Is this clematis wilt?

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

I looked through posts and went to the site suggested.

My C. x henryii is 3 years old and has bloomed heavily this year; has a couple of blooms even now.

Just a few days ago I noticed the top of the vine is brown and dead looking. Some of the lower leaves are affected too (it is climbing through a Clethra before it heads up the fence.)

If that is the problem, did I read it correctly that I should prune it "Below" the ground? Take down the entire vine?

I did not do any pruning of the vine this year. Shoulder problems.

Guidance appreciated!

Thumbnail by cedar18
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

That is not necessarily "wilt"..I would follow the vines that have the brown leaves down and see if they are broken...then prune right above the first set of green leaves on that vine..this is not uncommon to see.."wilted" vines are usually blackish not brown..broken vines will show brown leaves ...check it out and let me know...Jeanne

Pineville, WV

Mine do the same thing EVERY year! I am seriously thinking of pulling them up and planting something new. They do this right after they start blooming. I posted some pictures in a post I named "clematis trouble" about a month ago. Someone replied and called it brown legs. I trimmed them back yesterday because they look so bad. I know it won't work and I'll have to cut them back to the ground, I have to every year. After that they grow back like nothing happened, until next year when they start to bloom. If you get any information please let me know.

Lula, GA(Zone 7b)

It was today before I could get out there to undertake this. The clematis was so interwoven with the Clethra shrub, the metal 'tutuer' or whatever it is, itself, and the fence -- I just went in there and wildly cut back the vine to chest high and/or where there was good looking foliage. It looks healthy, except for all those brown crispy stems and leaves!!

Idohair, mine bloomed beginning Apr 30 and performed very nicely till probably 10 days ago.

I think this fall I am removing the Clethra. My idea to let the Clematis 'ramble' through it (actually I read that, it wasn't my idea) has not worked so well. The Clematis is SO vigorous that it overwhelms a shrub that size. And now that I see ol' henryi doesn't need much help, if it survives, I'm going to let it just climb the fence.


Pineville, WV

I am going to dig mine up in two weeks and move them. Mine NEVER looked as good as yours I hope you have better luck with yours than I have had with mine!

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