Are MGs quite responsive to changes in light conditions?

Aschaffenburg, Germany

I am growing a couple of nils in pots. To encourage straight growth I turned the pots a couple of times. It seems that morning glories don't like that, they responded with shedding the buds...Has anyone else observed this?

I have seen that vines sometimes drop their early-produced flower buds but then become quite good flower producers later on. The flower bud drop did not seem to be caused by anything I had done with the plant, however.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Martin - I, too, have had early buds drop off the vines. Not sure why, but I don't think it had to do with anything I did. Which actually, I didn't change anything. And as Joseph said, the vines later became great bloom producers. Though I did wonder if the humidity level or lack of it might have caused that to happen.

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