PNW seed selling group

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

several years ago i found a group online and they were a pretty big gardening group in the pnw. they had a pretty big membership with oodles of seeds. and though they did sell to their membership first others could purchase. and it might be that you need to join to be able to buy seeds. all i can remember is that they had PNW in their name.

does this ring any bells with anyone?

thanks. barb

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi, A lot of people on this forum save and swap seeds several times a year. Never heard that they sold them. They will probably give you as many as you want. They will find this thread soon.
I've noticed your name several other places as I grazed through, welcome to the PNW.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks for coming over, Barb.

Melissa is on vacation. I'm sure she'll respond when she gets back and let you know if she can remember that.


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

a few years ago.....and i know i must have gotten the name from some of yall in the first place. anyway this group of gardeners.....and they must be a massive group to have the seeds that they do.......they sell their seeds and i mean they are cheap. they were going to go up in price for non-members on seed price but even so the amt of seeds they send was large. they had oodles of salvia and calif. poppies and tons of other stuff. members get first choice and then they sold their extras. that's all i can remember.

thanks for the welcome. no rush either as i wont' buy till fall.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Well, we'll all be interested, as well if we can hook up with this group. :-)

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

yes you would in fact. i bought only once from them. at that time they were in the process of changing how they were going to sell seeds and seems like you were going to have to be a member but even that fee was reasonable.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Northwest Perennial Alliance?

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Ohhhhhh. I didn't even know they did seeds . . .

Speaking of which, Sue, I'd love to get some mimulus cardinalis seeds or plants from you next time we get together . . . I'm actually thinking, depending on how the summer goes, that I'd like to make a trip down with friends to see Cistus . . .

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

susybell that just might be them. however when i bought seeds before they had pages and pages of seeds. i am going to call or email to get the scoop. thank you so much for finding the name.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Kathy, sure, you're welcome to some mimulus cardinalis. I've got a number of baby ones, not a problem at all. Cistus is a nice visit, I'm sure you'd enjoy it. I've gotten good plants there as well.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks, Sue!

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey Kathy, maybe you could swing by on your way back- I could give the milk jugs I forgot to give you last time, and you could visit your birdie babies. :)

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Yeah - depending on how I/we go, that would be a great idea, Pony. How are the little cheepers doing? Have they driven the kitties wild yet?

(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

They're doing just fine. Frankie has taken to standing up and putting his face up to the cage, but he doesn't try to knock it over or anything. I holler at him and he runs away.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Poor Frankie. ^_^

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I'm a member of NPA and have never been notified about any seed selling!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Who else here is a member of NPA?

I just emailed to get some info on helping to pack seeds. It sounds like it would be fun.

North Lakewood, WA(Zone 8b)

I've belonged for many years. If you go to their web-site they sell seeds, cheap.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

gwen let us know what you hear.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I need to find some seed sellers in the PNW. I've found a few seed exchanges but I don't have anything to trade unfortunately.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

tikipod why don't you look at the pnw and see if they have anything you can use.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Are you perhaps thinking of Seed Savers Exchange? They have a catalogue with a limited offering to non-members, but the variety available to members is incredible, from what I've heard.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

no i think the one i wanted was the pnw one. i have heard of seed savers though. do you have to become a member?

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

For Seed Savers, you have to become a member to have access to their full range of seeds. They also have a smaller offering and a nice catalogue for people like me who don't belong.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

can you see a complete list without becoming a member? do you know the cost of membership?

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Here's the site:

There's a section on membership discussing the various levels and fees. And you can't see the complete list unless you're a member, although the general catalogue does have some nice offerings. The membership catalogues are thick and apparently they also offer member-to-member exchanges. Membership entitles you to their magazines, as well.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

thanks. are you reading that there are 2 levels of membership? one for the seed buying/exchanging which is 10.00 and one if you want to get the publications that is 40.00?

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I do not see the $40 one. Where is that? I see the seed one and then the flower one, each for $10.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Okay, never mind. I did find the $40. So the way I read it, $40 for seed saver exchange which is all veggies and produce. $10 additional for the flower and herb seed exchange. It is difficult to understand. Do you think I'm wrong?

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

It looks as though there are two entities you can become a member of: the Seed Savers Exchange, which involves fruits and vegetables and is $40, along with the catalogue and magazines, or the Flower and Herb Exchange, which probably has a smaller catalogue and may not have magazines associated with it, for $10.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

do yall all grow heirloom veggies? i remember what food used to taste like when i was a girl. what have they done to the flavor of green beens?

i'll check them out. i might just have a spot for a big vegetable garden next year. who knows what i might try. sounds like seed savers is a bunch of people growing veggies that pool their seeds and the same with the flowers. like the pnw. i like this whole concept.

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