Visit to Rose Garden, Ooty (Nilgiris, India)

Marine Parade, Singapore

I've just been on a visit to Ooty, located in the Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu, India. While there I just had to visit the Rose Garden. Unfortunately I just missed the annual flower show, but there were still many beautiful roses to see.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Not all the varieties were labelled, but this was. It's 'Royal Amethyst', and had a heavenly scent.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

The Green Rose (rosa viridiflora - I think)

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Don't know the name of this one.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

This is a lovely apricot colour.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

This was a deep velvety red.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

A burgundy rose. No label unfortunately.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

I'm not sure what this is, but it's an adorable little rose.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

They had a range of variegated roses.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Marine Parade, Singapore

Tangerine and yellow.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Gorgeous roses!!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

How lovely Gangajay, thanks for posting! I bet it smelt just heavenly in those gardens.

Marine Parade, Singapore

Yes it was lovely. Every so often we'd stop and breathe in the scent. And the air is very lovely up there anyway.

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Keaau, HI

Great thread Gangajay!

Roses are tropical too!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Keaau, HI

One more tropical Rose!

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Marine Parade, Singapore

Wow, those are gorgeous! What are their names?

Thumbnail by Gangajay
Keaau, HI

Not sure of any cultivar name; just know them as China Rose.

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Kapaa, HI

Yes they are lovely

aloha from Hawaii


Marine Parade, Singapore

Hi there!
Greetings from Singapore!
I had to include this one - it's named after the river from which I get my name! Pity it looks a little sickly.

Thumbnail by Gangajay

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