question on seeds or lack of

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i got some white shimmer Japanese morning glory seeds in trade. they are a variegated vine and the flowers are huge white like the moon vines are. the problem is they aren't producing seeds. I have hand pollinated pollinated with other mg pollen from like pearly gates and others and still no seeds. Can the vines be sterile? if so how does that happen when i grew them from seeds.

ps even went out with a paint brush to make sure got pollen in there this morning.

This message was edited Jul 2, 2010 1:13 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Marie - Is the white JMG an I. nil? If so, they will probably not be fertilized with Pearly Gates (tri-color) or Moonvines (I. alba) pollen. You would need to cross them with another I. nil vine. And even then, it doesn't always happen for known and unknown reasons. Just keep trying!

I do believe from my own personal experience that some cultivars tend to be sterile or produce little to no seeds. Sometimes it's just outta your control ... but keep trying. You might get at least one pod. :-)

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