Northeast forum Pets 5

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

HI everyone! I wanted to check in on the pets thread. I see you talking about grain free diets and EVO, I went to this pet shop in town and was surprised to find out they only sell holistic food. I got some samples and my new kitten didn't seem to like it. I was told to give him science diet kitten dry food and pate type (pet smart brand~ which actually says grain free on it) plus a little whiskas pouch type, the food is chunks and lots of gravy. He really loves the last one I mentioned so I tried something the store person thought would be comparable and he hardly touched it! I don't think he's eating any of the dry food now that I mixed in the sample holistic stuff she gave me. My kitty isn't cooperating.

This message was edited Jul 22, 2010 10:49 PM

South Hamilton, MA

kids & kittens don't.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Lol, I went back and edited it because sometimes I don't make any sense when I type! :)

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

When switching food don't do it all at once, you need to blend it 20/80 at first then 50/50 and then make the switch. Easier on their stomachs and to get used to eating new.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Good luck Sherrie...sentimental or not they are still our best friends!!♥

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Everyone loves "junk food" including kittens. Those pouch foods are just more kitty crack. Your kitten will love bonita flakes and the dried little fish and shrimp that you can find at ethnic markets. You can buy freeze-dried fish and meats at pet stores and they are very expensive, but the perfect treat for those little fuzzy carnivores we love so much.

Thomaston, CT

Hope things work out for you,'s very hard....

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Me too, Sherrie. {{{hugs}}}

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Thanks a Yankee Cat I'll try those for him. : ) Sherrie I'm sorry too... I just lost my kitty of 13 years so I know how tough it is to lose them. :(

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Thinking of you and your dog, Sherrie. Tough place to be in, for sure!

Here's a neat story with a happy and miraculous ending. My friend who lives down the road from us has been staying in a little cabin on the lake while her extended family is staying in the "big house." She has a 17-year-old partly deaf cat named "Whitey", an elderly dog who has cancer and a younger rescue kitty. When she made the move to the cabin a couple weeks ago, Whitey didn't come back after he went outside the second night. He has been gone for almost 2 weeks and the woods here are filled with very dangerous predators. In fact, 2 nights ago, we were awakened by the eery howl of a lone wolf pretty close outside our bedroom window around 4:30 in the morning. Well, my friend was sure that Whitey at age 17 and practically deaf had met his demise in the forest. But last night as I was going to bed, I passed a window to our front porch and heard a cat on the porch meowing constantly. I looked out and saw a white cat on the porch, and sure enough, it was Whitey! We live about three and a half miles away, up the mountain! The miracle is that if Whitey had gone to any other house on the road, no one would have known who he was. He's never been to our house and yet a Guardian Angel brought him safely to our door when we were home and able to hear his call. He's actually in pretty good shape considering his ordeal. He enjoyed some Half and Half in a china bowl while we were waiting for my friend to come get him. The reunion with his Mom was very touching! I just love a happy ending like this and know that you guys will too!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

That's awesome! I wish that happened to my kitty instead of never seeing him again. :(
The kitten likes one of the new holistic foods ~Wellness Healthy Indulgence. At least he likes one so far.

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Oh Donnie, I love to hear stories like that. I'm a sucker for a happy ending! Sometimes things happen the right way.

AYC, I got bonita flakes for my cat and he looked at me like I was trying to poison him. He wouldn't touch them. I did buy a kitty treat at the store which was hyped as "good for teeth" Heck, he almost took my finger off trying to get it and the dogs got a gleam in their eyes waiting for Cat to drop one in their reach. But the one that they make for dogs and cats...Greenies.... OMG, I have never seen such bizarre, rabid behavior!! They will go NUTS for a tidbit. (and they only get a tidbit considering the price)

When I was a kid we had a cat that hated shrimp, but put corn on the cob in front of her and she was in heaven. Go figure!!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Great story, Louise
Funny Weeze

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

my 37 year old horse firefly decided it was time to go be with god last night... she lived a long happy life

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Allison - 37 is an amazing age for a horse. You are a good horse mom. {{{hugs}}}

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

So Sorry Allison((((♥♥♥♥))))

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Love those kind of endings Louise!

So sorry Allison, that is a very long time to own a pet, I can't imagaine. ((((Allison))))

Thomaston, CT

I have tears in my eyes from both stories! So sorry, Allison,.... she'll be waiting for you some day, like all our beloved pets.

I will take this for a pet anyday - Even though I HATE snakes!

South Hamilton, MA

Not a very useful snake, however. Sorry about your horse, Allison but what a great age for one. She obviously had very good care.

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

I would love to have that snake!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I had her since I was 19... and she was 17.... and the last 10 she was with my friend Jodi.. in south jersey... so she gets most of the credit for keeping her well... I kept telling Jodi it's the salt air and soothing property she owns that helped keep that horse happy... we thought 5 years ago was going to be the end for her... but she bounced back with vengeance... and just took some kids for a nice walk now and then... she lived a happy life that's for sure... mostly got brushed and fed carrots .. who can ask for better

on to happier things

edit -- just realized I had the same one twice

This message was edited Jul 24, 2010 2:48 PM

Thomaston, CT you are going to miss that crew! Of course, they're terriers & sweetly crazy!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Firefly photos

Huron, OH(Zone 5b)

Sorry for your loss. Great photos. DD's arab mare is at a friends neighbor,s backyard. She's 32. We get to drive by and visit.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Firefly was a beauty! I didn't know horses could live that long! I am so sorry you had to lose her. Sounds like she had a wonderful life.

Thomaston, CT

She was very sweet looking.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

thanks guys... she was a challenge... was fine riding her until you "ask" her to do something... she tried to ditch me a lot... and giving her wormer was a huge effort ... usually had feet over my head... a simple 2 min process used to take me an hour... the riders will understand she wouldn't allow me to find my seat... the horse trainer that saw me trying to ride her.. and how determined I was to learn to ride... that's when he offered me to lease his horse... my skill level in a month with the leased horse passed my 2 years TRYING to ride her.. but she taught me how to hang on... LOL.. but she went kicking and screaming the whole way .. and was always nice to children.. couldn't ask more of a backyard horse

South Hamilton, MA

They are always missed no matter what the age (you were lucky). So nice to have a horse that was good with kids.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

She was beautiful Allison! So glad you had her for as long as you did. ^_^

This message was edited Jul 25, 2010 8:16 AM

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

newest shots & weights.. Hope is not the smallest now!!!!!

Thumbnail by onewish1
South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I'm in love with # 2 & 7!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

I think I am switching the name of trouble from 2 to 7.. LOL... you have good taste!!!... Randy's fav is #6... I just call her a suck up.. she gives lots and lots of loving .. I really do love them all.. going to be tough

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

They are adorable, hubby said not to get any ideas

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

the yorkie would rule over Wall-E.. LOL

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

They are ALL so cute, it would be hard to choose just one, being the sucker I am..I'd come home with 2!

South Hamilton, MA

very cute puppies.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

# one for me♥♥

Thomaston, CT

I'm with #6...those eyes got to me.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Funny I picked 6 before I read the rest of the thread! She looks like a love bug. : )

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