losing pines, need suggestions

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I probably have 15 pine trees on about 15 acres total. I was told the ones along the north side of our house have a borer and they are all going to die. They must be cut and burned. With more investigation it looks like they all have this borer, holes all over the trunks and up, along with a cypress tree. I am just sick. I have 2 white birch, a peely bark birch, sunset maple, 2 sugar maples, pear tree and a small peach tree, oh yeah and a beautiful blue spruce which is about 20 feet tall. Non of thees later trees are showing any signs of damage.

Has anyone else ever experienced this? Our neighbor about a 1/2 mi away a while had a Christmas tree farm and then all of a sudden the trees were just gone, wonder if this is why?

Need suggestion on replacement trees that are borer resisitant.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi happ! Its nice seeing you here! Maybe you have Scots Pine (orangey) and they got Pine Wilt Disease? Yeah, its important they be cut down and disposed of if thats the problem with them. The neighbor could've even infected your trees if his/hers wasn't disposed of right away. The borer (nematode) will continue feeding on the dead tree.
Scots Pine, American Chestnut, Ash and American Elm trees I don't think stand much of a chance of reaching old age because of similar problems.
As a replacement I'd think about anything but those especially, for big lots I like White Oak, Bur Oak, Ginkgo, Bald cypress, all the big, long-lived trees, they are such a nice legacy. I'm also partial to Leyland cypress for quick and big myself, but it don't live that long. I can't imagine why that nematode would affect the Cypress tree you speak of. There might not be a need to cut it down. Heres a little info. on the Pine Wilt Nematode. -
You know Bald cypresses are deciduous, losing their leaves in the Winter? Also, all the other trees you mentioned are immune to that borer. But, if the Cypress and the Pines have holes, have you seen Sapsuckers, just a thot?

This message was edited Jul 18, 2010 10:03 PM

This message was edited Jul 19, 2010 9:25 PM

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Shortleaf, the pines have so many holes in the trunks it is amazing and sickening. I started to panic and went to the bald cypress and I do see a few holes but not necessarily like that on the pines. The pines have a small hole and then a bigger hole when I say bigger maybe twice the size of the small hole. The pine beetle carries the Nematode that carries the pine wilt diease, so I am guessing it is a double wammy. Yeah my cypreus loses it leaves every year all over the driveway, the tree is huge and really don't want to lose it.

I have flowers under one pine tree and everyday they are covered with tiny little white pieces, I thought they were bugs on the flowers but have since figured out they are shavings from the beetle. Just heartbreaking. I so love trees.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Can you post some photos? - foliage, trunk, etc.


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Sure didn't get your message until after dark, but will tomorrow evening .

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Baldcypress is one of my favorite big trees. They live to be around a thousand years old!
One of my favorites is this great big one in Mount Washington Cemetery. I know you know that place too, here in West Independence!
My stepMom has a pretty big Scots Pine over her driveway and her porch. The birds really like that tree and are always in it. I think some nest in it too. She says theres always bird doo and pine-cones all over everything! She can't cut it down because she is in a mobile home park and doesn't own the lot.
In my experience just of seeing Scots Pine trees around that are turning brown, they usually get more brown and with Pine Wilt Disease I don't believe there is any recovery.
I think the average with that is 2 years or so and the tree is completely brown and dead. I hope yours have something else. It may not even be Scots Pine. Scots Pine was a popular Christmas tree, it might still be in some places. The needles are so short and rigid, not sure if I'd want that tree in MY house at Christmas-time! That neighbor with the Christmas tree farm could have attracted an infestation of the beetles, if she/he didn't remove them fast after, they coulda spread from dead trees too. I don't think a half mile is very far for the nasty borers.
I hope you can get those photos, Resin is very helpful. He has helped me too alot over the years.
Wanna see some big honking Scots Pine trees? I took this photo below (in another post) just outside of the Arbor Day Farm place years ago. Resin helped me identify them back then, I was thinking initially they were Austrian Pine trees.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Heres those big steenking Scots Pines! How is this line of them for some greenery in early January?!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Very pretty, the first pic do you see the limbs that go out and then straight up...LOL
I have lots of birds who stay in my pines all winter and spring. I feed them so the feeders are always full, I don't know what will happen when the trees are all gone......so sad. Those pines keep the north winds from ripping across my property and I have pines that are along the north side of the garden bed. I made my winter storage bed under one of the really huge pines.

I will take pics tonight of the holes......

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

These are just a few of the holes, I will post another pic farther up the trunk.

Thumbnail by happgarden
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

They are just covered like this. Makes me sick everytime I see the pics.
I planted all of these pines and thought they would be with me until......so sad.
thank you to everyone in advance for any help.

Thumbnail by happgarden
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Bark is Scots Pine, and I fear they're probably dead. Any pics of the foliage?


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

The are dead or near dead no need for pic of that....sadly. But do you know if that is a pine beetle or ? The flowers at night have lots of little lumber colored specks on them, that I am guessing is from all the little holes throwing out pine. Do you know if they will affect other trees, I am terrified I am going to lose all my shade trees. Blue spruce, river birch, sunset maple, paper birch tree, does anyone know if they are will be suscepitible to these awful bugs?

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

No, should only affect other pines (and not necessarily all pine species either).


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Happgarden--so sorry about your pines. Have any of the birds that visit your trees been eating the insects? I wonder if the birds had something to do with those large holes?

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

I haven't seen any woodpeckers or birds along the sides of the trees. The birds did nest in them, and during winter found shelter, just makes me so sad, we planted these when there was nothing here. We have been thru a lot together.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Sorry happ, losing trees does stink.
I have an Eastern White Pine in a pot (P. strobus) that I've had for over 5 years that I'll give you! I visited Arbor Day in 04' and got this free as a tiny seedling for visiting and been watering it and stuff. Its only about 18 inches tall, prolly from being confined in the pot, but its green! They get tall eventually, around 80 feet tall or taller possibly.
Here's some big ones from Mount Washington cemetery. That one is leaning but prolly from being planted too close to the others. -

Thumbnail by shortleaf

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