Daily pics #335

Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

I have four from today to share.

Maybe its just me, but this is the first time I've ever seen a Mockingbird at the birdbath. It never did get in, just took a few sips and left.


This message was edited Jul 13, 2010 10:04 PM

Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Usually, I see the Chipping Sparrows on the ground, but this one went right to the source of the seeds that are on the ground.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

First time I saw this male Goldfinch, it was a flash of yellow. I got it when it stopped to eat.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

I thought my previous male Cardinal was red, but it pales in comparison to this one.


Thumbnail by TheHackster
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

I'm with you with that beak on Duc's Trasher Nanny, is there something wrong with your Hairy's eye?
Duc beautiful shot of the Osprey and Scrub Jay. Sorry you missed that Eagle's shot.
Wild-Rose, love how you've captured the Geese and the lily pads, neat.
Burd the House Sparrow pics are nice.
Best Missy, congratulation on the second brood of bluebird.

The Crow were feeling the heat today.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Hack nice one of the Cardinal. Cute Mockingbird too. The feeder I have for the Woodpecker,is for peanuts halves. They weren't really keen on it at the beginning. Because of the Grackle, they had to make due of it, cause I couldn't put up suet anymore.They come everyday to it now.

A little family of Geese in the ATV trail.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
PERTH, Australia

Lovely shots, everyone. Duc, you wanna do a house swap?

We just got back from the ocean a short time ago. It's a wild day and this Wllie Wagtail was having fun running along the beach catching bugs brought in with each wave.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Reaching for something near that rock.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

When it wasn't searching for insects, it returned to this slightly sheltered spot.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Silver Gull

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

It continued its search on the groyne, which was being hit with some fairly good sized waves. Taken with a salted up lens.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Marlton, NJ

Very nice Margaret!

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Great pictures all. Love seeing the baby blues.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Margaret, that Willy is so funny with those white eyebrows!

Hot, humid and overcast yesterday, but I went out to a local state park to do some bird watching. I missed a shot of a male Redstart. I was actually stalking a butterfly when the bird landed on a branch. I think we both surprised each other.

Anyway, first up is this Chipping Sparrow. It had a fledge with it, so it was flying right at my head. So hard to just stand there and not duck!

Here it sits nearby after a flight to my head!

This message was edited Jul 12, 2010 9:51 AM

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Then I left that area and it stalked me. It looks like it is "yelling" at me here, but was really just a chirp.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Was glad to see this barn swallow in the nest. There is a lake at this park, and this little sheltered bench was about 20 feet from the lake. I'd say, for a swallow, that's a pretty darn good location.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Marlton, NJ

Beautiful shots Mrs Ed!

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Nanny, that Hairy WP is so cute.

Missy, congratulations on the new family members.

Hack, now that you mention it, I've never seen our Mockingbirds go to any of my baths either. Great photo of yours. That Cardinal sure is a pure red-nice one.

Burn cute picture of your Crow.

Margaret, your willy is adorable. I liked that third photo of him. He looks like he's king of the roost. What a clear shot of that Silver Gull-beautiful.

Mrs Ed, sorry about your miss on the Redstart. Great photo of the sparrow! Nice one of the swallow nest too. I love the tails on these birds. That mud nest looks very sturdy.

I caught a quick picture of this Ash-throated Flycatcher and then it was off into the trees.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

My Crows are enjoying the hot sun by spreading their feathers out on the tops of the vine covered trees.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Not a bird, but had to share this cutie that came to the water bucket with mom.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

This juvie Oriole was enjoying the cool water.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Every of our thread has something interesting to offer. Thus far this one has so many new birds and interesting wildlife everyone is sharing. Thank you Resin for a wonderful opening. Thanks everyone for all the wonderful post.

I've been so busy coping with the heat here at home and try to stay cool. Margaret, it's so nice to finally get to know your Willie Wagtails at a close-n-personal basic. I remember seeing them on your Ospreys' thread. Some mischievious little birds they are!

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Marlton, NJ

Duc, Those are excellent shots and the doe is too precious!!!!

Klamath River, CA

Thought I would share this pic of a fledgling White-tailed Kite getting a vole from his father that was sent via e-mail to me. (the pic was taken by a bird watcher in the SF Bay area)

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Marlton, NJ

Very cool!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

OMYGosh...precious fawn!!

Burn...not sure about the woodpeckers eye...It has been like that for a while now.

Great one of the MB Hack!

duc..beautiful flycatcher!

and of course gotta love that sillly Willie Wagtail!

Getting back in to the routine after a bad week last week. Have had more butterfly action than bird action so have been over there a lot too.

Just so many cardinal fledglings around at all different stages of developement.


This message was edited Jul 12, 2010 8:10 PM

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

hmmm...not so cute young male changing!

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

another Robin with its bug catch!

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Had a mature Baltimore Oriole last Friday....haven't seen one since. Still get juvies visiting but not as much. Probably learning the fine art of bug catching!

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Butler, NJ

Beautiful pictures everyone! Hairy woodpeckers are one of my favorites. About 3 weeks ago I watched as a adult male Red-Bellied flew from tree to tree with a baby female, the adult male came to the feeders but the baby didn't. Sunday I saw what I think is the baby female, by looking at this photo can any one tell me if this is a baby? when I saw it 3 weeks ago it didn't have the red feathers in yet but you could see the dark gray outline and I was able to tell it was a female. All the adults that are coming to the feeders white feathers are gray and dirty and very thin. How long does it take for the red feathers to come in?

Thumbnail by misseymarie
Marlton, NJ

Hi Marie, That is an adult female. They have that grey cap just before the red starts.

Marlton, NJ

Nice pics nanny!
Still haven't seen an immature Cardinal here.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I could send you a few pelle and not even miss them we have so many!

Have had a few Crows venture back into the yard when the Grackles aren't here.

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

This is a rare and unusual sight!

Crow & squirrel

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

It was very warm that day...

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I will be glad when the Grackles leave and the Crows get back to coming around everyday to the yard. I miss their antics! Looks so happy! lol

This message was edited Jul 13, 2010 8:45 AM

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Be glad when these guys leave too...Starlings!

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

My last shot to share...Red-bellied Woodpecker

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Adel, love the photo of the Kites.

Nanny, your juvie cardinal is just the cutest little thing. Great one of the Robin and Oriole too. I liked the one with the Crow and the Squirrel. Love that Red-bellied.

Marie, great shot of the wp!

This juv. Scrub Jay was enjoying the cool bath.

Thumbnail by ducbucln
Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

The Oak Titmice are all over the garden hunting for food. They almost blend in with their surroundings.

Thumbnail by ducbucln

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