Apropos of Nothing v.16

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

We came from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1105449/

This thread can't be derailed because there's no topic. HA!

WARNING- there may be discussion of guns, tattoos, pest removal or other potentially 'horrifying' subjects. If you can't handle that, this is not the thread for you. Disagreeing about a subject is okay, flaming people is not.

Thumbnail by the1pony
(Judi)Portland, OR

Pony - I love the "warning" -

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Judi. :)

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

So WIllow... you remember that little hunk o' mystery mallow root you sent me?

I think it's happy.


Thumbnail by the1pony
(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

These Bright Carnival DLs are killing me, they're so beautiful.

Thumbnail by the1pony
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

How about that. It looks very happy. I have babies all over now. Did you get the white one also? I think the leaves are slightly different.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

If I did, the raccoons killed it. They took the pineapple lily you sent me. :( They dug it up and left it lying on the dirt several times, and I kept re-planting it- then one morning I went out and it was gone without a trace. :(

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh that is sad. I lost mine also. Maybe to the winter weather. My DS is going to give me a couple more this fall.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Wonderful daylily, Pony. Ours haven't even started to bloom yet here on the hill. Julie's babies down in the veggie garden are also just starting. We hope to see a little color by the end of the weekend, however, if the weather cooperates at all.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I guess mine are mostly early bloomers- I've got 8 kinds blooming. (well, one has already pooped out- 'Outrageous' only had 2 flowers due to heavy slug damage) I only have a few kinds left that aren't in bloom yet. And several that aren't big enough yet to bloom this year. Pretty neat considering at this time last year all I had was one little Stella. :)

I'm super excited to have so many dahlias, too- I can't wait until they all get to blooming! Only one has flowers right now, but I'm seeing buds on some of the others. :)

Thumbnail by the1pony
Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Love that daylily Pony!

I lost half of my Eucomis also. I had 6 and now I have 3. What's even weirder is that they were in 2 groups of 3, about 2-3ft apart, and I lost part of each planting.

edited: And that Dahlia!

This message was edited Jul 1, 2010 7:37 PM

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow. Bad year for people with Pineapple lilies. :(

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

They're borderline hardy, I think.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I thought they were hardy to zone 6 or 7...

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

I can't believe you guys down south have dahlias already. I won't see a one until August. Are these the big guys or the little ones?

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

The one that's blooming here is about 3 1/2 feet tall and the flowers are small to medium sized. The couple of giant ones I have aren't anywhere near blooming yet.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

B&D lilies says z 6-7, but most places I've seen z 7-8, so I think it depends on which one it is. Digging Dog Nursery has different zones listed under the different subspecies...

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

I suspect the hardiness also needs to be combined with soil type - heavy clay or loamy soil would make a considerable difference on a hibernating plant.

Like you northerners - our dahlias are still pretty low to the ground and really only come into the fore from mid august - but goodness once going they will do a grand display! I leave all of mine in the ground and this year with our severe winter I thought they were all goners - didn't expect anything from them. But bless, all present and correct! What troopers.

I've planted out my first daylily - lilioasphodelius - in an area that is on the border of our wild garden. One of our well known gardeners, Derry Watkins, suggested growing hemoracallis in the shade areas since most of their growth is spring and autumn. I don't think her shade is quite as deep as mine (our trees are very dense) - so I am experimenting on the edge of the area (sun until 1pm, then deepening shade for the afternoon). So fingers crossed. The plants are young, just a single upright (technical phrase please from one of you experienced daylily growers) - so I am really hoping this is going to go well. Still to plant out are: Baby bumble bee, border baby, hunters torch, and black magic - but where to plant? I had only PLANNED on trying one - but once I located a source, the catalogue was a touch too yummy. Well, my mother always said my eyes were larger than my stomach. BUTTTTTTT, if they will tolerate some shade my options are greater - much greater - so great that I may have to file for bankruptcy. Alas - but what a way to go!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Oooh- how exciting! I hope they do well! I could easily bankrupt us with daylilies. They're just irresistible. :)

(Judi)Portland, OR

The dahlias here are not doing anything yet. My daughter's mother in-law is growing the flowers fro the wedding and pink dahlias are my daughter's favorite but that's not gonna happen!

I also lost a pineapple lily - it turned to mush. And it's raining again, but I don't mind at all as long as it doesn't go on and on and on...

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Ah, yes. One day of rain right now is good. Don't have to water that way. But anymore when we have a long weekend to accomplish things would NOT be good.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

It's supposed to clear up over the weekend. I was kind of glad it rained last night- I've been lazy about watering. hehe.

Tracy is leaving tomorrow morning for 3 the week portion of scout camp. After that he'll be home (well, at work, mostly) during the week and at camp on the weekends until mid-august.

I don't get lonely, exactly... I've always been fine spending time alone. But I do miss him when he's gone.

(edited 'cause I kan't speel)

This message was edited Jul 2, 2010 12:28 PM

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

And crabbing opened up, so no-rain would be much more pleasant for that (although the flip side is maybe some rain would keep some of the crabbers at home). Mmmm love that dungeness, even though the first one costs about $100 (license + boat gas + truck gas + trap repairs).

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Boy, do I remember dungeness crabs! We're going out with friends for some Maryland-style blue claws tonight. We can crab off our dock, but DH goes clamming sometimes and that requires the boat gas and so forth, too.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Yes, it was perfect timing for the rain! Just shy of an inch overnight and now it's looking brighter.

Laurie, most of my daylilies have to put up with some shade. Most of them do pretty well with it. (The term you're wanting is "fan", btw...) I'm just a casual daylily person, though.

I think I've read that Eucomis do need good draiage. Mine are in my really good drainage area, and I still lost three of them. I'd like to get more or replace the ones I lost, though. They're interesting and pretty easy care.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I lost my Eucomis, too. I think good drainage implies that there is a point at which the water stops. We didn't have that this spring. I wonder if Dan Hinkley lost his giant Eucomis . . .

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Anybody want a pregnant cat?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

She showed up at my house recently and has apparently claimed me as her hooman. Unfortunately, I cannot take her in- we have enough problems with our three cats already. She's a sweet little thing, very affectionate, obviously a former pet because she's not afraid of people at all.

I put an ad on Craigslist in the lost and found, but most likely she is abandoned rather than lost.

Thumbnail by the1pony
Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

susybell, someone gave me a Eucomis last summer, loved the bloom, but, alas it didn't survive the winter,but when I was at Costco they had Eucomis bulbs in bags. so I bought them. I have several blooming right now, but they're not very big. also I wasn't going to grow Dahlias any more and let them die 2 years ago. then when I was at the NW Garden Show I stopped by Dan's Dahlias. I bought about 10 varieties. I liked their selection a lot!!! so I'm back in the Dahlia business. I have several buds and one is blooming now, it's a red water lily type. but it won't be long for the others. I started them in the greenhouse, If I hadn't I wouldn't see flowers until Sept, as cold as it was this spring, Jim

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Poor baby girl. That's so frustrating!! Pony, put her picture on your Facebook page, as well. That network might help find her a home. Those of us connected to you can repost!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

I posted her on there yesterday, lots of people think she's adorable, but so far nobody wants her.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

If anybody has a place to post stuff like this, I'd appreciate it being spread around! :) Here's the link to her pics on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=183581&id=669572321&l=fcc382d5b9

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Thanks Susybell - and ohhhh, I owe you a reply - I haven't forgotten, in fact it moved from list to uncompleted list - we are doing some work on a programme that went slowslowalmostcancelledslowslowslooooowwwwwHURRYUPTIMELINEHURRYNOWWHYNOT YESTERDAY?? I am just smothering in piles of work right now. I do apologize.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Awww pregnant kitty is very cute. If I didn't already have 2 cats.......
Did you make fliers to put in the vet's office? Most of them have bulletin boards for such things. I get angry at people abandoning pets.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Judi, only two cats? That's hardly enough ;)

Laurie, I'm not worried-I was wondering if I was remiss in not writing YOU back. :) When you get time is fine.

I will be waiting until Sept. for my dahlias. I just found one that I thought had died-turns out it's been a slug snack. And then there's the one I'd forgotten to plant....

At least I'm done with the Seattle trips for a bit now and have a chance to get caught up around the house. Mom's finished her treatment cycle and is feeling much better. :) So now we wait for a few weeks and re-test to see the extent of the improvement.

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Here's hoping the treatment did her a world of good!

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Enjoy the summer calm for a bit, I think that will do your mom good too.

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

Susybell I wish you could have stopped by for a visit, but I know you're busy, still would have liked to see you and rich. take care, do what yo gotta do, Jim

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Jim, lots of summer left yet! All my trips to my mom have been very focused sorts of trips, nothing fun at all about them.

I am enjoying the summer calm, surprised to realize how wound up I've been, really. :) She's sounding so much better all around, too. :) :)

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Pony, a bit behind, but I really loved your "warning" as well.

Am going to try to catch up a bit here... have had a broken laptop for a couple of weeks now, and that means that I am not on the puter much unless I am at work, so have been kind of quiet. j

To all those who complimented me on my daylily babies on the last thread, thank you. I am a proud Momma, and unfortunately find beauty in almost every flower, so will have a hard time composting any. Warning... do not encourage me to show photos.... like any new momma, I will bore you to tears in a heartbeat!

Pony, I am glad your dl's are doing so well. If you are close to done in bloom, maybe you will be lucky enough to get rebloom scapes in the fall! I will have plenty of moneywort to share with you... let me know if you want me to mail and I will. If your truck will make it to , I will hook you up with a larger quantity. About your kitty.... If she is not afraid of dogs, my Mom would love to take her. We have a problem with cats.... If they run from dogs, they will not survive here. If they don't run... they are just fine. She has a barn that is set up with a cat door that is a safety zone, and cat house ets. We were hoping that if Steve was serious about the tom cats he had in AK that needed a home, we would find some kitty companionship in them, but don't know for sure if that will work out. I have two cats who are just fine with the dogs, but Mom would love to have some at her house as well. Would hate to set any furry up for a death sentance though....

Laurie.... daylilies do OK here in partial shade. They just bloom a bit later, and may be a bit stingier. They are such a low maintenance plant in the garden it is amazing.

Judi... From a different thread... hope that the wedding goes off without a hitch and that the time spent with your family is full of fun and low on stress..

Susybell, glad your Mom is doing better and that you will get a bit of a break to catch up on your own world. Know exactly how you feel.... you are in my thoughts.

Bonehead... much success in your crabbing adventures! We used to love going crabbing when I was young... along with salmon fishing. My father always joked about me saying as a little girl..... "Look, another free salmon Daddy!". He said that if he factored in all of the costs, it was more expensive than any that you could buy at the most elite supermarket. He didn't burst my bubble until I was older however!

Jan and Greenhouse... also from another thread.... I hope your weather breaks for you soon. I feel a bit bad about being bitchy about no heat/sun when I look at what you guys are going through. It is a bit early in the year to have so much heat and lack of water.....

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Rarejem, yup, we're in the middle of another heat wave! A good day to let the garden fend for itself and stay indoors!

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