Cross Vine Tangerine Beauty

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Didn't know if I'd get blooms this year, as I got it as a VERY tiny cutting last year...........Hummer's have found it already !

Thumbnail by mjsponies
(Karen) Frankston, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, that is very beautiful! I wanted some of that badly last year from seed and never got around to purchasing any. Did the cutting root easily? In water maybe? I have some Giant Dutchmans Pipe vine I could take cuttings of and trade you if you were interested...

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Darkmoon, I was actually sure that it wasn't going to root, but it did and then it took forever to get going. I have the Giant Dutchman's Pipe, you don't have a trade list but look at mine maybe we can work something out.

Stewart, TN

That is gorgeous. I have a wild cross vine growing up a tree and never knew it had cultivars like that one. Mine is pretty but the flowers are relatively small and don't really last very long.

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