Red Feathered won't "Feather " !

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

My Red Feathered hasn't set one bloom yet. It's growing well, just no blooms........)-:
any thoughts ( I have fertilized with a bloom buster)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Is it getting full sun? If you recently fertilized, it might take up to 2 weeks to see buds forming. I believe this is an I. purpurea cultivar? If so, I've found that sometimes they take a little longer to produce that first bloom. Once they do though, you'll have a ton of blooms! :-)

Can you post a photo of the vine for us to see?

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Here's the plant

Thumbnail by mjsponies
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

while I was taking the pictures I saw this....a bud ? hopefully not more leaves......I've fertilized twice with bloom buster...once about 3 weeks ago and again last week.

Thumbnail by mjsponies
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

The HIGE Feathered-Type Morning Glories will usually bloom sporadically after they are several weeks old.

When your temps start to drop and the weather is cooler is whey they begin their show and your vines will be loaded with awesome blooms.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

MJ - It looks like buds in the second photo! I love your arbor! And your vines DO look amazingly healthy! Your leaves are a really nice size. The blooms will be much smaller, but with bloom flushes they will stand out nicely.

I don't know about the cooler weather only bringing on bloom flushes. I've gotten flushes in both cooler and hot temps. I do know that the I. purpureas are not stunted in growth by cooler weather like I. nils are. I have some volunteers growing in a pot. The foliage looks pretty bad (too much rain), but they've been blooming quite a bit with our heat and humidity here.

I also often wonder if I. purpureas prefer acidic fertilizer. I say that because they often bloom after a good rain. I remember someone a few years back that shared some photos of their I. purpurea vines growing up the guard rails of wooden stairs on their walkway. If I am not mistaken, I think they told me they fertilized one side with something like a rose fertilizer and the other side they didn't do anything. There was a very noticeable difference between the two vines which were the same cultivar and planted at the same time. So I've often wondered about that.

I do think once you start to get blooms, you'll get a lot more that will follow. Even without the blooms, your vines look great growing up your arbor! Please share some more photos when they start blooming. :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Emma - That looks like Pink triple feathers that I sent you 3 years ago.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Becky,

No that photo is actually the Raspberry-Red Form that I grow and is not the brightest Red as others I have. It is more of a very Dark Pink.

Here is a photo of the HIGE Pink that you sent me that I only grew in 2008. In fact, I'm growing it again this year and call it HIGE Becky's Pink. I also have a couple of other Pinks that are also very nice.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Ooo, love those feathery blooms you guys are growing! Very nice! Best of luck with yours MJ - hope to see photos of your blooms too.


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Joanne -
I have many HIGE vines growing this year, and what a treat they will be.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Very pretty hige/feather I. purpureas, Emma. I like the purple/blue flaked hige. Will be growing some flaked higes this summer, too.

Was this photo taken later in the day?

I remember mine being a darker pink as shown in my blog photos. One of those photos was taken early in the day (1st photo). The second was taken in the afternoon after it rained and the bloom had faded.

I believe I got the seeds from LousianaMark (I think that was his name), so they weren't something I created, just seeds I shared. You should put "Mark" or "Lousiana" instead of "Becky" in the name. :-)

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Becky,
The HIGE Bluish-Purple Flaked Shibori is outstanding.

I don't remember what time of the day I took those photos, but I usually take photos in the morning between 8am and sometimes as late as 10am. We will see what they produce this year.

Here is another of my crosses of HIGE Jamie Lynn and HIGE Bluish-Purple Flaked Shibori blooming on the same vine.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Beautiful feathered blooms Emma.The bluish-purple is
really special.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Jackie,

Yes, that is an especially beautiful MG and is so awesome when it is in full bloom.

East Bridgewater, MA


That blue and white HIGE, and your other ones, take my breath away!

The 'Jamie Lynn' cross looks like it was created by "garden fairies" that were portrayed in Victorian-era art!

edited for spelling ("spelin"

This message was edited Jul 11, 2010 3:08 PM

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)


Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment on my HIGEs. They truly are a delight to grow.

So far they are remaining True. This year will be grow out Year #4, however, I will not be seeing my HIGE blooms in my climate until the temps start to drop and the weather cools down. Then they are in full bloom until our first frost. If they are in a pot and I move them to my Greenhouse, they continue to bloom through the winter.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
East Bridgewater, MA

Another EXQUISITE bloom!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Again . . .
Thanks so much

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

We've had some wierd night time temp's down to the low 70's some nights then shooting up to the high 70's. Lots of buds, we'll see if they pop.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

We too have had very strange weather here in Texas.
I actually had a couple of Pink HIGE blooms this morning that I got from Japan. They do not have a name, so I call them HIGE Soft Pale Pink, which is what they are. The seeds on these are white.

Hopefully, you will see blooms soon, and we will look forward to seeing your awesome blooms.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

I looked tonight and there are lots of keep your finger's crossed. I bought a lot of seeds, but only got around to sowing a few, and I so hoped to have there. Emma, your Jamie Lynn is happily climbing one of my oak tree's and babies coming up all around it has I have "missed" grabbing a "few" seeds...LOL.........oh well, new plants for later.................with out the effort !

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Great that you have lots of buds, which means lots of blooms.
Oh yes, I have gotten oodles of Jamie Lynn seedlings that I give away to neighbors and friends that volunteer, and such a pretty MG too.
Still one of my very favorites.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I love Jamie Lynn and love the higes, and I can't wait to seemine finally start to do something. Those are beautiful, Emma. I have had really nice grow outs from your seeds.
MJs how exciting for you!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Debra,

I also have some HIGE crosses that I'm growing out this year and can't wait to see what they produce.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

MJ and Emma, Please be sure to post when you have blooms! You know I love to look at them after a long day at work.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

HI Debra,

I'll be very happy to.


DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

oh yes, I'll post too, I'm super excited about the Red Feathered. ( and impatient !! ;-)........

(Zone 7a)

just adding my 2 cents to enjoying grow-outs of Emma's seeds - me too :) Too many obstacles so far this year to sowing Emma's seeds, but I'm still looking forward to enjoying them in pots late this summer and then continuing indoors when frost threatens. Past summers, when vines from her seeds were flinging themselves up over arbors were the most magical ever.

MJS & Debra, I too look forward to seeing photos of your blooms in the coming weeks and months.


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Karen,
What a very nice thing to say, and I am so thrilled that you enjoy my MGs. I'll have bunches of more new ones to share with you this year.

Here is the first bloom on one of my new HIGE crosses that is a very Pale Lilac and Pink.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Incredible hige blooms Emma.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Jackie,

I am really excited about my newest Pale Lilac.

Mesilla Park, NM

Please don't think I'm being mean with this comment, it is not mean't to be.

These types of purpureas, (feathered) for some reason are aphid magnets, I don't know if it is the heat here or if anyone else has a problem with them, but they infect ALL of the rest, so I suggest you plant them away from all your prized mgs, especially if you plan crosses.

I do like some of them, not all .


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Nice higes! I'll be growing one or two of them out soon, too! But ...

A - You know ... I never really thought about it until you mentioned that. But of all the MGs I've grown, the Indigo purple hige was the only I. purpurea that had aphids!! I wonder why? I know they get lots of ants, too. Maybe high nectar blooms?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I noticed aphids in the house in winter, ( Basement Gardens) but once outside here in my area, the lady bugs keep everything at bay. I have never noticed aphids on the hige I grew last year, we will see what happens this year. I planted indigo feathers from Ronnie, am looking forward to it. Gypsy Bride is vining, waiting for some buds.

(Zone 7a)

Debra, I have never seen aphids on my higes out in the garden, either - but it's a whole different story indoors grr.


Mesilla Park, NM

The others that were full of aphids or black aphids, were the wedding bells tri-color mgs.

I also forgot to mention that whitefly also started with the higes two years in a row. It may just be too dry here.

East Bridgewater, MA

Loving the photos of the pink and pale lilac HIGEs!

Gorgeous !!!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you BostonArea_6A,

Here is another Pale Lilac bloom from this am. Also, I have zero aphids so far this year, and our weather has been sweltering hot.


Thumbnail by EmmaGrace
Mesilla Park, NM

Aphids, and those black things and white fly will show up in August unless you get some good rains.. good luck, you must have a lot of humidity, we are in a desert area... no humidity, that could account for our dryness. Good to know that not everyone has this problem, just beware that once you get these whitefly nasties, they are almost there to stay and destroy all the mgs.


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

You can see how healthy my leaves are in this shot

Thumbnail by EmmaGrace

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