Bag Worm Infestation

Little Rock, AR

Late last summer had Green Giant Arborvitae planted. It looked great all winter/spring until I discovered bag worms about 3 weeks ago. I've hand picked off at least 100 1/2"-1" size of them! Thought the tree was pretty "clean" until I went out yesterday and found another 30 or so - now bigger. The most damage is at the bottom where about 6-9" of branches are brown, but the tree is generally looking "thinner/sparser" than it did. I had read that this tree was pest/disease resistant, but apparently not here in central Arkansas. Is this tree "doomed"? Do they ever grow new to replace brown needles/stems? I have a one-year guarantee for the tree, but it is not "dead" so probably won't be able to get replaced that way. What to do now?

Any help/suggestions appreciated.

Sinks Grove, WV

If the tree is small enough so that you can reach all branches, continue to search it on a frequent basis, picking off and destroying any bagworms that you find. Then, early next spring, apply a foliar spray with an insecticide registered for homeowner use on ornamental plants. Check with your county agricultural extension office (see for specific advice on timing and formulations. If the tree is otherwise healthy, it should recover.

Little Rock, AR

Yes, I can reach with a short ladder. Thanks!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ugh, same problem here but my arborvitae is too tall to reach the very top. I heard BT is the best way to treat them.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Donna, listen to and/or read this it may help

PS--Please join us over at the Mid-South Gardening Forum


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I checked out the U of A site and they recommended Bayer Advanced Garden Tree and Shrub Insect control....I checked the label on that product and bagworms are not listed as one of the insects it controls, so don't know if I'd spend my $ on something that may not work.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

Fertilome Borer, Bagworm and Leafminer Spray. Bt doesn't work because these are not caterpillars. the spray is organic and contains spinosad. use a hose end sprayer if you can't reach the tops with a regular pump up sprayer.

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