Sheldon's Follies Summer 2010

Sandusky, OH

If you would like to view the previous thread here is the link

Now that summer in indeed here and temps have been in the low 90's things seem to slow down as far as birdwatching at the marsh...but being adventurous lol, I like to try and visit when I have a preferred subject to photograph that I know is available to take pics of. Lately its been the Belted Kingfisher..but it does not always cooperate and you better be ready for your chance.
Only got one good shot today of the BK, they were keeping to the tree's the whole time and the other shots I took were not good enough to post.

This message was edited Jul 15, 2010 1:18 AM

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

Lately I head straight to the beach section of the marsh as there are tons of bait fish hopping at the surface of the water and that's probably why the Kingfishers have taken up residence here with all the food that's available to them.

Today I got to observe Caspian Terns diving for fish and was able to capture some shots. There were groups of them coming and going and at times they all start to squawk at once and it gets pretty loud.

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

I think Ive said this before at one time...those wings are quite long..50"

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

as I watched and photographed became easier to predict when a dive was coming...

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH


Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

the water helped bring out the color more here...

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH


Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH


Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

Nice one chief! Next time and I hope that's soon I will try to move to a better lighting position, and it would have helped if they were slightly closer.

This message was edited Jul 15, 2010 1:17 AM

This message was edited Jul 15, 2010 1:18 AM

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

My normal spot I sit and take photo's is under some willow branch's (shade) and Cedar Waxwings always come through every time I,m there.

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

As you can see it was hot..all the birds were with beak open.

I will finish up this round of picture's with a small set of the Great Egret...believe it or not this guy wants me to take his picture all the

This message was edited Jul 15, 2010 1:19 AM

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

That last one is a wall shot...probably one of my top 10 pictures Ive ever taken....


Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

lastly a close-up...we had it all dialed in this time on the Egret...till next time.

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
PERTH, Australia

Hi Burd. Once again, a wonderful beginning to your summer thread. Well caught, those photos of the diving Caspian Tern and yes, the plumage on the Egret is beautifully highlighted.

Marlton, NJ

Great job Burd! Love the preening shot!

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Yes, a great job for sure. The Kingfisher is just beautiful and what an exciting moment to watch the Tern fishing-great job on this beauty. I really loved the preening one too-hope you're framing that one.

Sandusky, OH

Thx all! I would really like to have been able to frame the preening shot but wanted a little less foilage...but who knows I may was the first time that bird decided to preen close by.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh wow....those last 2 shots of the egret are really nice Burd!

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

I think the foilage just enhances your bird. Be proud of this one. I haven't had a good chance to get one like this yet, but my day will come.

Sandusky, OH

Quote from ducbucln :
I think the foilage just enhances your bird. Be proud of this one. I haven't had a good chance to get one like this yet, but my day will come.

I was delighted about the preening taking place..and have several photo's but that one was the winner. I have taken at least 1000 pictures of that same I said he is a "ham" and whats me to take his pic. lol I look forward to seeing him every time I go there. ;)

Sandusky, OH

More from the Follies....

I mentioned there were lots of bait fish in the lake...Gizzard Shad is mostly what the birds are after. It has been really hot for a good month now and the warmer water temps get fish to be really active. This shot is a tiny group of Ring-billed Gull's.. out of the hundreds that were feeding.

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

Lots of action near the surface of the water...gets the bird's going

shot of a Gizzard Shad trying to catch a bug or something...

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

I moved to a location near the beach that has a break-wall to get closer to the action...the Caspian Terns were right amongst the Ring-billed Gull's.

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH


Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

no capture of a dive this time...but this one hovered for a good 10 seconds before he dove...

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

he broke it off just before hitting the water...

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH


Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

a couple more of the Caspian Tern....

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH


Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

Was hoping that Id see some different bird's today. This Forster's Tern passed through...also seen a Willet do a quick flyby.

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

Couple shots of the Ring-billed Gull...

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

I learned today that sometimes ISO 400 can be too high on very bright days.

This message was edited Jul 16, 2010 11:11 PM

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

While under the willow tree in my favorite shaded spot this Spotted Sandpiper kept an eye on me while he picked through the peat for insects and snails.

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

he was watching the Great Blue Heron's chasing each other...

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

Great Blue Heron...the bait fish have the large birds chasing each other out of the area....

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

yes my buddy was

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

posted this shot because of the (heart shape) his landing made in the water...

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

He is a close as he's ever been here...couldn't get the whole bird in the frame.

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

This immature Bald Eagle was a way's off....

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos
Sandusky, OH

watched him for quite a he curious of the water...later he would play with a stick but because he was so far off I decided to just watch.

Thumbnail by Burd_Fotos

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