WANTED: Butterfly and hummingbird attracting plant seeds.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Hello everybody !!!! I want to attract more butteflies and hopefully some hummingbirds into my backyard but have no plants yet other than some small passion vines which are being eaten by the Gulf Fritillaries caterpillars and then some Butterfly weeds (Asclepias tuberosa) which I got from Home Depot yesterday. Since I can't afford to get a bunch of plants I will appreciate and seeds or plants that I could get. I can pay postage with no problems. My goal is to have a nice garden for the winged creatures. I would like anything that can grow in the South Florida heat and doesn't need to be watered daily. I do my best to water every morning but in between school and work and shores around the house I might skip one day. Anything will be appreciated. Thank you very much !!!

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