor Larry, We never had a problem with Regis being mean. He would steal food from the patio table if we turned our back on him. That was about as bad as he ever was.
Lyn is doing well. coming to Nashville next week. I haven't seen her in a while, it will be good to have her home for a visit.. She and all my family are on Facebook and we spend a lot of time visiting on there.

Deep East Texas, TX(Zone 8a)

Picabo ~ glad you and your loved ones are doing good. You are blessed to be doing for and with your Mother.

It is fun to see all the DG friends surfacing again.

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

I don't understand it either. He never messed with people until now and he is 3. I guess he was just feeling his oats. Unfortunately, he attacked me 2 days after a procedure that I had had done and Jim got really mad at him for it. Then when I checked with the zoo they said that was actually normal for the males. We also have a mobile home sales lot on the property and just can't take a chance!!!!

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

what / who is Larry ? DS ????? lol

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

LOL!!! I can see where that would have been confusing!!!! Especially they part about cooking him!!! No Larry is not my DS. He is the not so DP(peacock)!!!!

I'll try to find you a recent picture of him. Of course right now he is tail less b/c they moat during July.

Thumbnail by jeri11
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks ! Wood'a never guessed that one.

Had a freind in WI that raised them and never heard of one getting mean .
Maybe DP needs a P-woman , lol

Be careful,
~s in TP

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Funny, When I first read your post I thought Your DH??? Then I read about cooking him and it all came back LOL.
This is/was my dear friend Regis

Thumbnail by picabo
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sorry to hear you had to lock Larry up...... I didn't know they got mean either! Maybe he does just need a girlfriend...

Betty - Regis was a beauty.... I want some peacocks so badly - guess I don't need them if they are going to be attacking me!

Pontotoc, MS(Zone 7b)

I heard from Pat,too. Sure is nice hearing from old friends. It isn't like I have a lot to do around here , other than "driving Miss Pat" (my mom). She loves to tell me HOW to drive these days. I recently recorded the movie "driving miss daisy' for her to watch. She isn't a movie person but I told her she was going to have to watch it. She won't get the "connection" anyway. LOL

Hayesville, NC(Zone 7a)

Hi, ya'll! - you are special to me even tho I don't sit at computer much.
Just got it working again. I'm reminded of picabo every time I pass that
wonderful hibiscus "Athens for Now" that she sent seeds for - huge pale
pink blooms that glow in the dark! And so forth!

Do peacocks get rabies???


Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Clare!!! I imagine anything could get rabies!!! Larry is just being mean!!!! He has been in his pen for about a month now and he is very humble now!!!!

Thumbnail by jeri11
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Libby!! It's so wonderful to hear from you. We've all thought of you often and wondered how you were doing in your new home. Do post photos so we can see the 'after'!!

Betty, also great to hear from you. We got a two-fer today!! I was thinking about you yesterday as a matter of fact. Glad to hear Lyn is doing well.

This hot wonderful summer is keeping us all busy in the yard. I have weeds I should have pulled a long time ago and I'll pay for not doing it I'm sure. Some of my beds I swear I've weeded 3 times already and they need it again. Ugh! Too hot for any of us to be out much!

Do come back and chat with us again soon!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Fitsy, Good to hear from you. Funny about the Athens for Now. A couple of years ago I dug my original plant to divide with a friend. In the process I killed it. I saved some seeds and have been taking special care of one of the seedlings. I accidentally broke it in half today. May have to try planting more seeds. LOL
Elaine, good to hear from you. I am looking forward to seeing Lyn Saturday. She is leaving Montana tomorrow and driving to Nashville to bring me her old horse so he can retire here on the farm. She thinks the winters in Tennessee would be easier on his old bones. Sure is a long drive, please keep her in your thoughts this next week.

Here is a picture of the Athens for Now that Fitsy was talking about.

Thumbnail by picabo
Hayesville, NC(Zone 7a)

Betty, let me know if you need fresh seeds!!!
Ya'll, the leaves of this hibiscus are lovely, too; they are covered with pale FUZZ!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

I may get back to you on the seeds, mine are several years old. I raised three from seeds. Looked like this was going to bloom this year. I gave the other seedling to the friend that I was digging the plant for. The part of mine that is left may do better after the "accidental pruning".

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I have one from your seed this year still in a pot. It has been either to wet to dry or way to hot to plant it out. I plan to plant it out in the fall. Hope it can get established enough to survive.

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

I have looked for that Hibiscus in stores but never seen it except the day I bought that one.

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