Dany's MGs 2010 part 2

szarvas, Hungary

Here Q 1044 with a photo of the flower has just opened.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

This is not the first flower of this cultivar, I do not post before because I thought the colors were a bit sad - Cemetery color or sparrow color .
But this flower is acceptable even beautiful!

I use his pollen to pollinate Mauve Splash.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

It is also very nice but I suspect to be totally sterile.
No many stamens and a pistil with a stigma very small.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Probably Suigetsu.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

The same flower 12 hours later ... : Rose Silk - Two in One! WOW

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - That first photo above is rather interesting. Is it an I. nil. I can see the heart-shaped light yellow leaves! Both bloom and leaves are VERY beautiful!

Nice blooms all of them. Thanks for posting that photo of Suigetsu. I grew one that was labeled Suigetsu, but after seeing the bloom photos in PlantFiles and your photo ... it's not that cultivar. Not sure what I have.

I have the same problem here with the stunted stigmas and anthers with no pollen. Disappointing to say the least... :-(

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Love your blooms Dany, all beautiful.

szarvas, Hungary

It is what I call the perfect flower.
it's a variant of Blue Bird, slightly darker with shades of blue on the border.Perfect opening , good fertility ......Rating: 9 / 10.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Closer !

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

An other hybrid from Black King .(green foliage)
It is a flower that is very serious with it is not kidding!

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Another place, first flower but I'm sure it will be a good cultivar.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Blue spot, fertility ... Grrrrr ... rating: -10

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - YOU got it going on with all those lovely vines and blooms! I love the colors and interesting patterns you are getting on all of them. Your hard work to cross them has paid off this growing season! :-)

I am trying to post some photos. I just tried and it kicked back on me. Grrr ... let's see if I can do this again ...

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Oops! Wrong thread. Sorry about that! The photo was supposed to go on the 2010 Bloom photo thread.

Those blooms are coming from a cut piece of my Purple Speckles that I have rooting in water. Blooms are smaller in the vase, but I was still surprised they all opened and looked rather perky for not having roots yet! :-)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Dany, I agree with Becky, great hybrids you're creating.

Becky, love the Purple Speckles bloom, it's a beauty

szarvas, Hungary

In four days for Ipomoea indica gives roots, how many days for Nil?
I'm like St. Thomas I want to see it to believe it!

Here a large flower : Honor of Miyuki (purchased from Teacup Japan )

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Wide margin white + two shades of blue + cross.A lot for a single flower !

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Pink flower with large marge white.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Remember first it was a flower with a strange shape.
Other flowers are normal and beautiful.

Plum Frost Blizzard

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

An other beauty NOID.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

From Becky : Lady Yagumura Kaleidoscope ( LYK ), but not very " kaleidoscope " as it still gives the same type of bloom. But flowers every day.

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

Another also very beautiful with a very dark pink + a drop of mauve. FANTASTIC!
On paper it should be Shibori Purple X Gray Lady from Becky, Is this possible?

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

About cultivars with many different types of flowers.
As Purple Splash or LYK.
When I sow ONE seed I get ONE plant that present ONE type of flower or ALL types of flower?

All the people who grow Mauve Splash this year should even compare results.By me 2 seeds gives two plants with two different types of flowers.

I had doubts about the name of this cultivar and in fact it is indeed Mauve Splash.

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - It looks like your vines are putting on a great show for you now! Quite beautiful every single one!

Your Mauve Splash blooms may change as the vine ages. Mine did. My Sazanami did as well. I've discovered that many cultivars don't have stable blooms.

Here is my theory on the LYK (as an example) ... it comes from Youjiro genes. The ones I have grown tend to be partially sterile. The Youjiro seed I originally grew to get the LYK was also partially sterile (no pollen). So to continue to get seeds from the LYK, mine had to be crossed. I use whatever pollen is available in my garden at that time. If the fertilization takes place, it is a guaranteed cross. There are too many blooms on the LYK to mark them all by the pollen plant, so I don't. I grow and cross-pollinate the LYK just for fun. And if anyone wants some of my LYK seeds, you won't know what kind of vine and blooms you will get until you grow it out. It usually varies from seed to seed. Some seeds produce stable blooms that look the same, bloom after bloom. Some seeds produce blizzard or patterned blooms that vary from bloom to bloom. And some may even produce two completely different blooms on a single vine.

An example of a vine doing that is the Purple Speckles I am currently growing... it produces the speckled blooms, some with streaks and flecks, some with just flecks, but it also produces those dark solid color purple blooms. which I find strikingly beautiful in contrast to the speckled blooms. To me, it seems it may be random (or perhaps not so random) genes in each and every bloom depending on the genetic make-up of each individual seed.

The thing that I do notice which is more stable in the LYK vines are the leaves. They are usually solid green, not variegated. Though the leaf shape may be different. I don't believe I have seen any variegated leaves on any of my LYK grow-outs. Though they are crossed with cultivars that do have variegated foliage.

I think these possibilities exist in any crossed vines, such as the Shibori Purple X Gray Lady. There are pink genes in that cross. And if it was crossed, by open pollination or me, with a solid pink blooming vine ... then that may be what you get from one of the seeds. I mark the seeds by the name given to the vine I collected the seeds from. That is the only thing I know for sure. I am very careful when I collect seeds to ID them properly by the vine they came from. I've learned to keep my vines separated for that very reason.

And I still wonder if external stimulus also affects blooms. I believe that fertilizer can and may affect the appearance of blooms as well. These are just my own theories. I'm not a scientist.

MGs and JMGs are given new names by many who grow them. Many cultivars have more than one name as we all know. To me the names don't really mean anything more than a way to ID them for seed collecting and sharing or selling. I believe that the majority of I. nils and some I. purpureas originated in Japan. It appears when they get to the USA and other countries, they are renamed. Many folks do like to name their crosses, too. :-) But I am probably just repeating what you and others already know.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Dany, love the gorgeous pink from Teacup Japan, really special
as is the lovely pink no id, this one is my favorite for today.
My LYK I grew last yr from Becky was completely different from your bloom.
I'll send a pic.
Dany, I think my Mauve splash is very similar to yours.

This is not my best pic of LYK

Thumbnail by patootie
szarvas, Hungary

Thanks Becky and Jackie.
Mine LYK has youjiro leaves !

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - I. indica took about week and a half before I saw any roots forming. The I. nils took over 2 weeks here for me to see the start of any roots. I. indica seems to be the more determined species! :-D

Added to comment on:

This one: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=7941902 looks like Kokhan to me. It is possible that the pollen came from that cultivar. It might have been open-pollination. The hummers do like the MG bloom nectar. Sometimes they beat me out to the garden before I do the hand-pollinating.

This message was edited Jul 4, 2010 6:31 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Here's a photo of a Kohkan cross bloom. This bloom was much smaller and frail because it was growing in a starter pot. I wanted the blizzard pattern on this vine, so I never potted it up and it died. I love the Kohkan Blizzard. Hmmmm ... I need to grow that one again. It was really pretty like yours, Dany! Only it had a blizzard pattern on the flowers. I loved the variegated foliage, too. When crossing using the Kohkan pollen, most blooms were pink regardless of what the pod parent looked like. The Pink gene was dominant.

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Here is what the Kohkan Blizzard looked like. Odd that the blizzard gene was not dominant in either cross of mine or your blooms. Interesting ...

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Pretoria, South Africa


I just love this one. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/fp.php?pid=7941895. Very dainty...


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I like that one, too, Elsa. I wonder if it could possibly have the Pink Silk gene in the cross?

Dany - Does it happen to have variegated heart shaped leaves? It's definitely a beauty!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, It does resemble a Pink Silk. I didn't notice until you brought it
to our attention, lol

Melbourne, FL

Becky, this one came from the last batch of MG seed you sent me. Is this a wild type? I think it is quite lovely, and love those wild leaves. Just noticed I posted in your thread, Dany...so sorry.

This message was edited Jul 4, 2010 8:45 PM

Thumbnail by gardenpom
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

gardenpom- Love the pretty photo! Looks like Alamo vine. And it is a really nice species. They are perennials that will last for around 5 years if protected from frost. :-) http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/53476/ I thought you might like it as much as I do. One thing though ... it doesn't like to be overwatered. If that happens, some of the leaves will turn yellow and drop. I love the foliage! It's so unusual. Glad you are enjoying yours. You'll get a kick out of the huge seed pods on it too! Everything about this vine is just downright wonderful! Seems the bees, butterflies, and even hummers use it for nectar. Which is why every single bloom on mine always produces a seed pod. I don't hand-pollinate it at all. :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Oops! I just realized that we are posting our stuff on Dany's thread. Sorry about that! We should probably take our bloom photos to this thread from here on out: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1110841/

gardenpom - I must have read your mind as I just saw your edited post about this being Dany's thread, too! LOL!

I just had to edit this post one more time ...

gardenpom - I just looked again at your photo ... it looks like art work and should be framed! A really lovely and beautifully balanced photo!

This message was edited Jul 4, 2010 7:50 PM

Melbourne, FL

Thanks for the info, Becky. And sorry I posted on the wrong thread.

szarvas, Hungary

It's horrible, I must leave my garden for 5-6 days. (Travel)
Will I survive?

Thumbnail by dany12
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Dany - Oh dear! You are leaving when all your vines are starting to bloom? That would be torture for me! =:-O

That bloom color you just posted is a really nice shade. I like the flecks of white on it, too! A VERY lovely one!

Everyone seems to have their favorite colors for blooms! :-)

szarvas, Hungary

Here two different size for leaf of Black Ipomoea batatas .
I hope that the cultivar has small leaves will grow, but I fear that this is a Bonsai type!

Thumbnail by dany12
szarvas, Hungary

A new for today, without looking at the sheet I saw at once that it is a production of Karen (G 2005 ).... is signed!
Finally one of his wonderfully without these horrible Watermark.
Bravo Karen! Thank!

Thumbnail by dany12

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