Northeast forum Pets 5

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Coming from here:

This is the pet place!

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Thomaston, CT

Just watched Last Chance Highway on Animal Planet...sad to see the animals just dumped, but heartening to see them with their new families. One dog was going to Kittery, ME, & the truck got off at the Greenland- Portsmouth NH exit....Greenland was my DH's first job as a teaching principal....I saw the sign & just burst into tears.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Sorry, Robin. Gonna be tough for some time.

Thomaston, CT

For sure...most of the time I'm fine, but the show was emotional to begin with.....

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Yes - hard to watch shows like that. Horrendous what some pets are forced to endure.

Thomaston, CT

I see it everyday in the way Robs reacts to people...Suey loves everyone, but she is so afraid I'm going to leave her, she follows me everywhere.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Terrible. We adopted a beautiful cat that someone just left in a box across the street in Astoria. For a long time, he winced when you approached him. Must have been horrible for him.

This is a shot of him. He died about ten years ago. My father was broken-hearted for a long time.

Thumbnail by victorgardener
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

what a cutie Victor.... so sad though

Louise they look like they having a blast running around

Jim was playing with Mr G on the tractor and he jumped and flew in the air and head butted me.

I have a black eye.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh NO Sherrie!! So sorry, Mr. G is turning out to be a handful!!!

Jim is the handful. Dogs should be on the ground not the flipping tractor.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

ouch... that's not good

made a new video

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ouch, Sherrie. I'd be nervous with the dog on the tractor.

Cute Allison, I may need my puppy breath fix!

A guy that is in our network group own's a pet store and they have customer appreciation yesterday went and got some free treats and food for Wall-e, also got his nails clipped for free

Thomaston, CT

Your Dad's cat was very regal, Victor. Allison, can't believe how big those pups are getting!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

puppy breath runs out in a few weeks Jen... monsters right Robin???.... we have to put them in the bigger pen today... they are all escape artists now

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

"they are all escape artists now" LMAO.....I remember those days, good luck!!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

thanks.. think we are going to need it

Thomaston, CT

Put lots of piddle pads in the house.

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

you know it

central, NJ(Zone 6b)


Thomaston, CT

Saw that on the news last night......very pitiful.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I've labeled this shot, "Four Sleepy Critters".....that's my DG namesake (staying with us for a week) with my girls this morning as soon as I got up. I always say, there's always room for puppies or grandkids in my lap!! LOL Good thing I feel that took about 3 seconds before all 3 hopped up to snug me in my warm sweater.

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

too cute Louise... I can say until these puppies.. I have never seen so much poo in my life.. they are little machines

About 4 minutes

Thomaston, CT

Louise, save that photo for the contest! Sherrie, loved that amazing to see Patrick on the surfboard, & then up & moving.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b) funny....and as they grow.....well, you get the point!
Marilyn - photo contest?....nahh, maybe if I weren't in it! LOL especially first thing in the morning....but you guys are family, right? LOL

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

yeah bigger and bigger messes.... feeding time is getting much better

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

our trouble maker

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

very cute, Allison! How is Hope doing with her eating and weight?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

What was he trying to get??? was momma not in there with them?

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

OMG was a little imp!!! They are so cute but "Trouble" is a tenacious little devil!!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hope is doing well... almost as feisty as Trouble ... and he is just trying to get out... no matter where they are... he wants out.... he will run around crying and trying to escape for 10 - 15 mins every time he wakes up

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Oh, Dear!!! Good luck!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Sounds like a husband!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

LLS (new one...laughing like silly)

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

sorry we don't have a puppy named Silly YET... only Jily, Lily & Wily


uploading a new video now... OMG you have to hear the puppy growl

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

it will be done processing in a few mins.. but you can still see it

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Too funny! They are all pooped out but that one little's wound up tight!!
Is that "Trouble" by any chance?? LOL

Thomaston, CT

Those pups are so entertaining...some lucky folks are going to get some lovely dogs.

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