Japanese Barberry

Bozeman, MT

I think Japanese Barberry is lovely and would like to consider it for a hedge I'm thinking about. But I've come across references to it being invasive. Does anyone have any insights on this? Thanks for any info you can share.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It can be invasive in some areas, but Montana has a different climate than much of the country so just because it's invasive in other areas doesn't necessarily mean it would be for you. Unless someone else from your part of the country happens to read this and respond, your best bet might find a reputable local nursery and ask them how it behaves in your area.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

OR - check in with a state or regional Exotic Pest Plant Council. They don't have an economic incentive to sell you plants, and they might actually have some data on whether it is (or is likely to be) an invasive species where you garden.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Seran, contact the Montana State University office:

Extension Horticulture
Montana State University
P.O. Box 173140
Bozeman, MT 59717-3140

Tel: (406) 994-6523
Fax: (406) 994-1848
Location: 334 Leon Johnson


Bozeman, MT

Thank you for the info. I checked Montana's noxious weed listing and it's quite short, actually and does not list any barberry. I also asked a local nursery and got a definitive "no." Apparently, the winters are too harsh here for it to become invasive. I've not yet called the phone number that greenthumb99 posted, but I am quite pleased to have it now.

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