A future MG project for Morocco

Aschaffenburg, Germany

Hey all,

Some of you will remember that I spent four years of my life in Fes, Morocco. Fes has an extreme climate, it is very hot and dry in the summer (45 degrees Celsius), in the winter, however, it never gets as cold as to the freezing point. Thus, coming from Germany where there is lots of forests, pastures and commons it was hard for me to get adapted to the arid climate. I decided that I had to grow some flowers to survive there. Somehow I got fascinated with morning glories, and it soon became a passion. As my parents both became sick last year, I decided it would be best to return to Germany, to care for my parents, but hoping that at one stage I may return to Morocco again. I shared my house with a Moroccan brother in Christ, but he had to move back to his Muslim family since I left, and is, of course, very unhappy about his present situation.

I have been helping him both by encouraging him regularly through emails and phone calls, and also financially since he is unemployed. Now I have, however, reached my limits where I cannot help him anymore. This is where the morning glory project comes in. While I was in Fes, God gave me a vision that one day from every balcony and garden in Fes, morning glories will greet the tourists and visitors from all around the world. You all could help in my vision becoming true simply by praying for it.

I thought, for the time being, I will share my vision with you and my own church. The idea is that we share our spare morning glory seeds, the money received from people interested in growing them would go in a fund that could help my friend in Morocco to finance his professional training with computers.

Thanks to all of you.


PS. Picture of a local church with the famous Mathias Grunewald paintings.

Thumbnail by gofast
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Martin - Sorry to hear about your friend's challenging situation. I am sure if God willing, that it will work out for him per God's plan.

Also sorry to hear about your parent's illness. Are they doing better? When do you plan to return to Morocco?

I know you received seeds in the past from many of us here on this forum. Were you able to grow them out to get more seeds? That's an interesting idea that you envisioned about selling MG seeds to help your friend. Wishing you the best with that endeavor. Do you need new seeds to grow-out to collect more seeds from? If so, dmail me your address.

Pretoria, South Africa

Hi Martin,

It is so good to hear from you. Hope your parents are doing better... you are in my prayers.


Aschaffenburg, Germany

Thanks Elsa, I appreciate your prayers.


Aschaffenburg, Germany

Hi Becky,

My problem in Morocco was that whenever I was close to getting some seeds we had to move house, so I lost my complete MGs collection and amaryllis twice. I still have seeds left, but am limited in what I can grow at the moment without a garden or balcony. I do not know when I will return to Morocco.

Thanks for offering your help, Becky.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Martin - My offer to you is always open. Just dmail me if you would like more seeds. :-)

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