
Lebanon, OR

I am looking for people to test my iris in your garden...I have testers in Nashville, TN, New York, Maryland. If interested let me know


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Dee, what iris are you planning on sending for a test garden?
I would be interested.


Elba, NY(Zone 6a)

I would love to test your iris. I have about 5 acres of barren land here at the moment. I try to think of it as an empty canvas and not ugly nothingness since we moved the house. I don't know if you need another New Yorker or not. We are halfway in between Rochester and Buffalo. It's kind of mild here as far as NY winters go but we do get quite a bit of rain.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Yes, yes, yes!

Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

moi, s.v.p.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I would like to test your iris also!

Newfield, NY

i would love to testes iris for you.pleas please

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

How about the U.P. of Michigan ? A test for hardiness for sure.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Dee...

I am a pretty new gardener and new to Iris and would be glad to test a few in the Phoenix climate.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Dee how many do you want tested. I have room for a few if you want to test hardiness.

Midland, TX(Zone 8a)

If you need a hot dry test area I would volunteer my backyard! The soil is alkaline and the water is hard. Not all the iris that grow well in the Willamette Valley do well here.

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

ME! I have started my new beds on the Eastern Shore of VA. (Across the Chesapeake Bay and about 30 miles south of Chincoteague).
Would make more of a coastal in zone 7b. Mine are really going to town since I have moved them. Would love to!

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)


Me, too! Me, too! Oh, wait, I'm already testing them ....lol.......it's just hard for me to pass up on any offers.


Raleigh, NC

well, DUH girlfriend - you know I'm willing. Goodness knows I'm not going to be getting anything new this year!

Have two sites available, one in 7A, not as sunny, with heavy clay soil I amend with compost and sand, and a touch of manure. I use drip irrigation if needed, and on new plantings, use a soaker hose as needed. The land all sloops. I'm redigging my best, sunniest bed this month, so let me know if I need to plan space for yours.

2nd site is down near Neuse river, 7B. full sun, sandy soil, to which I add compost and a touch of manure and everything there is growing very nicely. The land is flat, but raised up enough above the river level that it hasn't flooded in a long time. I use soaker hoses on all as needed.

Am now doing a good pre-emergent and alfalfa tea on all.

According to Tony Avent and the folks at Plant Delights Nursery, the 7A/7B line falls diagnally through Wake County. I've got a site on each side of the line. 7A side tends towards all clay soil, and 7B is mostly river basin land with the sandy soils.

Looks like we are helping dig Dr. Epperson's gardens starting July 19th. Gotta get my digging done first.

This message was edited Jun 29, 2010 4:31 PM

Raleigh, NC

oh - FYI - if you test them in my gardens, they will be seen by iris judges, too. Starting with Ruth Barker and Bob Pries and a bunch of others!

just to let you know in case you don't want that. ((((grin)))) Yeah, like THAT's going to be the case....LOL

Lebanon, OR

Maxine they will be medians and TB no beardless...

Green Thumbs you should know that you would be getting them, but you already have the two TB now...the yellow and the raspberry! Did you read the email about the oriental poppies? Do they grow there?

caitlinsgarden I need that area so I will use you as well.

grannymarsh that will help as well.

locakelly need a hot zone too:)

rebloomnut about 10 this year...lmk if that is too many for you as MT would be great for hardiness

NeilTR can you handle about 10 more. You know the ones that I will intro this year and you have some you keep...unless you have too much SS

If I have not listed here this time, your name please do not think I have eliminated you except for doridunn and only because I already have NY and that zone.

OK before we go further here is what I will need from you

I will send you via email a test garden report that helps me in making a decision rather to intro or not.

Questions include, how many you receive the seedling number, the year you receive then when it blooms the bud count, the branching then a question I need you to be honest with me...if it will be introduced would you buy it, if so why, if not why...you need to be honest!

Pictures help greatly because from coast to coast they can be very different.

Anita if you read will you continue to test?

If you have ordered then they will be shipped with your order if not they will be shipped in Sept. Now they will have already been dug and replanted NOW and will have new growth on them.

Now what do you think?


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

DE I have room for 10 if you want me to help out LOL. I am the one gaining here.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

DE I have room for 10 if you want me to help out LOL. I am the one gaining here.

I wonder if I should get them the earliest possible so they can establish here better. How could we do this.

Eunice, LA

I'm in south-central Louisiana and have raised beds. I'd love to give them a try.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Sounds great Dee! Whatever you need me to do/track I'm game! I'm always up for a challenge.

I have admired your Irises for some time and would be very honored to test some for you. This is definitely a harsh climate and will put them to the test. Many of my friends here grow beautiful Irises so I'm confident I can as well. September is perfect planting time too.


Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

no luck with the poppys here, too something in the summer. but never know, this summer is different from any other summer i have experienced as long as i have lived here.

i have the yellow, do not think i have the raspberry. i will go look in the morning.

Lebanon, OR

Another thing you need to know is that you CAN NOT sell, trade or give away any until one year after it is introduced unless I ask you to destory the plant.

You may use the pollen and enjoy, when I introduce the plant is yours unless it has multiplied like a rabbit and I need any back...


Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

i am enjoying!
well, i am more melting right now, it's hot as hades here.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I'm still willing to test for you!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Fair enough - your Iris, your rules - lol.

Eunice, LA

No intentions of doing any of that. Pick me too please!

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

If you need 7,000', clay soil, wind and harsh winters, that we have. So if you still need a tester after all the others have been sent plants, we would be glad to test for you too. I am an avid record keeper and photographer.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I am in and will help anyway I can D. It will be fun and a good experience just like the JI have been. Which by the way are doing well.

Lebanon, OR

Great news for us...that means that everyone under estimated the zones for JI:)


Lebanon, OR

Well with all the replies I have received I see I have pretty much all zones taken care of now, so I will have to say thank you and I can not use anymore testers.


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Its your iris, Dee, so its your call as to how they should be handled. As to pictures, I take them every yr. for my own records.
Yours have done very well here.


Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Dee, for considering all of us.
Should be a great experience.

In the land of great summers, long Winters and 180 inches of snowfall.

Gardiner, ME(Zone 5a)

if you need someone in the Eastern States I would grow some for you here in Maine.

Nashville, TN(Zone 7a)

NeilTR can you handle about 10 more. You know the ones that I will intro this year and you have some you keep...unless you have too much SS

Hi Dee-

Yes, I have room for as many as you want to test here. I have a large bed I cleared out last year to rework the soil this year. I have the few I've ordered from you and some that I need to move because the trees have grown and shaded, but other than that the bed is open.

SS has four increases (two with rhizomes about 1", one rhizome smaller, and one just beginning). If you need any of them back, let me know.


McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Yes, I will be happy to follow the rules!

Lebanon, OR

Neil on SS that would be great if later in the season you could send some spares back but keep yours!


Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

If you need some grown in zone 8a in sandy soil, hot summers with winters usually ranging in 20-40 degrees I have plenty of room..

Lebanon, OR

Sorry, I had a greater reply than I expected but will keep you on the list for the future and thank you for offering.

This request is now CLOSED, thank you


Gainesville, TX

My oh My would you not just love to test in the hot OK/TX river sand?

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

Have you notified everyone that is testing? Just wondering.

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