Let's talk about shasta daisies

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

My shasta daisies are almost finished blooming but their pods have not started drying up. I have deadheaded a lot of them. Can I expect it to rebloom or should I cut the plant back to promote new growth and blooming? I don't know the variety of this Shasta but it only gets about 18-20 in. tall. Stays pretty compact, no floppy. I thought it was "Alaska" but internet showed that Alaska gets taller than mine.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Is Becky considered a Shasta? If so, it's an awesome plant. Mine is still blooming. It's about 3' tall x 2.5 wide. Pic taken on 6-26-10.

Thumbnail by killdawabbit
Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Closer up. I plan to divide and spread this one around. Love it.

Thumbnail by killdawabbit
Millville, NJ

Kildawabbit, "Becky" is a cultivar of shasta daisies. I just got one.. ;)

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

I hope you like yours as well as I do mine. Mine was in a small 4" pot last spring (09) when I planted it.

Convoy, OH(Zone 5b)

Here are some of my Shasta Daisies. This picture is Alaska Shasta Daisy & Brunello Lily

Thumbnail by wlmicroman
Convoy, OH(Zone 5b)

This daisy is Broadway Lights, late June

Thumbnail by wlmicroman
Convoy, OH(Zone 5b)

This is Broadway Lights, July 4th

Thumbnail by wlmicroman
Convoy, OH(Zone 5b)

This Shasta Daisy is Fluffy (first year). I need to move it to a more sunny location.

Thumbnail by wlmicroman
(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I really like the 'Fluffy' being so different, the other ones are just plain gorgeous.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

I've kind of been pooh-poohing Shasta Daisies for many years but after growing Becky and reading this thread I think I'm gonna have to try some more. Thanks for the pics everyone.

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

How tall does that Broadway lights get? I have a yellow daisy from Proven Winners that I like real well but it doesn't seem to have grown well. It is called Vanilla Butterfly and it is like a light yellow daisy. I just went outside in the dark to look at the plant tag because I couldn't remember it's name. Maybe I should transplant it to a sunnier location one evening after the sun has gone down.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

I like Vanilla Butterfly. Thanks. I put it on my 'to buy' list for next year.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I adore shasta daisies. Becky is supposed to be the strongest grower in my area, so plan its location carefully. There are fewer varieties suitable for my hot climate, but so far Becky, Aglaia, Alaska and a yellow one have done very well for me. Here is Becky, in its prime back in May

Thumbnail by vossner
Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Vossner, I love that gladiolus. Might it be hardy to zone 6? What variety?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

glamini tom. i think in your zone, you'd have to lift bulbs in fall. don't know fer sure. It is considered a tropical.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I have 'Little Princess' here and it's just gone gangbusters on me this year. I wish I had taken some pictures of it, in fact, I just deadheaded it last night. I just love how it just took off for me. I started it from a small start last year, fertilized it with rabbit poop in the spring and it turned into this big, beautiful almost bush-like plant. I have some 'Becky' seeds that I'm going to put out this fall and I really want to get some of 'fluffy' after seeing it in the pictures above. I wish I could say that Alaska has done well for me because I love it so much but it really hasn't.


Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Vossner, thanks. I think it is pretty enough to be worth that small amount of trouble. Plus once I get it propagated some I can experiment with zone pushing.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I am a BIG fan of glaminis, they grow to about 2 ft and don't flop, unless you plant too shallowly. I try to plant 6" deep, but if I'm too hot or tired or mosquitoes are eating me alive, then bulbs fall where they fall, lol

Centennial, CO(Zone 5a)

I have 'Snowcap' shastas in my front yard, they are the perfect height (about15") and very full. They're slowing down just a little now but still gorgeous. I deadheaded them yesterday so I'm hoping to keep them blooming longer. I have 'Becky' in the back yard &she's HUGE - at least 4 ft tall. I plan to divide that plant this fall & spread it around a bit.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

vossner, I have never heard of 'glaminis'. Being miniature makes me want it even more. Mind telling me where you got yours?

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

got my first dozen from Brecks (can you believe it?) but these days other people sell it, including ebayers. Might be a tad late to get some now, late winter is the best time. We just had rain here, good for plants, bad for my computer. Google glaminis, and you'll see the various cultivars. there are 5-6. I have them all but my fave is Tom, a dark red.

Also worth considering are the dwarf species glads. google that too. They stay short also. Easy to get but now is kinda late.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Cool, thanks.

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

I posted this on a few other gardening sites. My grandmother's name was daisy. I like the blue flax with the daisies.


Thumbnail by DEMinPA
Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

DEM, beautiful picture! I like the way you combine plants. What is the conifer in the background?

Lake Charles, LA

How long does Blue Flax bloom?

Selinsgrove, PA(Zone 5b)

The conifer is Colorado Blue Spruce. This year it is not blue. (Bought from Walmart six years ago).

I winter sowed the blue flax. They need to be planted close together to hold each other up. They bloom from May through July. This year we didn't get much rain for three or four weeks. I gathered the last of the seeds today.


Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Here's "Old Court Variety"

Thumbnail by perenniallyme
(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Hmmm....adding 'Old Court Variety' to my list along with 'Fluffy'. I definitely like that!

How has that done for you, perenniallyme?

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

janaestone, I've only had it since last year. It has multiplied, but doesn't seem quite as vigorous as the other semi crazy daisy type one I have. Could be because it was a plug last year and hasn't quite taken off yet, but I don't know for sure.

Convoy, OH(Zone 5b)

Pippi21 - The Boardway Lights Shasta Daisy gets 18" - 24" tall. Mine is closer to the 24".

Also, I have the daisy shown on this post. It is a Marguerite Daisy "Vanilla Butterfly" which gets between 18" - 36"; mine is closer to the 18" but it is in partial shade versus full sun. The flowers are more yellow on this plant where as on the Broadway Lights, the color of the bloom changes from early yellow to later a pale yellow or almost white bloom.

Thumbnail by wlmicroman
st.george, NB(Zone 5a)

These are from a package of seeds called "Crazy Daisy". Lots of variety and very hardy. I like the fluffy ones best.

Thumbnail by growum
Albany, ME(Zone 4b)

I had a shasta daisy once that was a beautiful perfect (for my garden) butter yellow. I've been trying to find one like it, since it was destroyed by slugs. (I now use copper collars around vulnerable types.) I thought Broadway Lights would do it, but it turns almost white when older. The yellow I'm looking for is the same as the Butterfly daisy that someone else mentioned. But that's not a hardy perennial.


Upper Saint Clair, PA(Zone 6a)

Just letting you know that if I keep Becky deadheaded and well watered, it blooms until a killing frost for me in zone 5a. Love it!

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

linjasar, thanks for the info. I've put that little chore on my to-do list. :-)

Upper Saint Clair, PA(Zone 6a)

Good luck, killdawabbit (love your name)! It's a very strange year for bloom time in my garden so I don't know what Becky will do.


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Linda, I think it's a strange year for bloom time in everybody's garden this year. With all the heat and excessive high humidity it has really thrown off all my plants. I have some that haven't bloomed yet that are usually done by now and some that are well past blooming and look like they think it's end of September already that usually don't bloom until mid-August.


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