Singapore Garden Festival 2010

Marine Parade, Singapore

I visited the Singapore Garden Festival today. It was great! It's a biennial festival, featuring garden displays and the orchid show.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Part of the display outside the entrance to the festival, which is actually staged indoors at the Suntec City Convention Centre. It was just as well, as it was pouring with rain this morning!

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Part of the display for the design 'Gardens by the Bay'

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Part of the display 'The Mysterious Jungle of Pandora' by Damian Tang of Singapore. This won 'Best in Show' in the Fantasy Garden category.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

'The Spice of Life - A Grenada Garden' by Suzanne Gaywood (UK / Grenada). Bronze medal in Fantasy Garden category.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

'Hommage aux Jardiniers' by Agnes Daval & Gabriel Milochau (France). Silver Medal in Fantasy Garden category.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

'Paradise Lost - An African Fantasy' - David Davidson, South Africa. Bronze medal, Fantasy Garden.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

'Hortus Inclusus' by John & Michael Cullen (USA). This depicts a garden inside a cloister. John Cullen had a really beautiful display at the last festival. The timbers are from an old barn in Michigan, the stone is from an old wall in Pennsylvania, and the pear trees are from Tennessee. This won a Gold Medal in the Fantasy Garden category.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Virginia Beach, VA

Beautiful pictures!! Thanks for sharing.

We were in Singapore March 2009 and sure had nice gardens. we were there on Chinese New Year. Such a clean country and no clunky cars. Belle

Marine Parade, Singapore

The Man Who Planted Trees - to celebrate the International Year of Biodiversity. This is the centrepiece of the festival and is not a competitive piece.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Virginia Beach, VA


Marine Parade, Singapore

'Kanahaza' by Kazuyuki Ishihara, Japan. It features a moss-covered dwelling surrounded by water.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Hi Belle! Glad you enjoyed your visit. Hope you had a chance to see some of the New Year festivities. Some of the pictures here are a little blurry. I was having some problems with my camera, and I had to snap fast to dodge the crazed gardening fans! This is 'Yesterday's Dream' by Inch Lim of Malaysia, depicting the kind of garden you might have seen here 50 years ago.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

'Taking a Leaf' by Peter Cheok, Singapore, depicting an old-style kampong house and garden.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

The entrance to the Orchid Show. Those are actual orchid plants hanging from coir webbing overhead.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

A gorgeous deep maroon cymbidium.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

A display of paphiopedilum orchids.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

A zygopetalum orchid.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

A prize-winning orchid display from Taiwan.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Prize-winning orchids put up by the Orchid Society of Singapore. (I think!) I was a little distracted at this point, looking at all the displays and trying to decide which way to go next.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

I liked the stripes on this dendrobium.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

A quirky little dendrobium.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

I absolutely loved the colours on this epicattleya. The combination is wild, and it looks almost unreal. It's Epicattleya Rene Marquis

This message was edited Jul 17, 2010 6:37 PM

This message was edited Jul 17, 2010 6:38 PM

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

This orchid won an award for innovation in breeding.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

A display of Asian orchid species by the Orchid Society of South-East Asia.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

A deep purple orchid (although it looks almost chocolatey in this photo). I bought one of these at one of the booths.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

I loved this dendrobium. The colours are very sweet. Unfortunately, I forgot to take note of its name.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

A stand of orchids which won the top awards at the orchid show.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Grammatophyllum speciosum - the world's largest orchid.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
noonamah, Australia

Got a Grammatophyllum speciosum at home in the garden. Only got it this year as a small plant, so still waiting for it to become 'The World's Largest Orchid'. :O)

I enjoyed viewing this thread. Thanks for sharing.

Marine Parade, Singapore

@RachelLF: Glad you enjoyed it. I wish I could have spent more time there, but I'd brought my 87 year-old grandmother along, and while she loved it, four hours of walking was beginning to tire her out, not to mention the fact that we'd arrived at 10 and were still wandering around past 2 without lunch. She wasn't willing to admit defeat though!
@tropicbreeze: That's fantastic! Hope the garden's big enough, or you may have to fight your way past it! Any sign of blooms yet?
This picture is of a vanda orchid which won a prize in its category.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
noonamah, Australia

It was only a seedling when I got it. Now it's about 30 to 40 centimetres high. So still quite a bit of growing to do.

Keep those pictures coming Gangajay if you have any more to share and bless your grandmothers heart for being such a trooper.


Marine Parade, Singapore

Yes she is a sweetheart! She wasn't willing to give up, but I didn't want her to be laid up in bed for the next days. There were cut flower displays as well. This won in the Floral Windows to the World category. It's 'Design with Nature' by Brigitte Heinrichs of Germany.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

This is part of the 'Gardens by the Bay' display. The picture is a little blurry, cos I snapped it hastily. There was a couple about to step into the frame. You can see frangipani, a breadfruit tree in the background, an incredible number of phalaenopsis plants, some vandas, ferns etc. It was beautiful, like the tropical garden of one's dreams.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

These were anthuriums at the Grenada garden display. They were huge - almost as large as my face!

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

These were a chocolate maroon colour.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

This is another part of the South African display.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

This is another view of the Kanahaza display. It's nice, but he had almost the exact same design at the last festival.

Thumbnail by Gangajay

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