July Chat, Photos, Etc

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

We came from here http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1111169/#new

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday. I am making a cherry nut pie and bbq weenies for this weekend's festivities...going to SIL tonight to be with Jeff's family and to the lake tomorrow to be with my family. Gonna be great!

This is Big Duck...if you saw him, you would agree with his name ;o)

Thumbnail by duckmother
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Wow!! 1st post!!!

I don't know what to say!!! LOL!!!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Just thought I would put the word out about the Mustang Convertible. That's how we found the guy that is supposed to come this weekend. If he doesn't buy it, we are also going to take it out to a shop on I30 that does nothing but restore old mustang's. He does work for people all over the US. You just never know who could be looking for one, so just trying to get the word out.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I know someone who would love to have it - but Jessica can't afford it ! LOL .... she is a mustang fanatic! Bless her heart...... she has wanted one since she was a little girl - I sure hope someday she gets to realize that dream! But, IF she is still on my insurance, it sure won't be a GT she gets...... maybe a 6 cyl...... ^_^

Good luck on moving it. I am sure there are lots of people who would seriously be interested in it.


Ripley, MS

Thanks, Kim--I love big duck-I know people are tired of looking at my never ending daylilies.
I worked down around the "pot farm" today--I made a list of everything that is going into the new bed this fall, so I can check the height, and try to get them arranged right
I have 67 daylilies in pots---8 lilies--that all need to go into the new bed. Oh my I need help, big time--lol

Charlotte, I hope you have a great trip, tell us again when you will be back ?
I found one thing today I have not shown

Blackberry Lily

Thumbnail by slcdms
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Sandra let me know when you are gonna work on that new bed and Mary and I will come help.

Ripley, MS

It will not be until Sept, possibly Oct, it depends on how much heat we still have in Sept.
You can come and see me anytime--Terrye has not started a thread yet, but she is having the fall get together Oct 23rd.

I can just see Mary helping--LOL--she would tell me to stick those flowers where the sun don't shine-LOL
If you could see the mess I have here--you would come today-LOL--I have so many more that need to be moved, that are not getting enough sunshine. I have no idea where they are going to be, they may all wind up at the plant swap, except for a few special ones--see now that is my problem--I share, and I love to share, but I want to keep just a fan for me too !!!
This is one of my no id's that I just could not give it all away, it is so pretty

Thumbnail by slcdms
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Even your NOID's are pretty!!!! Maybe we can coordinate working with that weekend. Hopefully Mary will be feeling better by that time.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Stunning NOID, Sandra!

Olive Branch, MS

Sandra make that 68 pots of dayilies. LOL I will add 1 more pot with 2 different ones tomorrow when I come. That Noid is pretty. If you miss it after we leave I will try to post a pic of it for you to enjoy next year.

Ripley, MS

Oh goodie, another pot to add to my list --see I need help, I don't even know what it is and I am getting excited !!!
I doubt it will be blooming tomorrow, so you won't be able to find it--lol
I still have lots blooming, but the blooms are smaller now

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the new thread, Kim. Big Duck is pretty. Have a good time at the lake this week-end!

More beautiful daylilies, Sandra. I don't blame you for keeping that noid--it is lovely! I'll be happy to come and help with your daylilies, too, but it will have to be a bunch cooler than it is now! LOL

If y'all are wondering what I am doing up this time of morning--well, I went to bed about 11 and was sooooo sleepy but as soon as my head touched the pillow, my eyes popped open and have been open ever since. That is soooooo frustrating! You would think that I would be able to sleep really good because I worked all afternoon over at Jason's and Heather's place that they rented, helping Heather to get it cleaned up. The place was nasty and the landlord evidently had no intention of hiring anyone to clean it. It hasn't been this clean since it was brand new (in 2000)! Heather and I have put in a total of 33 woman-hours cleaning it this week. The landlord should give them their next month's rent free!

Somebody just set off some kind of huge firecracker--it sounded like an explosion and then I could hear regular firecrackers in the background. I hope the cops get them--they are not supposed to be shooting off fireworks in the city limits. Crazy teens, no doubt.

Well, I am going to try to get some sleep. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :o))

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Marilyn don't you just hate it when you wake up like that!! I think sometimes we get too tired to sleep.

I have a few photos before I take off this afternoon. Still need to pack.

This is Doosie finally dropping her skirt.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Doosie with a nice flush.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kelly Anne - I really like the color on this one.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Asiatic lily - It is tagged but I didn't feel like getting up in there (if I could have) to find the tag.

Thumbnail by cperdue
Ripley, MS

It just dawned on me after I went to bed last night that you all thought I really needed some help with my daylilies--
I meant to say I need MENTAL help--I need to be put into the loony bin, I should be in a straight jacket--that kind of help, maybe I could be on one of those hoarder shows,
I need to be rehabilitated--I am nutsy cuckoo --that is the kind of help I REALLY need-LOL
So sweet of you all to volunteer, if you really want to help, bring a shovel and take some home with you !!!!!!!!!!!!! If I say, just leave me one little fan--threaten me with the butterfly net !

Booneville, MS

I'm back! Finally!
Thanks so much for all the wellwishes from everyone. You guys are the best!

They finally got a patch on my internet so we can switch it back and forth from the building until the new equipment comes in. We are getting a directional transmitter to replace the land router to the house.

I am better today. I had a really bad day Thursday but I hope that was a turn-the-corner-day. I do fine as long as I don't stir around too much. I still get short of breath and cough real bad if do. Marilyn, I am on meds. My doc is treating me at home trying to keep me out of the hospital.

Thank goodness my two daughters were with me up north. Bless them, they wound up having to take care of me but they still had a good time. I came home with pneumonia, lightening strike to a tree in the backyard (which took out the internet) and the cut worms took out my tomatoes while I was gone. lol

Sandra, we have known you are nutsy cuckoo for as long as we have known you. lol

Cindy, I'm glad you are feeling better. Hope this last injection works for you.

Charlotte, have a great trip!!


Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Beautiful blooms ladies..I sure have enjoyed the days being a lil bit cooler here(low 90's) and its been so nice not to have to wter every day,but I think the blessing of the rain is over for now.. I planted out a bunch of daylily seeds, im eager to see if I get babies from them. Also planted out hosta seeds am excited to see if I cna make either of these grow..

If some of you are looking for daylilies heres a link for dayliles for postage.. Theres a few boxes left if you are interested..

Ripley, MS

I will not click, I will not click---ok I lied, I clicked already--see how bad I am !
If I felt like digging, I would be sending on that one, instead of getting though.

Terrye, so glad you are finally feeling better, pneumonia is no fun anytime, but being sick in the summer is the pits ! Also glad you got the internet back, I am so spoiled to mine-I would hate to have to do without it. Ours was out last week end after a storm for somewhere close to 24 hours. I just felt naked without the laptop in my lap, so I played games on it-----another nutsy cuckoo thing !!!!!!!!

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

I did , too Sandra.....could not help it . You are going to make us all into Daylily nuts yet !! LOL

Glad you are doing better Terrye

Charlotte - Have a safe trip and a good time with your family

We just got back yesterday from Ft. Benning , Ga. and heading to Fort Campbell, KY. on monday for Max's MED board

My DS , Chris graduated from Army Basic Training. He was only one out of 8 of 250 soldiers that got a special award, He got a Army PT ( physical training ) score of 383 on an extended scale ...a 300 is a perfect score. Extended scoring is available for those who perform over the maximums. Over 100 situps in 2 minutes, over 100 pushups in 2 minutes, and a certain time on an 2 mile run. The record for the whole US Army is a 402, he did the a 383 without any extra special training or effort. This is the child who started lifting weights in 5th grade, and ran track / and cross country for all of middle and high school , plus ROTC all through high school and 3 years of college. Works out 3-4 hours a day year round for no special reason other than he loves to do it...( sick isn't it ? ) He said he tried once to see how many situps he could do at one time and he got bored and quit at 500 ......... CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!

We are sort of proud of him though, he was on a plane headed for Fort Sam Houston ,Texas last night. He will be going to Combat Medic school for the next 16 weeks.. then he plans to do Airborne training , go to Army Ranger school, then become a Combatives instructor. The Army now uses mixed martail arts, and kickboxing , etc. in their hand to hand combat training. So with his MMA and brazilian ju jitsu background he wants to learn to teach it.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

That's very impressive about your DS Sharon. I'd be so proud of him too. Awesome!

Good to see you back TErrye, glad your feeling better.

I'm getting brugmansia fever now that Charlotte has posted her beauties LOL

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Lol sorry Sandra.. If you find your self with more daylilies than you can stand I bet we can take them off your hands..I know I got room for plenty of them..Even tho DH is starting to mourn the loss of his grass..Only because he bought a new zero turn radius mower to play with.. I tell him just act like its a carnival ride(which he loves so much) when he is swinging round and round all my plants hehe..

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY EVERYONE! A day early cause I won't be back until Monday, and I'll have some pictures to share too!!!

Ripley, MS

Well, Trish come on over and bring a shovel--that is one reason I am overloaded, I have not been able to dig much this year. I usually do give lots away, but not being able to dig has hampered that.

I hit the jackpot this morning--Kenny and Jim went to First Monday and came by with all kinds of goodies for me !!! Okra,eggs, peppers and 2 new daylilies !!!
Thanks guys-- I sure enjoyed their visit too.

Olive Branch, MS

Sandra it was great visiting and the plants you gave us was a bonus.There in a bucket of water till this evening. Next year I'll try to come a few weeks sooner when things are in full bloom and steal a few more.
We stopped by the concrete place and looked around. Kim I bought this duck for you. I am sure you have it, but if so now you have 2.

Thumbnail by obbirds
Booneville, MS

Good for you, Sandra! Fresh okra, yum!

I am getting out of the house today! Yah! We have had plans for several months now to go out tonight with several couples friends of ours and I am going one way or the other! lol I'll load up on medicine if I have to, but I feel okay right now.
Ray rode me down to see the ducklings. We have eight left now and they come running when the 4-wheeler pulls up!


Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Marilyn, I had exactly the same sleepless hours last night. I was dog tired but my body and brain just wouldn't shut down for some reason. I blamed it on the Thai food I ate, but it was not spicy. I tried to read and the words kept blurring but I still wasn't really sleepy.

Sharon, congratulations to your Chris!! That is some impressive work he's been doing and I know ya'll are so proud. Best of luck to him in beginning his Army career.

Have a great Independence Day holiday tomorrow and everyone stay safe!

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

LOL!!! Sandra don't we all need mental help? I meant to help you plant some. Mary said you are a CRAZY woman!!! She said she wouldn't have said what you thought she would say!!!

Terrye I'm glad that you are feeling better. Please don't overdo tonight, remember that pneumonia is very serious!!!!

Sharon congrats to your son!!! He has already done more than most people achieve in a life time!!! Kudos!!! Still remembering Yall for the 6th!!!

Charlotte have fun and be safe in your travel and everyone else that is traveling during the holiday. We're gonna run to Biloxi tomorrow and then to Mobile Monday to visit my Aunt & Uncle. I'll also get to see 2 of my cousins. I'm very excited!!! Might even snick in some casino time while gone!!!! LOL!!!

Ripley, MS

Oh yes, congratulation to Chris--that is quite an accomplishment !

Kenny, I don't feel like I gave you anything--you had to do the work to get the plants-LOL
I am sure that Kim will find a special place for that duck--I think she has gone to the lake for the week end.

Terrye, have fun-I know you are about stir crazy, so glad you feel like going out.

You girls that have trouble sleeping, have you ever taken Melatonin
I have used it in years gone by, when my back would not let me sleep, I have not taken any in quite a while, but it really helped me then. Jerry's Mom has always had trouble sleeping, now that she has so much pain from her hip she really has trouble sleeping. They have given her something to help her sleep, but some nights she never shuts her eyes. She get so tired from not sleeping.
Just don't take that stuff that makes you get up and cook and eat and never know you did it ! Judy and Cindy both have done that and they had to quit that stuff !

Ripley, MS

Jeri, I know Mary would have been right there for moral support--LOL
You are welcome here anytime, but I was just telling you all how crazy one old woman can be !!

I cooked some of that good okra for supper--this will tell you how much of a hillbilly I am, we were having hamburger steaks, and we had fried okra with it--also fresh tomatoes-YUMMY ! I will boil some next week on top of some purple hull peas and make cornbread--YUMMY again ! Forget the hamburgers and hot dogs for the 4th--I had rather have that good fresh stuff !

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

What do you mean she's gone to the lake for the weekend. She practially lives on the lake ;0)

Ripley, MS

I will stay away from Germantown for sure !!!!
You know the store closed where my stuff came from, so I guess I will have to give it up-LOL

Olive Branch, MS

I saw that the other day on the news and got worried it was Sandra till I heard the Germantown part. LOL Okra is good no matter what it is served with.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Ya'll are too funny! Never heard of anyone getting drunk off of vanilla..... she must have liked it more than Sandra did!! ^_^

Fresh Okra sure sounds good...... haven't seen any for sale around here!

Madison, MS

Hi Everybody,

Happy 4th

Thumbnail by cedarcottage
Central, LA(Zone 8b)

Thank you cedarcottage!!! That is the perfect picture for today!!!! Stay safe my friends and have a wonderful holiday!!!!

Ripley, MS

I agree--with the Happy 4th and the perfect picture. Do you know what kind of fern that is--that is the one Ruth gave me last year and she did not know the name-I love it !

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Jeri: well now we all know what has made Sandra cuckoo! ROFLOL

Terrye: I hope you enjoyed your evening out last night--it's good to get out with friends. I also hope you didn't overdo it but I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. :o))

Sharon: congrats to your son--I know you and Max are proud of him! Praying that everything goes well for Max next week.

Trish: giggling here over the "carnival ride" LOL

Elaine: I slept last night--too tired not to after 9 hours of packing stuff up and moving it to the newlyweds' new place. Have to do it all over again today. Then, finally, we will be finished with the moving process!

Sandra, I have never taken melatonin but I have heard of it. I don't take "stuff"--the only meds I take are what my cardiologist has prescribed for me. Other than that, I am fortunate to rarely have a headache or an ache or pain of any kind, except from sore muscles after helping my son & DIL move, LOL! and the offer to help you dig daylilies still stands--as soon as the weather cools off which probably won't be til Sept. at the earliest!!

HOORAY--we finally got a good rain and I wasn't even home to enjoy it! I was over at my son's "new" (to them) place and there was not a drop of rain over there (it's 11 miles from my house) so imagine my surprise when I got home last night to find wet ground, really wet for a change)! Hooray, I don't have to water for a few days!

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