purple majesty millet

Plano, TX

i had some from a dave's gardener a few years ago and loved it but it did not return--
so if anyone has it i have seeds to trade for them

Belton, TX

It is an annual and does well in our cooler periods...

Plano, TX

cooler??? i always get a kick out of what texans call cooler--as in "it's a little cooler out today--only in the 90's"
sorry just had to make that observation--i know what you mean tho--only if i want it for the cooler fall do i plant it now? or do i plant it in the winter for the cooler spring?

Belton, TX

I plant it in the fall here for late fall/winter and early spring...but we are in zone 8b/9a so it may make a difference...hard to think of planting anything right now due to the heat!

Plano, TX

thanks--i will think of that for later then!
we at least are having some cloud cover this week and so much better to work outdoors a little

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