Wanted Black Petunia , or morning glory seeds

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I have purple petunias and lots of other things


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i have some of the more common ones and can send you some like heavenly blue ,split personality ,red cypress vine, white cypress vine, moon vine white ,moonvine purple. I may have some pearly gates left over. if you want them dmail me and will work something out like postage or something.

i think the black petunias on the market are the only form you can get them in at the moment as they were just introduced this year.

what types of morning glories are you looking for? walmart and stuff sells the more common ones(heavenly blue, pearly gates,mt fugi mix to name a few) and so do lowes and home depot but the more fancier ones you have to let people know what you are looking for. because those are harder to come by especially when not very many here in USA.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'm going to be saving seeds from the wild morning glory that is growing in my yard, well all over in the local area around Lake Cumberland. Are you interested in them? Let me know and when it goes to seed I'll put some aside for you.

Thumbnail by marti001
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I'll take any I can get.LOL

postage or swap


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Got you on the list.

Gettysburg, PA(Zone 6b)

I have lots of different kinds of MG for trade. Take a look at my list:


I'd be interested in at least your spice bush seeds....please look at my want list at that link and see if anything else might match or be similar.


(Pony) Lakewood, WA(Zone 8a)

Lavina, I can send you some 'Star of Yelta' morning glory seeds if you want them. They're very dark purple. Just Dmail me with your address.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I also have some MG "Celestial Mix" if you'd like.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

There are some wild morning glories everywhere in my yard, if you send me postage I can send you cuttings or plants or whatever! There is a big purple one and some smaller pink ones :)

Pittsburgh, PA


I think that "morning glory" is bindweed, which is a morning glory. I found this info on an agriculture site: Field bindweed is more than a nuisance; it's a pernicious weed. Like many nonnative invasives, bindweed is a tough plant that threatens to take over once it gets a toehold. There aren't many positive things to say about a plant that can smother a garden in a season and reappear Terminator-like after the most conscientious yanking.

I have seen this plant over take an entire tree and envelope it in its leaves and flowers, almost like kudzu.

Be careful, it can be overwhelming.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the information. I'll do more checking. It has taken over the back of the property, but than again, no one has done anything with this property in at least 10 years, probably more, except to mow everything down once in awhile. I am finding it very hard to dig as it is clay and very conpacted. I need to save up and have someone bring in a small plow or rototiller and turn the ground over with the leaves and shavings I've been getting.

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