USA Veggie Seed Swap For Australian Variety Veggie Seed

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

Hello Guy and Gals,

I like to try different kinds of veggies and I was wondering what you all grew over there in your garden for veggies . any photos & seed description of what they are might try to do some trading ?


Here's my Little Garden here in the USA

Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates
Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

Hello any one with Veggie seed to swap ?

Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates
barmera, Australia

Hi Sarge. I think we're all just waking up over here/ Give us another couple of hours. Colleen

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)


LOL forgot about the time zone thing Sorry . Good Morning ; >) it's 4:30 Pm here


Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

when are folks up over here ?its 10:10 am here

Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning Sarge....we just had a long weekend...maybe everybody is still getting over it...
Unfortunately I don't grow anything unusual in I can't help....
Just dropped in to say Hi....

barmera, Australia

Sarge, I'm sorry that no=ones coming in to talk to you but I don't think that we are allowed to swap seeds anyway. It looks like you have quite a garden. Do you only plant vegies or have you got fruit trees and a flower garden as well? Colleen

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)

sorry just veggies right now havent been out of the Army long 9 months and have to revamp the trees round here.they have been let go for so longthey dont grow much of nothing. and i have a few flowers but not many i hope too ;)


rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

hey sarge,think ive seen you in the games forums,i dabble a bit in tomatos and radishes[cant kill-em here],but even theyve had to make way for my liliums this year,..anthony

Christchurch, New Zealand

some seeds can be sent to the US - I just sent nemesia seed & it got through ok.
Sending back to Aussie or in my case NZ is tougher.
Our biosecurity rules are very strict.
It can be done as some of the group have mentioned brugmansia seeds coming in.
I think there might be a bit of paper work involved.
I don't know if there are many veg seeds here that would be any different to that available in thew States.
Perhaps heirloom tomatoes would be interesting if anyone has those?
I grow a few herbs but not from seed.
I also have a lettuce that came up as a volunteer in my shingle driveway.
I let that go to seed & have more volunteers coming up - tiny wee things right now but it is the start of winter for us downunder.

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)


Hello Brother I like Both tomato’s (maters) as we call them and radishes (any kind) D-mail me I will give you an address for seeds or whatever way to acquire some that you grow there.



any type of odd veggie seed IE. peppers, cucumbers, garlic, and things were what I was hopeing for . i few flowers as long as they dont like to take over a bed are ok .


Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

hey sarge,my daughter looked at your picture and was absolutely shocked,by the size of your whitegoods in the background!,.,..Im heading off on the 'southern aurora'tomorrow ,to antarctica,on a 6 month contract,erecting ,what they call,distance shelters[pays well],so you cant count on me to send seeds,.,.adios amigos,and on with the lambswool gear,,.,anthony

Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)


that was trash on the way out to the rubbis pile ,lol unless you are talking about the kitchen that is a summer home and i like it very Clean & no Clutter it is not used much


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