CLOSED: HELP! Thunbergia Alba

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

My lone Thunbergia alba was murdered this morning by a rabbit. I must have seeds to replace. Can anybody help? I have a lot of seeds listed on my havelist.



Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi Daniel, was it ripped out of the ground or was it just chewed to the ground? If chewed down, watch for new growth. Plants are determined rise again. Those wascally wabbits munch my hostas and other plants frequently, but they always resurface. So if you don't get more seeds, just watch the location and put some kind of protective fence around it. As long as there are healthy roots, it will keep trying to grow.

(Daniel) Mount Orab, OH(Zone 6b)

YES! I just looked at it and there is new growth! Thanks so much ButterflyChaser!


Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I'm so glad! I hope you can keep those rascally rabbits off of it. I noticed this morning that they've eaten my three black ornamental potato vines. No wonder it hasn't covered the bed yet.

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