collecting dogwood seeds

Coon Rapids, MN(Zone 4b)

I noticed a thicket of gray dogwood (cornus racemosa) in a park near my house. Has anyone ever collected gray dogwood seeds? When did you do it, and what process did you use in planting them?

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Hmmm, never collected seeds, they just drop and collect everywhere, my guess is they have to mature, dry, need a cool spell to germinate, and shoot a root into dogwood viable soil. Probably do best doing this in the environment they were living in. Good luck. Hope it works

Coon Rapids, MN(Zone 4b)

Hi, kittriana. Yes, they seem to be spreading out very well in the park. Just for fun I want to see if I can get them to grow from seed in my yard. I collected some of the seeds in August and have them hanging out in my freezer for now. Sometime this winter I'm going to plant them in small pots under growlights indoors and see if I can get anything large enough to plant outside in late spring.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

Have a memory they take an acid base soil from somewhere, u might check on that

Coon Rapids, MN(Zone 4b)

Thanks. Our soil is pretty acidic, so it'll be good if that's the case.

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