Need advice on store Hippie bulbs

Lake Charles, LA

My Hippeastrum are in pots right now. How do I go about digging them up and storing them until I find a permanent place in the garden for them?

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Just leave them in the pots for now!

Lake Charles, LA


They are now growing for next years blooms.

Lake Charles, LA

Ok, but how do they store them for shipping purposes?

This message was edited Jun 29, 2010 9:07 PM

They do not ship until late Fall!

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

They keep them cool and dry until shipping IIRC.

Corrections welcomed!

Keep them in pots for summer as already advised. You have plenty of time to move them in fall. All you would need to do is move them being careful of the roots and just replant or pot where you choose. They can stand time out of soil but wait for cool weather to make them dormant. If they are going to be out of soil for some time then taper off watering leading up to that. If you don't need the time, then just transplant them and don't worry about it.

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