Do I have terniflora or was I given virginiana? Pics

Ravenna, OH(Zone 5b)

I bought a "Sweet Autumn Clematis" last year from Garden Crossings. I never really worried about what I had until this year when it just sat there stunted all summer. Started me looking at what I might really have...
I saw pics and descriptions online that said that terniflora has rounded, pointy leaves, and virginiana has serrated, and lobed leaves. Mine seem to be serrated and lobed!
Also is there a performance difference between the two? I DO want one that grows tall and can cover a long, long hedgeline I have. I don't want one that is smaller!

Which do I have? (sorry for any blur in the pic, my hands shake a lot lol)


Thumbnail by kentstar
Ravenna, OH(Zone 5b)

Another pic with somewhat better visibility lol

Thumbnail by kentstar
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Hope this article will set you straight..please check my link...Jeanne
" These two species of Clematis are easy to distinguish: Virgin's Bower has leaflets that are shallowly cleft and dentate, while the leaflet margins of Autumn Clematis are smooth (or nearly so). During the late summer or fall, when the achenes develop, it is also possible to distinguish these species according to their styles: Autumn Clematis has feathery styles, while the styles of Virgin's Bower are more smooth. "

Ravenna, OH(Zone 5b)

I went and bought a "terniflora" clematis from Joy Creek which has been highly recommended. The one from Joy Creek doesn't look anything like the one I had planted from Garden Crossings. The one from JC looks like terniflora! and is huge! I now feel more confident that I have the ever so popular/unpopular terniflora and the right one that is fragrant! Notice the leaves on the new one are totally smooth and not toothed and lobed like the one from Garden Crossings.

Thumbnail by kentstar
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Not a clematis person but saw this post and decided to chime in. Pic of a 'Sweet Autumn' or that is what it is supposed to be. Planted from some gift stub vines with roots about midsummer last year. Grew slightly and had a few fragrant blossoms during early fall. Frame is the basic frame from a metal patio glider placed under an unused 3 wire clothes line. Put up the stone border and filled with fine bark mulch a couple of days ago. This plant grows like crazy but, so far, has not put out suckers as an invasive plant would.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Closeup of leaves.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Closeup of blossom. About an inch across, white and fragrant.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Well, we learn something new everyday. I thought I had 1 virginiana and 1 sweet autumn. After viewing this thread, I have 2 virginianas!
The sweet autumn came from Garden Crossing. Hmmmmm.....

Ravenna, OH(Zone 5b)

My SAC from Joy Creek has now doubled in size, but the real test is what it does next year. The "Virginiana" from Garden Crossings also doubled in size when I planted it, only to come back in spring and fizzle all year. So we'll see, but from what I can tell, it will be an interesting spring now for sure! Finally!

Oh, sorry about the date thing, that's supposed to read 8/7/10 not the other way. My camera was set to d/m/y, but I now fixed that! lol So this pic is on August 7th.

Thumbnail by kentstar
Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

The ironic thing is that the virginiana I have will eat, devour, cover everything in it's path. It is a voracious grower and our drought has not caused it to miss a beat. This pic is from last year, but it's the same this year...I can't even capture the whole thing in one pic, I need a wide angle, panoramic lens ^_^

Thumbnail by venu209
W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

I bought "Paniculata" on sale yesterday, not knowing that it was Sweet Autumn - I just liked its' looks in the picture. Now I'm afraid to plant it for fear it will take over everything. I have a trumpet vine that was left by a previous owner and it comes up all over the farm. I'm wondering if it would be safe to plant in the shade? Appreciate any feedback.


Colleyville, TX(Zone 8a)

I had some and I moved it to the shade and then I would try to cut of the flowers after the blooms to prevent spreading. I did get afew seedlings.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Portion of my clematis in full bloom.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
W of Cleveland, OH(Zone 5a)

Oldgardenrose - Looks like it really likes where it's planed - really pretty. I finally planted mine in the shade like Banana - at the base of a shagbark hickory tree. The tree has no limbs for a long way up. Our plan is to use a ladder to keep it from getting too tall and to try to keep it from going to seed. If it starts to get out of control, we'll get rid of it right away. I've seen probably half a dozen in other people's yards this summer and they certain are gorgeous.


Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

My SA is beginning to drop petals. I do not know if it will rebloom or not. So far, there is no indication of it putting out suckers so I am hoping it does not spread. I do have a question though: I read where it should be cut back severely each year since the flowers are only on new growth. How far back is it recommended to be cut? This thing grew from a few puny short stems to a huge mass this one year.

Ravenna, OH(Zone 5b)

I've heard that it should be cut back to anywhere from one ft to 6 inches. I guess I'll find out how that works myself come spring lol!
Mine is now blooming right along! No fragrance yet though, but that's ok, it's a baby yet. It's also now starting to climb right up into my hedges. Yay! That's what I wanted it to do! ;)

This one is only 2 months old, so I don't expect it to get too large this year, but next....

This message was edited Sep 20, 2010 10:12 PM

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