Can anyone ID this plant?

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

This is growing in one of my beds and I have no idea of how it got there or what it is. It is about 4-5 feet tall at this point and there has never been a bloom nor does it look like there will ever be one. On the plant ID forum they thought it might be a frost/downy aster but said I should probably check withe experts on this forum. Any help would be appreciated.


Thumbnail by janaestone
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That looks like the same weed that's trying to take over one of my beds... hoping somebody knows what it is... thanks for posting about it!

De Pere, WI

It looks like an aster--possibly Frost or Heath. Wait until it blooms in late Summer/Fall to see--both have small white blossoms and self seed into gardens often.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I took the one in the picture out of that garden but found another one in a back part of the yard. I took that one out before it could bloom due to the comments from the other forum. The one in the back part of the yard just started blooming a few days ago and they are the small white ones that you mentioned. It is now gone as well so I guess it is def a Frost aster of some sort. Thanks for the replies,

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