Update on seeds this seed sharing group sent me last OCT!!

Galesburg, IL(Zone 5a)

Hello, FIRST OF ALL, I HOPE I AM POSTING at the right place. Its been awhile since i have been able to post on this wonderful website. I wish i had more time to browse all the good info here. Problem is, i get to Dave's Garden website, and i enjoy it so much, i have a hard time leaving. Since summer has arrived i am so busy outside each evening after work, in my garden, that i cant seem to find any time for the computer. I really do love this gardening website, and i have learned alot from this seed forum!

I made it point to log on today to let the NICE GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO SENDS NEW PEOPLE SEEDS, that i did experiment with ALL the seeds they sent me. This was my first Spring EVER using seeds. It was a trial and error attempt, but i thoroughly enjoyed starting all the seeds that were sent to me, and checking on them frequently to see if i was having any success. I am happy to report i do have quite a few seeds that are now fairly tall. I am sure i didn't do everything correctly, but i started my seeds in the trays that are seen in garden centers. I bought 2 large seed starter kits that were sold with heat mats to set them on. I am so new at this, that i never even realized these trays existed. I just happened to pass them at Lowe's at the very end of winter/early Spring. I bought seed started dirt, and i used a bit of every seed packet you guys sent me. I also shared my left overs with a co-worker. I feel i did fairly well, as i now have them in small pots and i am thinking i can soon move them to larger pots. Since i really don't know anything about seeds, i guess i am using my own system. lol. After the seeds germinated and sprouted and got sturdy enough i moved them to small clay pots. They have been in the small pots for a quite awhile now, and i feel they look hardy enough to move to larger pots. I have the small pots on my screened in porch with indirect sunlight. From there, i thought i would start introducing them to more sun, and then hopefully plant them in the ground. I may be going about this all wrong?? Any tips would be appreciated. I hope to find some time soon to read some of the threads here and learn more.

Thanks so much for sending the seeds, i have really enjoyed seeing the seeds grow. The seed sharing is such a neat thing. Class act! Thanks again, and i hope to post some pictures of my first blooms. I am not sure what half the stuff is that has grown, cause i was not smart enough to label everything i planted. But as they are growing i am able to identify some of them by there little leaves. Thanks again for sharing!!!!!! Truly appreciated your generosity and unique idea of getting new people interested in seeds.

I am adding a picture of my screened in porch and if u look closely you can see my pots inside that have my sprouts/plants that began with the seeds you sent me. I am also adding a picture of a mature plant i have out front of my house that began by seeds about 3 yrs ago. I had a package of seeds i found laying around my house that yr, and i put them in the ground. I never expected them to grow as they did, so i have no idea what these are called. Can anyone tell me the name of these flowers. I think they are a wildflower of some sort??? I get lots of complimets on them when people walk by my house, and i am frequently asked what they are. Those are the only seeds i have ever planted until this yr.


Thumbnail by twohassles43
Galesburg, IL(Zone 5a)

Here is the flower i am wondering if anyone can tell me the name of that i started by seed about 3 yrs ago. I didnt realize that i couldnt post 2 pictures on the above post.

Thumbnail by twohassles43
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Two Hassles that is wonderful!! I am so glad you enjoyed your seeds and put them to use yourself and shared them too!! That is what Gardening is all about if you ask me. There enough for everyone and we can all make something beautiful
with such tiny little things. A seed imagine the things in that little tiny seed!!
Thank you so much for sharing your happiness with us. Come over to the newbie thread and chat someone will know what you have growing...we have some smart cookies over there oh and you better hurry or Charlie will get the cookies!!
Here is the link

Thumbnail by arejay59
columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

your flower looks like maybe a husker red penstemon

Middleton, TN(Zone 7a)

Good job "Newbie Seed Team"! Glad you enjoy everthing twohassles and fantastic job on getting everything to grow. Come visit us at the Newbie chat thread that arejay linked for you above. We are always doing something. Having fun, sharing ideas, and pictures. And I like your screened porch by the way !

Galesburg, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok guys, i will come chat at the newbie thread sometime very soon. Right now i have to get ready for work. Thanks so much for the response to my message and Thanks Kobwebz for telling me my plant looks like husker red penstemon. I have never heard of that one, but i do enjoy those little bell blooms each yr, and the stems and leaves have alot of red color too them. I dont know how i come about those seeds that year, but noone else around my town has a plant like it. I get lots of people asking me about it. And too think those come from little tiny seeds, that i had no idea would bloom like that each yr.

Arejay is the picture you have here a iris? Its very pretty. It almost looks like a body with arms on each side. Maybe a ANGEL! :) See u all as soon as i get a chance at the newbie chat thread. Posting a couple picts of some of my flowers that were blooming well about 2 weeks ago. Since then we have had heavy heavy rains and flooding. Today was a nice beautiful sunny day and i swear my flowers have doubled in size since this photo. Need to take some pictures of how everything is looking now. Its amazing at how the rain makes things grow so well. I am really happy about all my flowers this year. I have worked non-stop everynight since the end of April digging and planting and making pots. I am FINALLY TO THE POINT that i can sit back and enjoy now, and watch my birds at my feeders. Hummingbirds are drinking off all my flowers and everything is looking so colorful. Seems like i spend alot of time moving stuff around in my yard, always trying to have my pots in the right sunlight, and decorating my yard as if it were the walls in my house. lol...always something to do when i walk out my front door. Most nights after work i am in my yard until 10 or 11pm. I think my husband thinks i am obbsessed. Little does he know, my yard work keeps me sain..haha..Have a great day everyone.

PS Mechelle, thanks for commenting on my porch. We love it too. Very peaceful back there. Backyard lined with Blue Spruce evergreens, and we get lots of nice birds because of the beautiful Blue Spruces we have.

Thumbnail by twohassles43
Galesburg, IL(Zone 5a)

My flower bed out front as it was taking off and getting into bloom. After these rains things have doubled in size overnight it seems.

Thumbnail by twohassles43
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

That is so bright and cheery!! Your gardens are beautiful!!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Your flowers are beautiful twohassles... Those seeds Arejay sends out sure can start an addiction..Come on over to the newbie thread, we all are addicted over there..

Robin I love that iris...I do hope thats one we can get from Mitt?

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