Seed Swap & Chat #58

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Ok Sharon I found the seeds and opened a pod there were two milkweed bugs on the pods when I went out there and haven't seen any yet on the milkweeds this year except for those, opened a pod up that was split and there are eggs in there hard tiny eggs I bet those are from the milkweed bugs so I'm taking the magnifier and looking at each seed just for you lol Not really I'll save the rest of the seeds for someone else in the swap don't want you to feel too guilty!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- here is a photo from last year... the front part is completely filled in ... it's a quick grower.'

when i get a chance... i'll do a current image and one from 07 when i moved them... and i didnt find them anywhere... they were already in the yard when i bought it in 06.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH crap... thats Buddy.

lemme try again....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, poor Buddy. Tcs, I did wonder for a minute. Thought you were saying Buddy's hair filled in quickly after the last operation.

Lea, are you sending me the milkweed bug eggs, or sending them to someone else?
Seriously, you have enough to do without trying to find a few good seeds in there. Don't worry about it.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

This is his first surgery. I think i was talking about the plant filling in quickly... but maybe i got my words crossed... it's been a long few weeks.

OH -- i jsut checked my previous post... i guess i did not say i was talking about the hosta filling in quickly... i can see how you though i was talking about Buddy... as that is the image posted.... whoops, sorry bout that.

the hosta in question, that i should send to Lea... is a fast grower. the whole area where you see the lil plants, is completely filled in now. need to split them up a bit.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

You guys are cracking me up! I'm too tired to follow...

We have a 'real boy' across the street the drives me crazy, but I think there may be a glimmer of hope. He mentioned liking my foxglove this spring, and wanting to grow some. I said I had some but that they would require watering over the summer. He figured he couldn't manage that so turned them down. But, I'm saving him some to plant in the fall when he's got a chance of keeping them alive here. I figure any kid that shows interest in flowers I'm going to have to encourage!!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

oMG you all are too funny,heres to hoping you can host the round up,that would be great.My 6 yr old grandson loves flowers and loves to tell you where to plant them,hey Leo you plant it no you can and put it right there,you all know the show Seinfeld remember the soup nazi,well we call him the plant nazi,he is so funny ,he knows alot,about height and placement,and now he is really bossy..

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Maybe it's better he doesn't have the foxgloves... where they are poisonous. It makes me nervous having them, especially if kids are around. My daughters know that some plants make mommy say OH don't touch that one! My dd loves picking flowers and lining the all up on the table, but I try to keep her away from the poisonous ones just to be extra safe.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Toooo funny you gals ... I too was totaly confused by the picture tcs and thought you were talking about buddies fur growing in ... but it just didn't quite fit. I had a good laugh when I got to the next post.

Oh, how I love the pictures of foxglove, they just won't grow here. :( I've tried both seeds and plants.

We got a ton of rain last night. :o)
Supposed to be low humidity and only 83 today. See you out in the garden!

Poison Ivy on my arm and face is finally clearing up and not itching so much. :o)
Hope I don't get any more.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

huggergirl that was funny calling your son the plant nazi I need him here I never know where to put plants! That's why it takes me so long to get them in the ground then I'm not happy with where I put them that and the heat.

Terese poor buddy it will take that area on him a while to grow out as long as his hair is, he's a pretty color!

I can tell that hosta is in the Tiara family :)) I think after I get my daylilies moved it will go well under a couple of my big hosta getting some sun in the morning I have blue mouse ears there now and suprise by joy the only little minis that I have :) Another mini would be very welcomed!

Sharon there were 12 seed pods I did get them all cleaned last night and just a few eggs in that first pod there weren't any in the other pods so the milkweed bugs must have just started laying eggs :) Plenty to share in the swap too :) They are sitting in little shot glasses drying out for the time being.

Guess it's time to start cleaning seeds I've had little cat food dishes laying on a window in between the kitchen and tv room and knocked one off in the floor last night that had a bunch of Coral Nymph in them never did find all the seeds :(

Oh forgot to say I had the milkweed pods sitting in a tupperware container before I cleaned them and while I was in the kitchen on of my cats Stump grabbed them and took off had to chace her thru the house for them LOL She has never done anything that LOL I'd expect it from Patch she is a very bad kitty always getting into trouble but not Stump she's shy and timid never into trouble wonder why she was attracted to those!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Meredith, I'm not too worried about the neighbor boy, he's actually about 11 or 12 years old. Old enough not to eat the plant :) Just a mess, always playing ball in the front yard, and something always ends up in my beds breaking plants!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks much, Lea, for working so hard for those seeds. I had no idea you'd have to chase your cat around the house for them. Guess they're much in demand by many critters, from milkweed bug to cat to human.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I had that problem too Kelly the kids next door playing with a basket ball in their driveway and it rolling into my plants I said something to the mother and she said yes she was worried about her plants too lol Don't think she ever said anything to the kids but they haven't had the basket ball out there in a while really they don't have much hard space to play with the basket ball so I hate to tell them not to play with it there I took that into consideration when I did my planting out there and tried to put sturdy plants along the side :) You probably already had your plants there.

Well I'm going out already it's 84 and the humidity is miserable out there! Looks like it's going to rain I really hope it does I'm doing some transplanting.

I had a new cat outside this morning when I went to let Sophera out she is such a wimp she caught smell of it and came back in the house I had to sush it off lol She'll be in the house all day now just to hot to let her out anyway I had a furr ball on my front porch must have been from that cat I think someone dropped her off last night haven't seen it before. I feel so sorry for that stray cat I know the other ferral cats will fight her I have one that stays in my field all of the time near the wild bird garden Sophera doesn't go up there much so I leave it alone I always see it laying in the field waiting for something to eat I'm sure.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Lea, those Milkweed pods must have looked like a cat toy to Stump. LOL
Did the fuzzies get all over your house? lol I can just see it ......

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

No the fuzzies were still kind of tight she did lose a few when she drug it around lol I picked up those and about four seeds off the floor last night then found two more this morning ;) That could have been a mess thank goodness they were just opening and it had sprinkled on the seed pods earlier.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Disaster averted!!!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm so glad you all mentioned milk weed bugs. I've got some showing up now. (Thought they were box elder bugs, which I am VERY familiar with from my parent's house.) So, sounds like they lay eggs. I looked at the seed pods collected so far and they look OK, but the bugs just started showing up. Should I flick them into some soapy water like beetles, or is there another method, or do you all just let them be?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

When I get too many in the evenings late I spray them with pure alcohol but I don't spray the ones on the flowers or seeds. Those eggs were right in the seed pod I guess they lay them in there soon as they start splitting open they aren't really that hard to see a little bigger than a Monarch egg and they are yellow. This is the first time I've ever seen them in the pods but usually the pods have already opened by the time I'm collecting and there are milkweed bugs everywhere they are just starting this year.

On that alcohol it only takes one squirt I use it on a lot of insects outside esp. blister beetles but I haven't seen any of those out this year really strange I'm plagued with them every year on my tomatoes, pasque flower and clematis shrub! They devoured a clematis shrub in two hours when I first saw them! That’s when I discovered alcohol killed a lot of bad insects Creepy!

The news said last night that we had a lot more bugs in the garden this year I forget why probably because of the heat maybe? I know I have bugs cutting my cone flowers off three inches below the bloom I'm going to spray with neem oil tonite and hope it takes care of the problem I googled and one girl on a forum said it was a little black beetle I've looked but haven't seen any and now they are cutting my rudbeckia blooms!!!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm imagining the bugs are due to the wet spring too... good with the bad I guess! My crop of leaf footed bugs is only about as bad as usual, thank goodness 'cause any worse and I'd give up on tomatoes all together!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I've got bunches of praying mantis and those wasp that eat insects I just can't believe I've never seen either one eat a beetle LOL Frogs don't eat beetles lizzards do, not sure if garter snakes eat beetles they eat insects.

What is the beetle's enemy? Just birds maybe? I’m gonna have to check that out in my spare time.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Has anyone on here grown the Gomphrena ‘Fireworks'? Can you tell me how to save seeds on it do they have seeds? It's pink and tall and purdy :) Looks like it would put out a lot of seeds if they make them?

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

I haven't seen the deer this year, but I know they are back. Somehow they missed eating most of my daylily blooms earlier, must have been somewhere else. But the last 2 weeks I've noticed the few buds that were out there have been eaten ... and get this ... they are eating all my daylily seed pods!!a@#%&!!!

Did you hear that Ella ... the deer are eating my daylily seed pods! Never have had that happen before. Have any of you had it happen?

don't fret too much Daylily seed lovers, I still have some pods that are closer to the house, so I should still have some seeds to share if anyone is interested.

Lea, sorry, I'm no help with the Gomphrena question.

got to do laundry and hopefully some gardening.

I got so caught up in finishing a book last night that I stayed up till 3am. I'm just getting moving .....

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh man toofew that's not good at least you got to see blooms lol I'm saving a few daylily seeds this year I deadheaded a lot on them this year but saved a few to go to seed.

I know those fireworks do make seeds I think I saw some on the net a while back but might have seen the other fireworks that's like that shrimp plant didn't pay too much attention at the time I need to go into that seed site and see if I can find them just too lazy I'll do it later :) I was just hoping someone on here had them growing or had grown them before it's a cool plant!

LOL The water co. guy was here just now heard something out in the front yard and he was lifting pots to find the water meter LOL I told him because he couldn't find it the last time I would put a pot over it so he could find it in all of the plants now I'm going out to see if he steped on any of them LOL

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Morning folks. Here's a couple more rudbeckias that just started blooming from from your seeds. Love this one! Does it have a name or is it a cross?

This message was edited Aug 3, 2010 9:28 AM

Thumbnail by perenniallyme
Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

A similar one in brown.

Thumbnail by perenniallyme
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Those are gorgeous Sharon! My Rustic Colors puts out ones like that there is a name for them but figure they are a cross the second year I had my RC I got some like that.

The only one I planted this year is the double gold and some bug is taking my blooms off three inches below the bloom almost every single bloom! I got my neem oil out to try and spray on them but afraid to spray it because of the butterflies what do you think I should do??? I asked on a thread but no one responded! They are doing my cone flowers the same way!

The news said we are having a lot more bugs this year I think it was because of all the rain we had or the heat one not sure so I’m just hoping it doesn’t happen next year I really have enough flowers blooming that I don’t need those flowers but it’s very aggravating!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Uggh, Lea I was just out in the garden yesterday, and something has eaten every leaf off of my soybean plants :-( some of the beans too, not that any will mature now that the plants are destroyed! Lil buggers, I was looking forward to some fresh edamame! I really need to invest some time in covering things next year!

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Lea. My Mayas didn't return this year. I thought they were supposed to be perennial. Are a lot of these rudbeckias annual? If so, do they re-seed? I don't want to have to start new ones every year.
Sorry about all your stem-cutting bugs, Lea - and your leaf-eaters, kl. I guess I haven't had it too bad by comparison. The asiatic lily beetles were pretty bad and a constant battle for a while, but other than that, I had white aphids on my lupine and red aphids on both kinds of heliopsis, but think I got rid of them with insecticidal soap.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

When you sprayed your insecticidal soap did you do it late in the evening I get all of these products then afraid to use them I have so many praying mantis out there wondering where the lady bugs are haven't seen any of those this year and have aphids on my milkweeds again! Knock on wood I haven't even had to deal with the blister beetles this year can't believe that! Everywhere I look there are spiders and egg sacks hatching out! Do you know I've been watching these one baby spiders there must be a million of them after hatching out they leave the web thru the day and are back at night!

Terese think you need to make another thread again this is the 268 post Ella might not be able to get back on here when she gets back we've been talking a lot on here lately lol I'll dmail you incase you don't see this :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

New thread.....

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