Morning Glory

McMinnville, TN

I noticed this morning glory blooming in my ditchline-I don't know what its name it. It looks white but when you get up close it has a tiny touch of pink mixed in with the white. I hope alot of them come up next year.

Thumbnail by BoopsieTN
Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

wow pretty

Look in PlantFiles for Calystegia pictures. I think it is in this genus.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

yes it is pretty ! Save seeds !

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I have a white one like that in my field (it has a dark pink center) that's wild as far as I know I let it grow each year but it's not a prolific seeder like the morning glories I plant almost seems like the same plant comes back from year to year but I doubt it, I've tried to get seeds off of it and never find any either the critters get them or it doesn't make a lot of seeds. It's by the edge of the field by the woods too but every year it's just a couple of plants no more than that.

The white ones are pretty!

(Zone 7a)

to me, always a treat in wilder places

I would suggest you enjoy it where it is and not try to transplant it into your own garden. I'm not certain, but the odds are good it may be the plant shown in the link below.

(Zone 7a)

MJs - Musa is right to be cautious - letting this loose in your garden might be as welcome as Genghis Khan was to communities in his path.


maybe in a pot on a slab of concrete?

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

ummm ok, maybe I'll just look at the pictures.........I've got enough vine's in pots so they don't get to full of themselves.

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