Tennessee Veggie Seed Swap For Tropical Variety Veggie Seed

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

Hello Guy and Gals,

I like to try different kinds of veggies and I was wondering what you all grew over there in your garden for veggies . Any photos & seed description of what they are might try to do some trading.


Here's my Little Garden here in Tennessee

Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates
Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

any veggies in the island diffrent from over here ?


Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates

Hi, Sarge,

Not many veggie growers here. Every bug and disease really attacks vegetables here. There are some folks trying to grow plots commercially, peppers, cucumbers, okra. Tomatoes suffer the long warm nights here and refuse to pollinate. Most tomatoes are a winter crop because the nights are a little cooler. Lettuce is Summer Bibb. Swiss chard. Umm, root crops are odd things in the grocery store, Taro, Cushcush, and several others.

I believe there are a couple of varieties of bananas that can live through your winter, but I don't know much about them, maybe you can go ask at Banana.com


I guess this is not the answer you were looking for!



Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)


NO not really but that answers my question though thanks a Bunch LOL pun intended .he he he

Oh, by the way, really nice garden you have there!

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

thank you

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Sgt,

We have the same problems with veggies that Melissa has with regard to the bugs, etc. I have found my veggies do far better in the winter than the summer.

Quite a few different types of Asian veggie seeds are on the shelves here - I haven't tried them myself, but I do have a packet of "asparagus beans" waiting to be planted. Next time I am in the store I can check what they have, if you are interested.


If the Asparagus beans are the same as yard long beans, they are fun. They have very pretty pale purple flowers, self pollinate, and the beans are OK to eat very young, like at a foot long. The baby beans, at 3 inches long, like just like little sticks.

Yes, that's a baby bean behind the flower, upper right.

Thumbnail by
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I'll bet those are the same beans Melissa, I am looking forward to growing them when it gets a bit cooler here. A friend told me that they taste just like asparagus - is that true?

Key Largo, FL

Hi everyone. I'm in zone 11a (Florida Keys) which is a real challenge to grow within; no dirt! (We're an old coral reef that rose out of the ocean)

I have tried the following veggies with varying degrees of success, all outdoors and containerized:

Tomatoes-okay in winter, only a few on vines.
Eggplant- "
Cucumber(burpless, heat-resistant strain)-great year-round, till mid-summertime. Harvested very small; delicious.
Sugar Snap peas-great flavor and growth rate
Peppers (cubanelles)-winter only
Potatoes-winter only. Harvested in "new" stage, very tasty.
Garlic (heat-resistant strain)--nope. Got healthy greens, no bulbs.
Lettuce (heat-resistant strain)- great growing, but small.
Green Beans (organic Blue Lake bush)-great growth/production rate till midsummer.

Problems here are **whiteflies** =O !!, fusarium wilt/drop in summer, root rot in summer, everything associated with extreme heat and high humidity--in summer. Veggie gardening is hellish then.

Interesting note: a "true conch" (born/raised in Keys) told me she drills holes and fills them w/potting soil in her yard. I might try it, too many pots in my yard.

1stxsquid-- Check out


There's a fellow in FLL growing corn and tomatoes.

Melissa in St. Croix

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