CLOSED: July BLAST-Off! Fireworks Con't...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We came from here:

We'll share Garden Statues or Garden Ornaments like Bunnies, Birds, Bees, Ladybugs, Ants, Armadillos, Angels, Spiders, Snails, Snakes, Turtles, and Tarantulas, just to name a few.

Put those letters together and we're going to have a BLAST!

1. The value of your package should not exceed $20 prior to postage.

2. When you sign up, list your favorites, even if they aren't on the suggested list, and also mention those you do not like.

3. You should also let us know if you'd prefer to have three $6.50 items, two $10 items, or one $20 item. If you're a savvy shopper and find yours on sale, go by the suggested retail price and not what you actually paid. If you're a crafter, handmade items are Welcome. These are hard times for a lot of us and we don't want to leave anyone out.

3. Statues or Ornaments may be made of glazed ceramic, resin, metal, concrete, or any other material that can withstand the fluctuations of hot and cold outdoor weather.

4. Please do your best to accommodate your Buddy's wishes and come as close to them as you possibly can.

5. Post a list and photo of the item(s) you receive.

6. If you are not in the addy exchange, please D-mail your mailing info to me when you sign up.

7. Sign-up til July 1st. Partners will be assigned on Sunday, July 4th, or sooner depending on interest.

8. Our mail deadline is Wednesday, July 21st.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Reserved for Participants...

abbisgranma / Marion --> Rec'd from Janaestone.

Bettypauze / Betty --> Rec'd from catbirdsue.

catbirdsue / Cathy --> Rec'd from jsxtiger.

ClanCampbell / Chris --> Rec'd from rvnsbrk.

ddbydeb / Deb --> Rec'd from taters55.

FruitOfTHeVine / Susan -- > Rec'd from rouxcrew.

froggies_girl / Julie -- > Rec'd from Janaestone.

GAgirl1066 / Paula --> Rec'd from FruitOfTheVine.

happgarden / Joyce -- > Rec'd from ClanCampbell.

heavenscape / Jaye -- > Rec'd from abbisgranma.

Janaestone / Di -- > Rec'd from happgarden.

jordankittyjo / Kathy -- > Rec'd from froggies_girl.

jsxtiger / Joyce -- > Rec'd from hapgarden.

Meickle2003 / Mickey --> Rec'd from GAgirl1066

rouxcrew / Joy --> Rec'd from jordankittyjo.

rvnsbrk / Neener -- > Rec'd from heavenscape.

taters55 / Linda Kay --> Rec'd from Bettypauze.

This message was edited Nov 14, 2010 10:22 PM

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey I am first! Night everyone!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Hehehe... I'm 2nd!
Good night 'blasters'!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

And I'm running in fast to beat everyone else.. tada.. 3rd.. :) Have a great day everyone!

Ummm.. NO thanks on the family tree..I'd have to do mine first :)

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

On my way out to work dogs and do rest of chores before it gets too hot, already 85. Well I will do my best to get mailed today, I broke the original prezzie I was going to send. And I mean broke it good! I can't even save it for my garden. Went back to the little shop and of course it was the last/only one they had. Sigh. So I found a really great new prezzie at my co op. Now I noticed that I need to go to the PO and get a box. I am so blonde!


(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

LOL, it is good to know blond isn't a hair color but a way of life!!! I certainly know that. Fruit, sounds like you grew up in a small town also. Ah, the joys, the trials the tribulations!!!!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

4 minutes left to say Good Morning! Been up and at it since daybreak. I know what you mean about the heat Joy. Just about can't take it right now. Every day that goes by my outside list gets longer and longer. I'll be out there in 2 feet of snow trying to get caught up at this rate. :0)

Slurping down a smoothie for lunch and then back at it. Stay cool ladies!

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

This is one of the hottest summers we've had here in a loooong time but the humidity is what makes it so bad for me. It seems the older I get, the worse the toll the humidity takes on me. I can't hardly go out for an hour without getting queasy. I'm with you, neener, I'll be in the snow looking for weeds to pull and trying to find things to cut back. Oh well, maybe we'll get a head start on next year...

I'm off to the post office - yay! - Joy, I broke my first present as well but luckily, the store I went to had one almost exactly like my first. My poor partner, though, she is going to think she won the lottery at first until she sees how I packed this thing. :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

How small was it? It was so small, Maid M, you could throw a rock from one end to the other and cringe wondering if you'd broken a neighbor's window. Good times though and sounds like you had them too.

"I am so blonde!" Don't tell anybody, Joy, but my roots are gray and I often have blonde moments :0)

Ditto, Di & Neener, I can't stand it out there for more than 30 minutes before I feel like I've wilted beyond recovery. We must all either be baking or steaming.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

I see we are all in total agreement that this weather is just to much for us "delicate ladies". Then if we played "delicate ladies" what would our yards look like? Wait!! Don't answer that please. LOL My yardman came last Tuesday to do the heavy things and wouldn't you know it-......Wednesday we had a bad afternoon storm and now it looks like a demolition site. It will just have to wait as the limbs are to heavy for me to lift or move--thank goodness they missed the driveway!!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

And thank goodness they missed you!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Oh yes I am!! In fact, I usually have my SUV parked where it came down but for once I had actually pulled in under the carport. Talk about someone watching over me!!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

If anybody says we gals don't have a 7th sense, they're fruitcakes! Just like you pulled your car under the carport for no particular reason, Maid M, and it didn't get a scratch... good for you and am so glad you didn't have any damage.

Years ago I gave a Pug to my Mom. One breezy Summer's day they were sitting under a huge Oak tree my Dad had planted 50 years prior. The Pug kept raising cane, trying to lead my Mom back to the house. She finally gave into him, thinking his relentless barking was because he wanted an early supper. As she started up the back porch steps, she heard a horrific noise and later told me it sounded like an airplane had crashed in her yard. When she looked back, the massive Oak was lying on the ground and the chair she'd been sitting in not a minute earlier was reduced to splinters.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

That is scary!! There are so many dead limbs in the trees here--to many trees actually and they are struggling for sunlight--some very bent and scary. Oh well, one good storm and some will be gone--just hope nothing else with them.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Wow, those trees can do a lot of damage. Glad she listened to the dog!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

During our ice storm in Okla, we were outside listening and watching the trees up and down the street break and fall. Glen had gone to our driveway that led to the back pasture to check out the damage by the tree that had fallen on our power line (we were without power for 12 days). I told him to get away and come back over by me..just had a bad feeling about where he was standing. He came back over and seconds later, there was a loud crack and a huge limb fell where he had been standing! I actually have a pic at home of the limb that fell. He turned to me with his mouth wide open, said WOW..

Told him he better take that as a lesson to listen when I say stuff like that LOL ^_^

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Buddy, I hope your box leaps there before Sunday.. forgive me if it chose to travel at a snail's pace :D

Don't just the thought of postal rates going up again make you mad?

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

MIne will be late as well. I can't find anything local, so I hope to find something in San Antonio tomorrow.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

My box to my buddy went out yesterday, so proud of myself. On time. You know the one time I did it really really early, I would think gotta get that out, then I would remember....... that went on for 3 weeks. Usually I am a tad late, seems silly when I think about it, guess it is like speed limits, I look at the send by date as a suggestion....rofl. Sorry you gals who do these swaps for us work so hard and do such a good that I said that you all might not let me play anymore.... :C

All this talk of heat I need a nap! DH's favorite plae in the garden.

Thumbnail by happgarden
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Joyce, as long as you send yours out!!
Some of us are guilty of not paying attention to the deadline!!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Hey Joyce is that water in the background?? Looks like a river.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Heaven, I pay attention to it, I just don't always hit it, usually close, but sometimes it sneaks up on me, or I am locked in indecision on what to do.....LOL

rvnsbrk, that is a river of grass that leads to a river of corn...LOL House sits of 3 acres (had to buy 3 acres to build, county required it) but it slopes so the house had to go to the top of the 3 acres, so what was a bean field was sowed with grass.....we are surrounded by a farmers field that goes from corn to soy beans. When he plants corn like this year, this winter we will be surrounded by geese, thousands of them while they clean the leftovers up. If you stand in my yard and they get spooked the percussion of their wings when they take off will hurt your ear drums, I feel like I am standing in the middle of National Geographic, until they fly over then I am standing in the middle of............. I'll let you fill in the blank..LOL just kidding them flying over isn't that bad...but omg are they noisey all night long! I have video and it looks like the fields are moving except it is wall to wall geese for acres.

This is the hosta bed that runs next to the hammock. That dry creek bed can sometimes be pretty full of water. Love my hostas, so many of them I have received from you all or other swaps. There are some itty bitty ones in there.

Thumbnail by happgarden
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Joyce, I'm thinking.... Roast Goose with chestnuts.. and some delicious foie gras!!! Hehehe.. I'm one that think of food when I look at poultry!!
Good place for your hostas. They'll be thriving with all that water.

Silver and our latest rescue T'noir found out that a used swap box can be repurposed into comfy sleeping quarters.
Another reason I love swaps!

Thumbnail by heavenscape
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh what sweeties, peaceful sleeping.
Here is our last rescue from along the back roads, out there all alone, we stopped by two farm houses and no one would claim him......

Thumbnail by happgarden
TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Joyce, I would have taken him home too!
Looks like he makes a perfect travelling companion.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Loves dh to death, loves the way I scratch

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Awer, look at those precious babies! They are so cute. What is the bassetts name? Love the resting area, looks like a nice place to take a nap!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Jaye your kitties are so sweet. We brought Pyewacket in this afternoon because it is so hot out there. He went missing for a while and I finally found him curled up in the clothes basket in front of an air conditioning vent. He slept there all afternoon until supper. I am so enjoying having a kitten again. He is the smartest and sweetest cat I ever had. You must have a blast at your house with all of them that you have.

Joyce I don't even want to go there with the geese issue. I cannot imagine what that must be like. ACK!! I like geese, but in small numbers. When I worked at the golf course they were a source of much difficulty. They would peck the greens and leave those lovely presents all over the place. What a mess.

Better get to dinner. Cajun Rice with Smoked Sausage tonight.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Shhh! You know if you mention "Cajun" anything, Jayebird's gonna be at your door holding out a plate.

Love those adorable critters!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm coming Neener!!!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Don't you worry Neener. Enjoy your dinner!
We're off for some Mexican food.
I'm sure you'll get lots of free entertainment from Pye!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Whew! Just made it to the PO this afternoon right at closing with my box and clerk told me I had one in back. It was from Kathy via Collections Etc. I got a resin "gourd" birdhouse that has a windmill on top and a birdhouse clock/temperature gauge. Some assembly required, and for a blonde that could be disastrous. DH stepped in and said "I'll do it for you!" but he is blonde as well (and a guy and old) so I told him I thought I could manage. I will take a picture in the morning outside and post it.

Thanks Kathy so much,


(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Joyce, I love the adorable pooch! Neener, a kitten is good for what ails you even if they think they have to help do everything.

I am loading files into the new computer, how about a boy and puppy? This is many years ago, Evan was only about 6 at the time.


Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Ah hem, I am the queen of late mailings ladies. Not a title I am proud of saying is "perfection takes time". That is my story and I am sticking with it.

Ok, Joyce, in the very first picture you posted--the name of the huge hosta and how old is it? Boy, if I lived closer it might go missing some dark moonless night!!! LOL

Love all the animal pictures but am sad when a certain sweet, adorable, friendly lady suggested roast goose. NEVER, I love the geese and yes we do have some here. I saw about 12 in a pond by the interstate on the way into town. Call me crazy about but I love them. Neener, funny about your kitties name---my daughter had one named Pyewacket when she was younger. Her current one is named Galena.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Ehem.. sorry Maid M.. Kel and I made it a tradition to have roast goose for Christmas every year.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

WHAT! ......and I thought so much of the 2 of you. LOL I know alot of people like goose--just don't think I could eat one. Then if I were hungry enough, who knows.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

taters - the bassett is named slick, then I have one named bass, a wire terrier (gotten from the pound) named shorty, black lab (someone dumbed) name sam, a pure black cat named harry. I think that is all....LOL

rvnsbrk - the geese are out in the corn field with all these dogs they don't come near the house. One dog spent the whole day trying to sneak up on them...LOL Geese always have guard geese watching the outer area there is no sneaking up on them.

joy - that is a wonderful pic, it couldn't have been timed any better! LOL so darn cute. You gotta love those moments.

marion - that hosta is sum and substance and it use to be bigger, I have taken 3 starts off of it this year alone. It is probably close to 15 years old and is one of my favorites also. Earlier this year around here Kmart had it for sale for little of nothing like 5 or 7 dollars.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Happ. I wondered if it was Sum and Substance but then am not all that knowledgeable about hostas. I do have one but it is no where near that size but then it is only 2 --3 maybe, years old. It is growing but still very young.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Our heat index is supposed to be 105 degrees today and I just arrived home from putting up my fair booth. Boy, is it hot!

I was just so darn wilted when I came home; I sank down into a chair in my kitchen then DD presented me with a box from Kansas from happgarden - YAY!! I perked up immediately and opened it. Wow, the cutest, cutest birdhouses were waiting for me. DD looked at me and said, "Who in Kansas knows you well enough to send you those?" because both of them are so 'me'. One of them says 'The Wren Inn' on the front and on the side it says 'Bed and Breakfast...and Baths', the other is just a pretty little house with beautiful flowers painted over a crackled finish. Happ, I love them more than you love your fairy! I have the most perfect spots for each of them and am just thrilled. Thank you so much!


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