scab? scale?

Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

These pin head size black/brown spots are found on some leaves in one section of the garden. When peeled or squished off, they feel tar like. I also fine then on bricks and containers in that one section. Any ideas as to what it is and control?

Thumbnail by dun1kirk
Sinks Grove, WV

These appear to be spores of a fungus in the genus Sphaerobolus. Commonly known as
'artillery fungus', they can 'shoot' their spores quite some distance, and they stick like the dickens to whatever they hit. Although unsightly, they will do no harm to the plants, but are very difficult to remove from other surfaces. See for a fact sheet with detailed information.

Berkeley, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank you. You're the only person that knew!

Sinks Grove, WV

Unfortunately, I've had personal problems with this beastie on our property, so I know it rather too well...

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