What all would you plant for a late crop in S.E.TN ?

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Got some room coming up in the garden soon.
Idears are welcome

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

i'm about to plant some fall squash, butternut, spegetti, and delicata squash and we just recently planted some more cucumbers, they grow well in the fall for me. alot better than in the spring. Since we get alot of rains inthe spring time. and we also plant turnips, mustard greens, and fall tomatoes you can plant a fall crop of potatoes also .

you can also plant a second round of summer squash,
we also planted some purple hull peas about 3 or 4 weeks ago, for fall picking. the nice thing about living in our area, is you can plant alot of the same crops twice to give yourself alonger picking period since we have warmer weather longer.

I wouldn't wait too late to plant fall squash though, they need about 90 days to produce crops. I usually plant mine the first two weeks in July.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Wow , thanks . I expected a few paltry small veggies .
Ya got me plumb wore out lol

Seems it will be nice not to worry about frost killing the seedlings this time.

Thanks again
shirley in TP

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

how far north are you in TN? just checking.

I grow spinach and brussell sprouts all winter here. even if they get snow they do well.

if your planting seeds, do it now though. we just planted more cucumber seeds and squash seed, you don't need to be planting seed for tomatoes they will probably take too long to produce tomatoes before frost.

fall gardening is better than spring gardening for us, the weather is more tollerable for the crops, all the rains we get in may are a killer.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

we is here
(red dot)

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

i'd say you could probably plant the same things I am then.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Thanks kathy_ann
I will check at our feed Co-Op today . I'm sure they still have seeds around.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)


My quest for seeds this late in the year left mostly beans & corn which we do not eat anyway LOL.

I found some Romaine lettuce seeds ( our fav) and a cute lil FAST growing yellow billiard ball sized squash called 'One Ball' .

................. anso .............

'Romaine' lettuce is in .

'One Ball' seeds were pre sprouted in a damp paper towel, just till the little 'tails' began to show
( 3rd day ). Planted in the evening in damp soil and 3 days later they were up ....... whooo hoooo ! Going strong with 2 sets of true leaves already.

Good thing about this method is you plant 10 seeds and get 10 plants eliminating the germination percentage worries.

More Swiss chard and beets are in and will do more lettuce and radishes later on.

later gator ,

Franklin, TN

Kathy - About growing veggies in the winter. We're in Franklin (middle TN) and I'd love to grow some winter veggies but was afraid the cold would kill them. I do have squash & various melons & just planted some acorn squash in compost. (Came up in 2 days and going strong) When do you plant & pick?

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I plant my winter squash 3 months before I know the first frost will arrive giving myself plenty of time to harvest everything before the frost comes. Usually planting in the middle of july or end of july. no later.

I have planted brussels and spinach as late as september (plants for the brussels) seeds for spinach and watched them grow all winter long, harvesting all winter and spring. but they grow slowly int he winter months.

I have planted spinach already but it never came up, even with the sprinkler system we have out there it never came up, so I guess I'm going to have to plant again.

We ending our garden this year in october or very early november so we can amend the soil adding mulch and horse manure and maybe some sand if we can afford it. to loosen up the soil some.

We harvest cucumbers for canning all the way up till the first frost around here as we don't plant them in the spring but wait till the end of may to plant them, they seem to do better when we plant them later in the season, and I plant two plantings, one planting is being harvested now and the other planting will be harvested in a month. I have lots of pickles I want to put up.

Brocolli won't grow all winter for us, we have to have some sunshine for them to form heads and grow, and you can't find fall brocolli plants around here so I only plant them in the spring time.

my garden is doing well considering the ll0 degree weather, it's getting lots of water. Wish I could say the same for all my flowers.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

i put in brussel sprouts, collards , cabbage and broccolli in september

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I am going to have to replant my collards and mustard greens, I guess I platned them too soon. so we'll put them in sometime this month. again

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

What do you all do about the remains of the spring plantings? Do you pull up all the old plants and till (basically start the garden over)? I've been thinking of doing that before planting for the fall this year. Usually I leave what is producing still, but the bugs have been bad this year. Wondering if it wouldn't be best to start fresh. The problem is that August weather is so hot still that the ground gets very hot and dry when it is bare.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

We do, we usually put it all in the compost pile, but the fall garden gets tilled into the ground.

Iowa Park, TX(Zone 7b)

Okay, thank you.

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