Five baby bunnies are hiding among the iris in my front

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by Maxsmomma
Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

One who came out of hiding...

Thumbnail by Maxsmomma
Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Soooo cute! Too bad they don't stay little and cute.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Cute little visitors you got there... ;o)

Philadelphia, PA

Looks like Maxsmomma will be needing some recipes soon ;-)

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Since they love to eat irises, they might as well just grow up there. Save 'em time.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

They are cute. I had a baby in my beds earlier in the year. We would stare at each other every day.

I've never seen the rabbits bother my iris. They're too busy with the hostas.......

Philadelphia, PA

Loca is it true they taste just like chicken ?

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

They eat my beardless irises right down to the ground, wait until they grow a few inches, then do it again. They only eat the most expensive of the bearded, not all.

You must have the nashvillehostalovingcuniculus type of rabbit, Neal.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

from Polly:They only eat the most expensive of the bearded, not all.

You must have the nashvillehostalovingcuniculus type of rabbit, Neal.

I'm sure you're glad that your rabbits have good breeding and eat only the best!!!!

Yes, my rabbits can sniff out any little trace of hosta and my deer know the exact right time to eat every trace of daylily buds.......unfortunately the coyotes and foxes in the area seem to only like to eat pets.....

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Neil. (Sorry I spelled your name wrong. I get confused talking to gemini_sage Neal). We have many hostas, and the rabbits have never touched them.

They sure are cute little guys, though. We have a new one here that hangs around the garage, and my cat plays with it. They run around and have the best time.

We also have a skunk train. I've never seen anything like it, but apparently it's common. The mother and three babies walk right in a row, nose to butt, and it looks like a train. So cute. And new fawns and 15 turklettes. It's that time of year, I guess.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

LOL Mit - it's been a looooooonnnnnnnnngggggggggg time since I ate rabbit, but as I recall it does taste somewhat like chicken! At least that's what my Mom always told me... Everything tastes like chicken.

I love rabbits - they are so cute but oh so destructive!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

My back landscape butts up to the greenbelt. Our back fence is wrought iron so I can see what is going in the greenbelt. Remember, I am the HOA Board liaison with the landscape crew. We just planted three new areas with perennials about three weeks ago. I was in the back landscape when I saw the wonderful herd of rabbits having lunch in the new bed closest to our back landscape.

I proceeded to get the hose and put the power sprayer on it to get distance with the water spray. That was two days ago and we were over 110. Did they run away? No, they just stood there and enjoyed the shower. I laughed, turned off the hose and went about my business.

Philadelphia, PA(Zone 6b)

You know, they really haven't bothered the iris much at all that I can tell. Saturday would be day to get out and work in the garden but not if it's going to hit the 99 they're predicting.

Not sure what they're eating, but I know they are enjoying the cover. Max takes up his position on the front wall along the sidewalk, back to the garden and, totally nonplussed by the rustling, barks like a fool at anyone or anything passing by. Usually he's more discerning about who and what he barks at. He apparently has nominated himself as the bunnies' guardian. ; )

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

Maxsmomma- it time your temps cooled down, you certainly had it too hot when I was up there last week.

I have a skunk family also on the other side of my driveway. I love them. But I have to tell guests arriving or leaving after dark to make some noise as they go to their cars so the skunks scamper away. My compost is there and they enjoy that......

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

They are so cute when small. But they do too much garden damage to stay cute in my view.

Raleigh, NC

yes they do tremendous damage! And they attrack other predators

We have a new "mouser" kitty, not even a year old herself. She is the sweetest ever cat. We got her for DH, who still missed his big old calico (she's very small, dilute calico)

I also got her for voles, but I happen to know she's been eating a ton of rabbits outside. Saw her chewing fresh kills more than once. I started to shew her away from one cute baby, she hadn't hurt it yet.

Then I thought to myself, "remember last year when you got NO veggies from your garden?" And "remember the size of that copperhead snake we killed in April? That's what stays around here to hunt these." I had to walk away.

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